Kanji - Level 13 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 比 compare + 白 white
If you compare white light to the other colors you’ll realize… white consists of all the colors in one. It contains all the colors in the spectrum in one color. It is the one color that is everything.
Reading: みな, みんな
You decide white light is the ultimate color. You decide you want to put it on all things to make everything white. “What a great idea,” you think. You try to put it on everything and you nearly succeed… except, the miners (みな). They keep getting dirty doing all their mining things. NOOO, your plan is ruined!
Radicals: 言 say + 身 body + 寸 measurement
You thought it would be a good idea to say the body measurements of everyone in your village and now you have to apologize.
Reading: しゃ
You were told you had to apologize by the village shaman (しゃ). At first you didn’t even know why everyone was glaring at you, but the shaman took you aside and explained. And now she’s standing behind you with her arms crossed as you apologize to everybody.
Radicals: 束 bundle + 夂 winter + 正 correct
Putting your wood in bundles for winter is the correct way to arrange it. You want to make sure you organize all of your wood before winter comes, or the loose logs could get blown away in the first winter storm.
Reading: せい
Right after you’ve finished arranging the bundles, you take out your saber (せい) and do one final slice. All of the bundles are now perfectly organized AND cut.
Radicals: 木 tree + 天 heaven + 口mouth + 冋 mustache
A tree from heaven with a mustache above his mouth valiantly crosses a bridge. This holy tree from heaven was sent down to earth to cross this very bridge. It is the tree’s angelic mission. Also the tree has a mouth and a mustache.
Reading: はし
The tree finishes crossing the bridge and on the other side is a plate of steaming hash (はし) browns! That’s why it has a mouth. To eat yummy bridge hash browns.
Radicals: 缶 can
The radical can is the same as the kanji can. Usually when we talk about a can with this kanji we mean a tin can, though.
Reading: かん
The reading for a can is かん, which seems impossibly easy. If that isn’t close enough for you, picture this:
Genghis Khan (かん) is drinking out of a tin can. He glug glug glugs, gasps, and wipes his face. He holds out the can, “Khan made cans,” and winks.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 己 oneself + 共 together
You want to get a scooter, so you have one self (oneself) and another self working together to choose. The two tiny yous sit on each of your shoulders, like angel and devil, and argue about which scooter you should choose.
Reading: せん
Suddenly your selfs both gasp and choose a scooter in front of you that looks like a centaur (せん). The scooter is designed like a human on the top, the bars are its arms, and the bottom with the seat and the wheels are all horse. This centaur scooter is what you choose to ride.
Radicals: 大 big + 品 products
Big products need to be put in a big container. A small container just won’t do. These products are big and they need a big container to be contained in.
Reading: き
Once you get the big products into a container, you then lock it with a key (き). You wouldn’t want these products to bust out of their containers, so it’s best to lock them up with a key.
Radicals: 日 sun + 立 stand
If you yourself are a sun, and you stand next to another sun, no area around you will be dark. The two suns are very bright and standing right next to each other, so all the area will be lit up and nothing will be dark.
Reading: あん
Since the sun has blinded you, your vision is now very dark. You can’t see anything, but you are hungry so you reach around for some food and eat it. Yuck! It’s anchovies (あん). You don’t even like anchovies, how did they get in your house?
Radicals: 匕 spoon + マ mama + 矢 arrow + 疋 coat rack
When you get home from school, your mama says to hang your spoons and arrows on the coat rack. That doesn’t sound like something your mama would say, and you begin to doubt that she’s your mama at all! She usually takes them and washes them in the sink. You doubt you could hang them on the coat rack even if you tried.
Reading: ぎ
Your doubt is growing really strong, so you decide to test your mama by putting her head in a guillotine (ぎ)! Oh come on, don’t feel bad, you’re preeettty sure this isn’t your real mama.
Radicals: 米 rice + 斗 ladle
You have a rice ladle that’s specifically for paying the rice fee. Each scoop of something has an extra fee tacked on, so when you use a material, there’s a fee you have to pay in that material as well.
Reading: りょう
One day, the fee ladle is suddenly the size of row (りょう) boat oars! What! You’re supposed to pay a row boat sized fee now?!
Radicals: 丿slide + 戈 drunkard + 𠮛 creeper + 心 heart
Down a slide, a drunkard comes and places a creeper into your heart. Your entire body is filled with a feeling. A feeling you don’t like.
Reading: かん
This feeling wells up in you and bursts forth. You feel mad, you feel like you want revenge, you feel like Genghis Khan (かん) reborn! And you will have your revenge on this drunkard.
Radicals: 忄soul + 青 blue
Your soul is blue. As in, it’s sad and not feeling well. This is because your soul changes colors depending on your feelings or what emotions you’re expressing.
Reading: じょう
Why is your soul feeling blue? Because Jourm (じょう), the big local farmhand, was extremely mean to you.
