Kanji - Level 32 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 酉 alcohol + 夋 spider
Mix spiders into alcohol to make acid. Spiders have a little bit in them already, but if you really want to make it potent, smash them in some whiskey to make a deadly acid that will rip through anything.
Reading: さん
You’re trying to find a container for this acid when Santa-san (さん) bursts through your wall. He frowns down at you. You’re on the naughty list now. You killed spiders AND made dangerous acid? Ooooh you’re in trouble.
Radicals: 夫 husband + 貝 shellfish
A husband and his husband find a shellfish and agree to share it.
Reading: さん
Since the husbands were able to agree, Santa-san (さん) believes they’re both good husbands and belong on the good list. Therefore, Santa-san gives them each lots and lots of shellfish for Christmas.
Radicals: ネ spirit + 且 top hat
You come across a spirit wearing a top hat and it claims to be your ancestor. Well of course, if you remember correctly, all of your ancestors wore top hats when they were alive. This spirit must be your long lost, great great… uh… somebody.
Reading: そ
You ask your ancestor what it wants and it points to the soap (そ) by the sink. Soap? It nods at you. I guess your ancestor is here to see the wonders of soap.
Radicals: 金 gold + 㦮 bar
To use your gold at the bar you need to turn it into a coin. Well, more than one coin, probably. But you know for sure that you can make at least one coin out of the gold you have.
Reading: せん
You use the coin to pay a centaur (せん) at the bar. The centaur is the bartender and he makes special drinks for those who pay in gold coins. Good for you!
Radicals: 行 go + 韋 Korea
If you want to go to Korea you’ll need a good defense.
Reading: えい
You need a good defense to go to Korea, so you fill your pockets with acorns (えい). When you get to Korea you plant them all around yourself. In no time you’ll have a strong tree defense, keeping you safe.
Radicals: 木 tree + 几 table
A tree combines with a table to make a desk. When you think about it, a desk is just a table with more stuff. To make this more stuff, like drawers and such, you need more wood, and wood comes from trees. Add materials from the tree to the table and you have a desk.
Reading: つくえ
When you finish the desk you turn to your friend and say, “It’s cool, eh (つくえ)?” Your friend looks at you and says, “S’coo’ eh? What?” “This desk, it’s cool. It’s cool, eh?” “Aw, yeah man. S’coo’ eh.”
Another way to remember this reading is to think about where you find lots of desks. That’s right, in a school (つくえ).
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 二 two + 勹 prison
A tsunami hit not one, but TWO prisons, making them extremely dirty.
Reading: お
What’s the most dirty are the prisons’ obi (お) collections. You can hear the prisoners crying, “Oh, not the obi. Our obi are all dirty, oh no!”
Radicals: 食 eat + 司 director
You eat part of a director to domesticate him. This director has been going around kicking cameramen and punching actors and it’s really ruining his reputation. You need to domesticate him. The only way to do this is to shock him into submission. His ego is so big from two blockbusters that you have to eat part of him to get him to calm down.
Reading: か
While you did succeed in your attempt to domesticate the director, he is now bleeding profusely from the bite wound. All over the script! You gotta get your car (か) and drive him to the hospital like right away. Get to the car! Hurry!
Radicals: ネ spirit + 复 black hole
Put a spirit in a black hole and a duplicate comes out. The duplicate looks exactly like the original spirit that went in. How strange.
Reading: ふく
Suddenly the duplicate spirit starts yelling, “Why did you throw me into that black hole?! F*** (ふく) you!”
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 九 nine + 木 tree
A tsunami runs into nine trees and produces a dye the color of the forest. The tsunami water mixes with each tree, nine of them actually, and the resulting liquid is a forest green dye.
Reading: せん
The dye continues to pass through the forest and hits a group of centaurs (せん). Now each centaur is dyed with the forest green dye. They don’t look happy.
Radicals: 勺 pool
Two pools, both altered and not quite like a pool you’ve seen before are put together and flipped around – this is an egg. One pool is the egg white, the other pool is the egg yolk. They’re different, but similar.
