Kanji - Level 19 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 彳loiter + 日 sun + 寺 temple
If you loiter around the sun temple, it’s likely you’ll acquire something. When you loiter around like that it looks like you’re waiting for something, so if someone puts something in your hands and you just happen to acquire it, well, no one can fault you for that.
Reading: とく
You managed to acquire some tobacco, but just as you’re about to leave Tokugawa (とく) Ieyasu comes marching up to you!! Or at least, his ghost does. He stares you dead in the eyes and says, “I didn’t found the shogunate for you to acquire illegal goods and kill your body toking on my soil.”
Radicals: 力 power + 口 mouth
Your mouth has the power to add words together to form a sentence. Marvel at the massive and mighty power your mouth holds! You add words together in an amazing fashion!
Reading: か
Your parents are so proud of you for using your powerful mouth to add words together that they decide to surprise you with a gift. It’s a new car (か). It’s that shiny brand new car that you’d always wanted. You’re speechless. However, your speechlessness frustrates your parents so they decide to take away the car they just gave you. Boo hoo.
Book counter
Radicals: 冊 bookshelf
You use a bookshelf as a book counter. Duh. What are you gonna count them one by one? Okay, well maybe, but you should count them while they’re nice and organized and on shelves. Otherwise counting is going to be a huge pain.
Reading: さつ
While you were counting books using this book counter method, you got a bit tired and sat (さつ) down. But lucky for you, your books counter is a bookshelf, so just because you sat down doesn’t mean you have to stop counting books.
Radicals: 土 dirt + 里 village
The dirt next to your village is where you bury the dead. People don’t live forever, so every village has a patch of dirt specifically used for burying dead things.
Readings: う, うず
You don’t just bury dead relatives here. You also buried your dead pet uni (う) in that dirt. You thought having an uni as a pet would be a good idea. Too bad uni need water to survive.
Radicals: 忄soul + 亡 death
You’ll work your soul to death if you’re too busy. Being busy just isn’t good for your soul. Take breaks. Go on vacation. Don’t be so busy that you destroy yourself.
Reading: ぼう
Take time out of your busy life and go bowling (ぼう) once in a while. In fact, you should probably go bowling once a week at least. Nothing brings energy back to your life like some relaxing bowling.
Radicals: 門 gate + イ leader + 戈 drunkard
Passed out in front of the gate lies a drunkard who used to be the leader of a popular clique, the Cool Kids Clan. Once, he was a leader, but now he is but a drunkard. The clan has fallen apart, and he no longer has a clique to call his own.
Reading: ばつ
Eventually you get sick and tired of this washed up clan leader and you gather your own clique to chase this guy away from your gate and your property. You and your friends grab some bats (ばつ) and use these bats to beat the drunkard leader. Being beaten with bats frightens him, and he scurries away.
Radicals: ナ narwhal + 巾 towel
To a narwhal, a towel is just normal cloth. They’re always wet so towel cloth is all they know.
Reading: ふ
If you use this type of cloth for your clothes and blankets people will call you a fool (ふ). They think you’re a fool who can’t tell the difference between human cloth and towel cloth.
Radicals: 厂 cliff + 木 tree + 止 stop
You stop at a cliff with a tree on it, realizing that continuation is impossible unless you find some way to bridge the gap to the other side of the cliff. The tree seems long enough to reach to the other side, but how are you going to chop it down?
Reading: れき
Continuation is impossible unless you chop this tree down to use as a bridge to cross to the other side of the cliff. You decide to use a wrecking (れき) ball. Luckily, there’s one right by you. So you take the wrecking ball and knock the tree over, making a bridge with it.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 売 sell
You have to sell thread if you want to continue to live. You want to make a living don’t you? Make sure you continue to sell that thread every single day!
Reading: ぞく
You have to continue to sell that thread because a Bosozoku (ぞく) bike gang is forcing you to do it. You see? If you want to continue to live, you have to appease this Bosozoku gang. You better keep selling!
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 丿 slide + 戈 drunkard + 𠮛 creeper
There’s a tsunami coming, but the escape slide is being blocked by a drunkard and creeper, and you can see your chances of escaping decrease rapidly.
Reading: げん
This decrease in the chances of escaping the tsunami is really upsetting Genji (げん), who’s waiting impatiently behind you.
Radicals: 易 easy
The easy radical and the easy kanji are the same!