Formal name title
Radicals: 木 tree + 羊 sheep + 水 water
A sheep in the water by a tree has the formal name title of Sir Wilburt Coddington III. When he’s not in his castle, Sir Wilburt Coddington III enjoys playing in water and by trees. He’s a royal sheep.
This can also mean manner, as in “manner” of doing things. Someone who has a formal name title has a different manner of doing things.
Reading: さま
This sheep with the formal name title of Sir Wilburt Coddington III only likes to play outside in the water during the summer (さま). Summer is the best season for this fancy sheep. The other seasons just can’t compare.
Radicals: 羊 sheep + 良 good + ハ fins
Sheep fins are good for fostering children. The sheep have been genetically combined with fish, so the sheep have fins (and they’ve lost their tails - which is why the tail part of the sheep radical is missing in this kanji!). These sheep fins are very rich in nutrients and as such are very good for foster children that need to grow up big and strong.
Reading: よう
The best way to foster a better relationship with these foster kids would be to give them some yogurt (よう). Maybe they can dip the sheep fins in the yogurt to help mask the strange taste. Yogurt is also very nutritious, so it’s a good supplement to the foster kids’ diet.
Radicals: 糸 thread + ヨ wolverine + 水 water
If you see a wolverine in the water playing with a piece of thread, there’s no doubt that it’s green. Wolverines love green thread. Almost as much as they love the water.
Reading: みどり
Midori (みどり) is a green colored melon liqueur with a sweet, fruity taste. This wolverine is too young to drink alcohol like Midori, so he just sticks to drinking water.
Radicals: 坴 womb + 丸 circle + 灬 boil
Your womb spins in a circle and starts to boil with heat. Uh oh, I think you have a fever.
Reading: ねつ
The heat from your fever is making your insides and your head and your entire body spin and boil, until your doctor throws some nets (ねつ) around you. You were flailing around and they couldn’t get you to stop, so they had to catch you in a series of nets.
Hundred million
Radicals: イ leader + 意 idea
A cult leader has a great idea to recruit a hundred million new members. Since he’s the guy with all the ideas, he is the leader of the cult. His idea is to give every new member a free puppy. He’ll have a hundred million new recruits in no time.
Reading: おく
The cult leader has his headquarters in Oklahoma (おく). Are there a hundred million people in Oklahoma? No, probably not. But hey, this leader is shooting for the stars. First Oklahoma, then the universe!
Radicals: イ leader + 大 big + 田 rice paddy +乚 + umbrella
The leader of a big rice paddy is standing in the middle of said rice paddy with an umbrella. Who is this wacky leader? Why, it is I. It is me.
Reading: おれ
Why am I standing in the middle of this rice paddy with an umbrella? I’m digging for ore (おれ).
Radicals: 木 tree + 目 eye + 心 heart
Only a tree with eyes and a heart has the ability to imagine and to contemplate. For a tree to imagine and contemplate things, it needs eyes to see and a heart to feel.
Readings: そう, そ
If a tree can imagine, it likely has a soul (そう). Its soul is what makes it possible for the tree to contemplate things, you see?
Radicals: メ treasure + 木 tree + 殳 weapon
There’s treasure in this tree so you take out your weapon and kill it.
Reading: さつ, さい
After the kill though, you didn’t feel so good, and you had to sats (さつ) down. Woah, I mean sat… sats? Uh oh. Something is happening to you. You sats down but your brain is all funny and you can’t get up again.
Radicals: 宀 roof + イ leader + 百 hundred
The roof under which the leader can house one hundred of his people is at the local lodge.
Reading: しゅく
The lodge shook (しゅく) as the hundred people came tumbling in through the door. It shook, but it didn’t fall over. The roof stayed firmly in place, and everyone got to sleep under it okay.
Radicals: 金 gold + 立 stand + 見 see
You can see gold if you stand in front of a mirror. Yes, you are made of gold. You’re so great and valuable, standing in front of that mirror. It’s not hard to see, especially in a mirror – you’re golden.
Reading: かがみ
Your name is Amy and you are the CAG (Commander, Air Group) of the Battlestar Galactica. People call you CAG Amy (かがみ). You have so many gold medals on you that you’ve earned the nickname “Golden CAG Amy.” You like to look at yourself in the mirror and admire yourself.
Radicals: 月 moon + 犬 dog + 灬 boil
Under a misshapen crescent moon, a dog boils as much nature as it can find.
Reading: ぜん, ねん
Destroying nature like this is the dog’s way of practicing Zen (ぜん) Buddhism. As it breathes in the fumes from all of the different pieces of nature being boiled down, the dog gets really zen and chill.
Radicals: 言 say + 寺 temple
What you say at a temple is a poem. It has to be a poem, because if you say anything else it’s just plain disrespectful. All of the monks and priests at this temple have to read and recite poems all day, and if they can do it forever, you can while you’re visiting.
