Kanji - Level 31 - Vocab Flashcards
Kanji: 豊 plentiful + 富 rich
Something that’s plentiful and rich is abundant, plentiful and rich.
Reading: ほうふ
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi of both kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Academic inquiry
Kanji: 探 look for + 究 research
Look for something. Research answers. This is an academic inquiry, or in other words, research.
Reading: たんきゅう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 驚 surprised + 嘆 sigh
I’m so surprised it caused me to sigh. This is like when you run into a movie star, and you go in surprise shock. Then, you breathe out in a sigh because of your great amount of admiration and wonder for this person.
Reading: きょうたん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Airplane ticket
Kanji: 航 navigation + 空 sky + 券 ticket
An aviation (航空) ticket is the kind of ticket you need to fly on an airplane. That’s an airplane ticket.
Reading: こうくうけん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 既 previously + に
One of the meanings is the same as the kanji, previously, but it can also mean already.
Reading: すでに
The reading is different from what you learned with the kanji. But as I told you already, I’ll be there on Su-day (すで). It’s like Sunday, but not quite the same. Imagine your confusion when someone says this over and over, but you don’t know what Suday is.
Kanji: 救 rescue + 急 hurry + 車 car
Rescue in a hurry using this car. What kinds of cars can do this? How about an ambulance.
Reading: きゅうきゅうしゃ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 鑑 model + 定 determine
When someone determines something, it’s probably okay. But, when the model determiner determines something, that is the best determination ever. That is the appraisal of someone with an expert opinion.
Reading: かんてい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
A stroll
Kanji: 散 scatter + 歩 walk
Scatter around the ground and walk. When you walk in a scatter all around, you’re going for a walk or a stroll.
Reading: さんぽ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well. The ほ goes to ぽ, though.
Kanji: 平 flat + 均 equal
Something that’s flat and equal to everything around it, all those flat things around it, are average. They’re the mean (same as average).
Reading: へいきん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: ハ + チ + の + 巣 nest
ハチ is a bee. Buzz buzz. Just imagine “eight bees” combining into one bee, making it a “hachi.” Then, there’s a nest. What is a nest for bees? A beehive.
Readings: はちのす, ハチのす
巣 is a standalone word here, so it uses the same reading that you learned when you learned the vocabulary.
Kanji: 用 task + 心 heart + 棒 pole
Who do you know that will use a pole to stop someone from breaking your heart? Your bodyguard! He’s there to make sure no one hurts you, and for some reason he really likes using a pole to do it.
Reading: ようじんぼう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 墓 grave + 地 earth
A grave ground is an area with lots of graves in the ground. This is a cemetery, or graveyard.
墓地 is the standard word for a designated and organized cemetery.
Reading: ぼち
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 中 middle + 華 showy
中国 is China, right? That’s what this 中 represents. And, of course the Chinese are known for being super showy, which is why you have showy there.
Reading: ちゅうか
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 掃 sweep + 除 exclude
Sweep and exclude all that dirt from the floor, please. When you do this a lot, it becomes cleaning.
Reading: そうじ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. For this one though, you have to remember to read the 除 part as じ. Just keep in mind that cleaning (cleanliness) is next to godliness and so is Jesus (じ). So, Jesus is like cleaning. Easy.
Kanji: 大 big + 陸 land
A big land is the biggest types of land on this earth that there are. That is a continent.
Reading: たいりく
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 廊 corridor + 下 below
A corridor is below. What do you call a corridor that’s below? Well, really it’s still just a corridor or hallway.
Reading: ろうか
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 通 pass through + 貨 freight
The thing that will pass through freight is currency. Why? Because when you want freight to be your own, you have to put money through it and to the person who owns it. When you do that, it becomes yours. Use that currency!
Reading: つうか
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 既 previously + 決 decide
It was previously decided, which means it’s been decided and settled.
Reading: きけつ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 子 child + 孫 grandchild
A child who is the grandchild of someone else is a descendant of that person.
Reading: しそん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 直 fix + 径 diameter
Fix the diameter. It is the wrong diameter and must be a new diameter. Test it now, what’s the diameter?
Reading: ちょっけい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 解 untie + 散 scatter
Untie and scatter everything. This will cause the dissolution the breakup, and indeed the breaking up of whatever is being untied then scattered.
Reading: かいさん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 離 detach + 婚 marriage
Detach from your marriage. This is a divorce.
Reading: りこん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 編 knit + 集 collect
Knit and gather everything back together, which you knit. When you do this to fix things and bring it back together, this is an edit.
Reading: へんしゅう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 編 knit + 者 someone
A knit someone is one who knits words together and makes them better. This someone is an editor.