Reading: い, えき
What would be an easy reading for this kanji? い! The sound easy starts with!
Radicals: 糸 thread + 各 kiss
If you put a thread in the middle of a kiss, you’re going to entangle it. Things can get pretty messy in a kiss, so adding a thread to the mix will definitely entangle it.
Reading: らく
This is your first kiss ever so getting a thread to entangle between your lips was really bad luck (らく). The person you were trying to kiss got really grossed out by the thread and tried to push you away but was so entangled with the thread that they were unable. Bad luck indeed.
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 由 reason
Is there a reason you’re in the bamboo grove? Why yes there is. It’s so you can get yourself some bamboo and make a flute out of it.
Reading: てき
You cut down the bamboo and whittle a flute. You start playing a song. You know the reason why. An alien spacecraft comes flying down and drops a box full of alien tech (てき) in front of you.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 彳loiter + 复 black hole
A flag loiters in a black hole. This flag marks (in the black hole) where you left your footwear.
Reading: り
You grab your footwear from the black hole. In your footwear (thanks to the shelter they provided), some reeds (り) have grown in!
Radicals: 宀 roof + 谷 valley
If you put a roof over a valley it will change its form. Its appearance will alter completely!
Reading: よう
Its new appearance looks familiar to you, like it’s a big yogurt (よう) cup! A valley with a roof on it looks exactly like a yogurt cup. Huh!
Radicals: 口 mouth + 寸 measurement
Use your mouth to take a measurement of this group. Just stretch your mouth out and around every single person. Get ‘em all in there.
Readings: だん, とん
This group is so big it takes you till dawn (だん) to get your measurement: they weigh a ton (とん) too!
Radicals: 史 history
The history radical and the history kanji are the same.
Reading: し
History was full of famous sheep (し). Sure there are people and stuff, but historical sheep are where it’s at. There’s the famous sheep samurai, the death sheep who works for the yakuza, just tons!
Radicals: 日 sun + 比 compare
If the sun is compared to an insect, you’ll see that they’re both shiny, but that the sun is much shinier than the insect.
Reading: こん
While you’re holding up an insect to the sun for comparison, a flock of condors (こん) flies by, blocking out the sun. There are so many condors that they manage to totally block out the sun.
Radicals: 彳loiter + 走 run
“Don’t loiter – run, Junior!” said Indiana Jones Senior to Indiana Jones Junior. They’re escaping from a sticky situation and Junior was just loitering around like a fool. It’s no time to loiter, it’s time to run!
Reading: と
Deciding not to loiter any longer, Indiana Jones Junior takes his dad’s advice and starts to run. Unfortunately he wasn’t paying attention to where his feet were and he stubbed his toe (と) on a jagged rock. His toe is in so much pain that he can’t bear to run any longer.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 由 reason
You jumped off your roof for some reason and now you’re floating in midair! You kick your legs a bit and move your arms like you’re in water, but you’re still just stuck there in midair.
Reading: ちゅう
As you spin a bit in midair you look up and see Chewbacca (ちゅう) looking down at you from a spaceship. He’s laughing his Chewbacca laugh and you realize he has you trapped in his tractor beam.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 日 sun + 比 compare
Compare the sun with a tsunami – these two things don’t mix. If a tsunami is coming, it will likely get in the way of the sun.
Reading: こん
Just before the tsunami crashes over you, a condor (こん) swoops out of the sky and grabs you up. This condor must be a mix – a normal condor is not strong enough to pick up a human. The condor must be mixed with something else. Like a pterodactyl.
Morally good
Radicals: 羊 sheep + 丷 horns + 一 ground + 口 mouth
A sheep loses its horns on the ground so it picks them up in its mouth to take them to someone who’s morally good enough to attach them back onto its head. Sheep don’t have hands, so the sheep had to pick the horns up off the ground with his mouth. Someone evil would just murder the sheep and steal his horns, so the sheep must find someone good to reaffix them.
Reading: ぜん
Since you are morally good, you decide not to murder the sheep and harvest its organs. Instead, as a practitioner of the good teachings of Zen (ぜん) Buddhism, you decided to help the sheep out. Your Zen teachings have increased the power of your healing abilities, so you fix the sheep up in no time.
Radicals: 川 river + 頁 geoduck
For a geoduck to make it into a river, it must know the sequence and order of water flow. Geoducks usually live in the ocean, not in a river, so they must study the order of water flow in order to determine the best sequence for making it into a river.