Reading: たまご
You remember Tamagotchi (たまご), right? Well, Tamagotchi is an egg, and the toy looks like an egg, so it’s pretty easy to remember that tamago means egg.
Radicals: 永 eternity
The eternity radical and the eternity kanji are the same!
Reading: えい
How long is an eternity? Just look at this little acorn (えい) and ask. The acorn starts small but it grows into a huge tree and can live for all eternity by dropping more acorns to create more trees. Its acorn line will live on forever!
Radicals: 糸 thread + 責 blame
Taking a piece of thread you blame the exploits of your past on poor judgment. You tie this thread around your finger to remind you of all the exploits you accomplished in your day. Most of them weren’t actually on purpose, so you blame them on poor judgment and accident.
Reading: せき
One of your exploits was when you got dressed in the dark and were wearing funny clothes and everyone thought that it was sexy (せき). The newspapers and fashion agencies couldn’t get enough of your sexy style.
Radicals: 目 eye + 艮 root
The eye’s root is the eyeball.
Reading: がん
You know who has some pretty good eyeballs? Gandhi (がん). Gandhi used his eyes to see the oppression around him and decided to do something about it. But it’s all thanks to his eyeballs.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 夜 night
A tsunami that hits at night leaves even more fluid than normal. It’s dark at night, so the sun isn’t there to help evaporate all that tsunami liquid.
Reading: えき
This fluid stays in the 駅 (えき) longer than anywhere else. All of those tsunami liquids pour deep inside the 駅 late at night and the sun still can’t reach them to help evaporate them during the day. It’s a real nightmare.
Radicals: 扌fingers + ⺤ cleat + 木 tree
Take your fingers and dig the tree bits out of this cleat to gather it into evidence. Gather it in a pile or a bag, just make sure it’s all in one place so you can take a closer look later.
Reading: さい
You gather them all together and realize there are cyborg (さい) parts mixed in with the tree bits. Uh oh, it’s as you feared. Your cyborg definitely got into trouble somewhere around here and you walked all over it with your cleats.
Radicals: 士 samurai + 心 heart
If you look inside a samurai’s heart, you’ll discover their true intentions and ambitions.
Reading: し
You try to read the intentions of the samurai in front of you and they’re dark, evil, scary. Oh no! These are the intentions of the sheep (し) samurai!
Radicals: 𠀉 comb + 同 same + 一 ground + ハ fins
There’s a comb and what looks like the same comb, and you found them on the ground next to some fins you showed interest in. At first, the shiny fins on the ground caught your interest, but once you got closer to the fins you also noticed a pair of combs that are interesting too.
Readings: きょう, こう
Since the combs interest you more than the fins, you examine the combs more closely. Taking interest in where they were made, you discover they were made in きょうと. Dang, きょうと sure does make some nice combs.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 入 enter
If you get on your scooter and enter somewhere, you’re going into that place.
Reading: こ
Once you’ve gone into this place, what do you see? Your 子 (こ)!
Radicals: 口 mouth + 大 big + 心 heart
If you have a big mouth but a good heart, people will recognize your kindness. Even if you blabber on with your big mouth, as long as everyone knows that your heart is filled with kindness, they will love and accept you.
Reading: おん
To further show your kindness, you chop up some onions (おん) for a friend who always cries when they chop onions. The onions make you cry too, so it’s a nice act of kindness that you’re toughing it out for your pal.
Long time
Radicals: 丿slide + 入 enter
If you use a slide to enter a building, you’ll be sliding for a long time.
Reading: きゅう, く
You slide for such a long time that you get hungry. Luckily, once in a while a cucumber (きゅう) comes tumbling down the slide next to you.
Radicals: 龸 viking + 兄 older brother
A Viking and his older brother join a party. They can raid and pillage better in a group like this, so it makes sense that the Viking and his older brother would join a group with other Vikings.
Reading: とう
This party has decided to raid とうきょう. It’s a large undertaking, but they have a large group of Vikings on the job. とうきょう doesn’t stand a chance.
Radicals: 广 canopy + 予 beforehand
If the canopy comes beforehand, it’s a preface for the rest of the canopy.
