Kanji - Level 33 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 厂cliff + 火 fire
On a cliff, a fire burns to ashes. The ashes then blow off the cliff, and follow the wind wherever it may go.
Reading: はい
The ashes inspire you to write a haiku (はい). Using the ashes you write a haiku on a rock for everyone to enjoy.
Radicals: 丬icicle + 士 samurai + 衣 clothes
If you see icicles hanging off of a samurai’s clothes, don’t worry, those are just part of his winter attire. Samurai have to travel and fight in all sorts of conditions, so it only makes sense that they have attire for every season.
Readings: そう, しょう
Attire like this is important because it reflects your soul (そう). The samurai is wearing clothing with icicles because that’s how his heart feels too: frozen over because he has to fight in this horrible winter weather.
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 者 someone
If someone is holding flowers, they’re probably an author. Authors really love flowers, because they help them think of flowery language they can use to sound smart in their books.
Reading: ちょ
Unfortunately, the author is allergic to flowers. They are only allergic to touching them though, so the author is holding the flowers with a pair of chopsticks (ちょ), really close to their face. Using the chopsticks, they can still use the flowers to think of fancy, author-ly words without touching them.
Radicals: 亠 lid + 里 village + 𧘇 kick
There’s a lid on your village, so you kick it over on its backside to see what’s on its underside.
Reading: うら
It turns out your village’s own backside is covered in uranium (うら). Eureka! You’re all gonna be rich!
Radicals: 月 moon + 殳 weapon
You keep your moon weapon in your crotch. Where else would you keep it?
Reading: こ
Your crotch has a moon weapon, and it’s served you well, so you should hope that if you have a 子 (こ) one day, they’ll have one too.
Radicals: 車 car
This car is all weird because it looks like the side is going to dangle and drip off or something. The front bumper of the car is dangling off and the sides of the car look like they could drip off at any moment.
Reading: すい
You see the parts as they dangle off the car and you get an idea. You could probably swing (すい) on these dangling parts. The parts can probably take some weight still before they drip off the car, so you might as well swing around on them while you still can.
Radicals: 田 rice paddy + 共 together
Put a rice paddy together with other paddies and you’ll see how much they differ. When you’re driving or taking a train through the countryside it may seem like all of those rice paddies blurring together are all the same, but they can differ quite a bit!
Reading: い
To see how rice paddies differ, you need an eagle’s (い) eye view. It can be hard to see from the ground, so soar up into the sky like an eagle and look down at the rice paddies together.v
Radicals: 白 white + 王 king
Social commentary aside, the white king is the king that wears all white. Traditionally, this is someone better than a king. The emperor!
Readings: こう, おう
Who is the emperor? It is こういち. こういち the emperor stands over his subjects.
Radicals: 扌fingers + 広 wide
To make your fingers wide you extend them.
Reading: かく
As you extend your fingers a cock (かく) comes running by and runs straight into them. Bu-COCK!
Radicals: 尸 flag + 比 compare
Use a flag to compare your flatulence.
Reading: へ
How do you read flatulence? Heh(へ)…heh..heh..heheheh. You can’t NOT laugh at the word flatulence.
Note that some dictionaries incorrectly list おなら as a reading for this kanji. While おなら also means “flatulence” (as in “fart”), you’ll only ever encounter this reading in hiragana, as the kanji can only be read as へ.
Radicals: 莫 greenhouse + 日 sun
A greenhouse is already really good when it comes to a plant’s livelihood. But add the sun into that equation and you have something really great for the plants. Their livelihood will be awesome, now!
Reading: ぼ
From out of nowhere, Bobo (ぼ) the notorious clown thief starts picking the plants, ending their livelihood. Bobo needs the flowers for his clown acts, so he uses the livelihood of the flowers to support his own livelihood.
Radicals: 中 middle + 心 heart
Those that are in the middle of your heart are the ones you have the most loyalty towards. The middle of your heart is the most sacred, special place for people, so it makes sense that those you keep in the middle of your heart are those you are most loyal to.
Reading: ちゅう
You pictured Chewbacca (ちゅう), didn’t you? No? Well you should have. Chewbacca deserves everyone’s loyalty. Chewbacca is super loyal to you, so he deserves your loyalty back.