Reading: し
As you recite a long poem at the temple you see a sheep (し) in the crowd. It’s opening and closing its mouth like it wants to say the poem too.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 東 east
Pointing a thread to the east, you practice your navigation skills. You’ve discovered a method to tell direction using just a thread, so you point it to the east in order to find your way. The method takes practice though, so you’re sure to practice every day.
Reading: れん
Also, you are Ren (れん), from Ren Stimpy the TV show. Since you’re not in the TV business anymore, you’ve decided to practice your other skills. How mature of you, Ren.
Radicals: 龸 viking + 口 mouth + 貝 shellfish
Shoot a shellfish that’s in the mouth of a Viking at the fair and you’ll win a prize. The game is to shoot the shellfish in the Viking’s mouth and knock it over.
The prize you’re working so hard to win is lunch with the Shougun (しょう). This is a pretty huge prize, considering all you’re doing is knocking something over.
Radicals: 門 gate + 口 mouth
If you run into a gate mouth first, you’re going to have a problem. Smashing your mouth into a gate is going to hurt. A lot. The problem you’re now in is one of getting to a hospital and having your mouth sewn back on. The question is, how are you going to get to the hospital?
Reading: もん
The reason you ran mouth first into this gate was because you were being chased by a monster (もん). A monster in and of itself is a big enough problem as is, let alone smashing your mouth into a gate. You poor, hapless soul.
Public building
Radicals: 食 eat + 宀 roof + 㠯 bear
Eating on this roof is a bear, which is how you know this is a public building. The law says that all bears are allowed to eat on the roofs of public buildings. In Japan at least, I don’t know where bears are supposed to eat in wherever you’re from.
Reading: かん
All public buildings must serve bear needs thanks to the monumental law passed by Genghis Khan (かん). Genghis Khan knew that bears weren’t treated well by humans, so he made sure all public buildings were at least partially bear accessible.
Radicals: 日 sun + 央 center
The sun in the center of the sky gives off its light, which reflects off of everything around it.
Reading: えい
This reflected light is important for acorns (えい), in particular. Without light reflecting off everything, the sun’s light would never make it down to the ground where they’ve fallen. They would never grow into trees. And we’d all suffocate.
Radicals: 士 samurai
The samurai radical and the samurai kanji are the same!
Reading: し
The most famous samurai in Japanese history was the illustrious sheep (し) samurai. He wasn’t JUST a sheep who learned the ways of the sword, he would use the wool from the sheep enemies he killed to create his armor!
Radicals: 言 say + 果 fruit
I always say the fruit section at the grocery should be at the front of the store. It’s the perfect place for the fruit section, I say.
Reading: か
To get to the fruit section, you have to go to the store. To get to the store you have to drive a car (か). Driving a car is the fastest way to get to the fruit section at the store.
Radicals: 木 tree + 覀 helicopter + 示 jackhammer
You see a tree with a helicopter and a jackhammer tied to it. You look closer, because this is an odd sight, and realize that there is a sign here too. It’s telling you to beware of helicopters and jackhammers in this woods. It’s a poorly made signpost!
Reading: ひょう
As you look at this weird signpost you notice a button. You press it because it will supposedly tell you more about these dangerous helicopters and jackhammers. Instead, it just yells out in a loud obnoxious voice: HEYO (ひょう)!!
Radicals: 金 gold + 艮 root
At the root of gold, there is silver. Gold is basically just silver leveled up. That’s why gold is first place, and silver is second. If you just scratch gold really good, you’ll find that at its root, there’s silver hidden just underneath.
Reading: ぎん
If you want to hunt for some silver for yourself, all you need is a guinea (ぎん) pig. Guinea pigs can smell silver, so get a couple and set them loose in the woods and they’ll lead you straight to it.
Radicals: 馬 horse + 尺 shrimp
A horse and a shrimp are sitting next to each other. They are both at the train station, waiting for a train to come and take them home.
Reading: えき
The train pulls into the station. They walk up to the train doors, but they don’t open. “Perhaps a key (えき) would help?” asks the station master, as he goes over to open the door to the train.
Radicals: イ leader + 象 elephant
The leader of the elephants was so great, they made a statue of him. This image of him looks down on all the other elephants at all times.
Reading: ぞう
When they unveil the statue of the leader elephant, everyone gasps. It’s a statue of the leader, but they are a zombie (ぞう). Gasp!
Radicals: 日 sun + 正 correct + 頁 geoduck
If you use the sun, you can find the correct geoduck. That’s the topic of today’s lecture.
Reading: だい
Our topic is actually mostly about using the sun to see different colored dyes (だい) in the water.
Radicals: 車 car + 𠆢 hat + 一 ground + 冊 bookshelf
For your car you use a hat, some ground and a bookshelf to build a new wheel. I mean, it’s generally ring and loop shaped, it just needs to be a circle, so it should work, right?
Reading: りん
Your wheel is… generally ring (りん) shaped, so that’s good.