Reading: じょ
You read the preface. It just goes on and on and on about Jo-Anne (じょ), a short lady the author loves very much.
Radicals: 九 nine + 木 tree + 隹 turkey
You count nine of them in the tree, each turkey holding something random or miscellaneous. There are nine turkeys in the tree and they’re all holding random, miscellaneous things. How odd.
Readings: ざつ, ぞう
As if things couldn’t get any more random, Zazu (ざつ) from the Lion King flies into the tree and starts asking the nine turkeys miscellaneous trivia. Zazu always did have a thirst for knowledge, but this is kind of strange.
Radicals: 木 tree + 𭕄 grass + 女 woman
Under a tree sitting on the grass is a woman who loves sakura, or cherry tree, if you’re an English speaker. This woman really likes to just chill out in the grass under these cherry trees and watch the sakura blossoms. It’s very pretty.
Reading: さくら
How do you say cherry tree in Japanese? Sakura (さくら). Sakura is Japanese for cherry tree. I’m sure you’ve probably heard this before, so it shouldn’t be too hard to remember.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 必 certain + 山 mountain
Standing on your roof, you’re certain that the nearby mountain is shrouded in secrecy. But you can’t do much about it, stuck on your roof as you are. So much secrecy, but so far away.
Reading: みつ
This secrecy is so secret that the people who know about it wear magical mitts (みつ) of secrecy that make it so we can’t tell anyone, no matter what.
Radicals: 禾 grain + 必 certain
A grain is certain to keep a secret.
Reading: ひ
If someone finds out your secret (not from the grain though, it will certainly keep it) then your entire face will fill with heat (ひ).
Radicals: 𭕄 grass + 厂 cliff + 敢 daring
If you see a grassy cliff with daring kids, it’s because their parents are so strict. When daring kids misbehave they’re supposed to go stand under grassy cliffs to think about what they’ve done.
Readings: げん, ごん
One of the strict parents of this daring kid is… Genji (げん)?! Looks like he had another illegitimate kid… this time one who keeps daring others to do wild things.
Throw away
Radicals: 扌fingers + 舎 cottage
When you’re at your cottage the only thing you do with your fingers is throw away things. The cottage is for vacation. And vacation means being as lazy as possible. But you certainly don’t want to live in filth, so you have to throw away your trash at least.
Reading: す
The number one thing you throw away while in your cottage is your suit (す). Suits just don’t fit the cottage life vibe, man.
Radicals: 言 say + 尺 shrimp
They say a shrimp who is bad with translation has no reason to live. Most shrimp make a living with their translation skills. They are the translators of the ocean. If they don’t know how to say something in all the languages of the sea, they have no reason to live. They might as well be dead.
Reading: やく
The translation this shrimp failed to make was for the word “yak” (やく). The shrimp found no reason to translate yak because there are no yak in the sea and then the shrimp just started questioning everything in his life and fell apart.
Radicals: 谷 valley + 欠 lack
In the valley you feel a lack of want. You want for nothing in this valley. It is the valley of plenty.
Reading: よく
Once you get to the valley, you want some protein. Egg yolk (よく) falls from the sky! It’s a miracle! You wanted protein, and egg yolk was presented. It falls right into your open mouth.
Radicals: 日 sun + 爰 football
You’re in the sun playing football and you get very warm.
Reading: だん
It’s warm like this because it’s dawn (だん). That’s when the sun comes up.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 卬 cat pirate
In its scooter, a cat pirate scoots up to welcome you!
Reading: げい
The cat pirate then launches into a speech about how they welcome all kinds of people. Especially gay (げい) people. He puts a certain emphasis on gay, so you figure that the cat pirate either thinks you’re gay or wants you to be.
Radicals: イ leader + 𠂉 gun + 易 easy
If a leader has a gun it’s easy to wound people. When you have a gun and a lot of responsibility it’s easy to get carried away and mess up, wounding the people you were supposed to be protecting. You can even wound yourself.
Reading: しょう
Which leader wounded the Japanese people? The Shougun (しょう). The Shougun is a military leader. The Shougun even has gun in the name. And they wounded hundreds of thousands of samurai and soldiers.