Reading: じゅん
After extensive study of the sequence and order of water, the geoduck has determined that June (じゅん) is the best time to travel to the river. June is the best time for the temperature and atmospheric pressure to be just right for such a journey. In June, the geoduck will set out.
Outer space
Radicals: 宀 roof + 干 dry
You use a roof to keep yourself dry and safe from outer space. Look outside, above your roof, and you’ll see outer space stretching above you.
Reading: う
Why isn’t it dry in outer space, you ask? Because of all the uni (う) swimming around up there. They have nasty, wet, pointy spikes and they’re all over the place.
Part of speech
Radicals: 言 say + 司 director
What you say to the director is judged immediately. You’re having trouble understanding this part of speech, so he’s trying to help you. But you say it over and over and he keeps saying you’re wrong.
Reading: し
The director asks you again, “What is the part of speech for the word sheep (し)?”
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 干 dry
If you see some dry flowers, pull them up and you’ll find a potato.
Reading: いも
Potatoes are totally emo (いも) because of the way they dry out flowers. Emo people and potatoes both like to dry out flowers.
Radicals: 己 oneself + 夂 winter
It’s important to focus oneself in winter so that one can emerge renewed! You can’t really go outside in winter without getting cold or sick, so spend winter focusing on YOU.
Reading: かい
Winter ends and, renewed, you come out ready to start a new hobby: kayaking (かい)! Nothing says renewal like a brand new kayak and sense of purpose in life.
Radicals: 舌 tongue +乚 umbrella
If you stab somebody in the tongue with an umbrella, it’s sure to start a riot and cause disorder. Nobody likes to get stabbed in the tongue with an umbrella, so they’re probably going to retaliate, and before you know it, you’ve a full scale riot on your hands. Look what you’ve done.
Reading: らん
Just now you realize that the man you stabbed in the tongue with your umbrella was none other than Macho Man Randy Savage (らん). Being a professional wrestler, Macho Man Randy Savage is ready to throw down at a moment’s notice. A riot immediately erupts. It’s a battle royal with you and Randy at the epicenter.
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 艮 root +卩 stamp
On the bottom of bamboo roots, there’s a stamp that tells you the season in which it was cut.
Additionally, the stamp also has information on the condition of the bamboo’s joints, because no one wants to buy bamboo with damaged joints.
Reading: せつ
These season stamps are marked on bamboo sets (せつ). You can’t buy a single banana or a single grape, and just like that, if you want some nice seasonal bamboo, you have to buy them in sets.
Take along
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 車 car
Both a scooter and a car are things you’ll take along with you. If you want to take both along, you should connect them to each other to make it easier.
Reading: れん
You take along the things you need. Anything else, you can do a rental (れん) for.
Radicals: 舌 tongue
The tongue radical and the tongue kanji are exactly the same! Yee-haw!
Reading: した
You’re sound asleep in bed when your tongue drops out of your mouth and you start to drool, getting saliva all over the bed sheet (した). You wake up with a soggy patch of sheet near your mouth and wipe the drool off your face. Your significant other sees the whole thing.
Radicals: 日 sun + 共 together + 水 water
When the sun gets together with water, only violence can ensue. They don’t mix well together. The sun loves to fight water and water loves to fight the sun. Lots and lots of violence.
Readings: ぼう, ばく
But after a while, the sun and the water have had enough of violence. They decide to settle their differences with a friendly game of bowling (ぼう). Bowling is a great way to relieve stress and in the end, they bond over it.
Radicals: 貝 shellfish + 才 talent
Give some shellfish to a talented person and they’ll have no problem accumulating wealth. People with talent can make money out of pretty much anything, so shellfish are like easy-mode.
Readings: さい, ざい
This talented person really starts accumulating wealth when their cyborg (さい) is unveiled. It’s a half-man, half-shellfish cyborg that plays the xylophone , and everyone wants to buy it.
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 右 right
There are flowers on your right to show that you’re still young. Your body still works, you’re happy, you have your entire life ahead of you! And everything smells like flowers.
Readings: わか, も
When young people look to the right, they’ll see their future: a walker (わか). You know, those metal contraptions with tennis balls on the bottoms to make sure they don’t scrape the floor. Everything may be flowers and happiness now, but your future is in a walker.