Readings: へんしゃ, へんじゃ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 均 equal + 等 equal
This is equal and that is equal. They’re both the same, amazing! They carry equality, uniformity, and evenness.
Reading: きんとう
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 除 exclude + 外 outside
Exclude this one and put it outside what we’re considering. This is the exception.
Reading: じょがい
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Exclamation mark
Kanji: 感 feeling + 嘆 sigh + 符 token
A feeling where you sigh is one in which you’re surprised by something, and can’t believe it, so you sigh. Ugh, sigh. What token represents this in writing? An exclamation mark!!!!
Reading: かんたんふ
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 既 previously + 存 exist
Something that previously existed is probably still existing now.
Readings: きそん, きぞん
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Kanji: 恐 fear + れ
This is the noun version of the kanji fear, so it means fear too.
Reading: おそれ
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You learned this reading already so you should be able to read it!
Kanji: 融 dissolve + 資 resources
Dissolve your resources, because you need to pay back your financing and loans now.
Reading: ゆうし
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on’yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you’ll know how to read this as well.
Flower arrangement
Kanji: 華 showy + 道 way
The way of the flower is flower arrangement.
Reading: かどう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Fragile thing
Kanji: 壊 break + れ + 物 thing
A thing that could break easily, is a fragile thing. Be careful with things like this.
Reading: こわれもの
The reading is 壊れる and 物 put together.
Kanji: 貨 freight + 物 thing
Freight things is freight or cargo.
Reading: かもつ
The reading is the 物 reading that’s もつ. You can know this because you have to carry the freight and cargo (持つ it!).
Kanji: 融 dissolve + 合 suit
Dissolve and then join together again to create a reaction, a fusion reaction.
Reading: ゆうごう
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 華 showy + 美 beauty
If something has showy beauty then it’s going a little overboard and is going to come across as gaudy. Too much is too much.
Reading: かび
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
Kanji: 幾 how many + 何 what + 学 study
How many? What? In this area of study, you ask these questions a lot. This area of study is geometry, because you have to ask how many sides and how much the area is or something (can you tell I don’t remember any maths?).
Reading: きかがく
The 学 is read correctly, in terms of what you learned. The 幾 and 何 is weird, though. Just think how when you’re asking a question in Japanese, you end the sentence with か. So, it’s like, “何か????” and that’s why it becomes か. Then, for 幾 think about how the key (き) to answering geometry questions correctly is figuring out “how many” sides something has. So, “do you have the keyか?”
Kanji: 孫 grandchild
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: まご
Since this word is made up of a single kanji, it probably uses the kun’yomi reading. You did not learn this reading, so here’s a mnemonic to help you:
You are the grandchild of your grandfather. His favorite thing is to call you a maggot (まご). Your grandfather was in the military and is very hard on you, maggot.
Kanji: 墓 grave
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
Reading: はか
When you finally have a grave and you’re dead and buried, your one wish is for the New Zealand All Blacks to do the Haka (はか) over your grave. If you don’t know what the haka is, look it up, it’s pretty neat.
Hay fever
Kanji: 花 flower + 粉 powder + 症 symptom
The flower powder symptoms are when you start sneezing from flower powder, aka pollen that comes from all sorts of flowers, which is pretty much all plants. This word, however, refers to the most common version of this sickness, which is hay fever.
Reading: かふんしょう
The reading is all on’yomi readings, which you learned for all but 花. Instead, 花 is か, and to remember that you can think about how the only way to escape the hay fever is to jump in your car and turn on the filter. Sweet, sweet relief.
How many
Kanji: 幾 how many + つ
This has the same meaning as the kanji, specifically the how many meaning. You know this because you ask “how many” and they answer “つ.” This can also be used to ask how old someone is, but generally only for children’s ages.
Reading: いくつ
The reading comes from what you learned in the kanji, nice job.
How many times
Kanji: 幾 how many + 度 degree
How many occurences is just another way of asking how many times.
This word is more literary and formal than 何回 or 何度.
Readings: いくど, いくたび
The reading is a combination of kun’yomi and on’yomi readings. That being said, both readings for both kanji are the readings you learned with the kanji so you should be able to read this.
How much
Kanji: 幾 how many + ら
This has the same meaning as the kanji, specifically the how much meaning. To remember this, just think about how Ra, the Egyptian God, is always asking “How much will it cost to build this pyramid?” Ugh, too much, let’s hire some slaves.
Reading: いくら
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun’yomi reading. You learned this reading already so you should be able to read it!
Kanji: 尋 inquire + 問 problem
When you inquire about a problem, you tend to do interrogation-style questioning to get to the bottom of it. Why is it like this? What happened? Is it bigger than a breadbox?
Reading: じんもん
This is a jukugo word that uses the on’yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.