Kanji - Level 29 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 田 rice paddy + 各 kiss
You see a rice paddy and you give it a kiss before granting it the abbreviation, RP. The rice paddy isn’t too fond of this abbreviation, so you kiss it again to soothe it.
Reading: りゃく
The rice paddy still refuses to accept this abbreviation despite your kisses. Therefore, you are forced to take the rice paddy and hang it from a torture rack (りゃく) until it agrees to accept the abbreviation.
Radicals: 禾 grain + 責 blame
Grains get blamed for how much they accumulate. If the grains accumulate too much then they make more work for the farmers. If they accumulate too little, then they’re starving the people. Ugh, grains just can’t win with you people. They’re blamed for everything.
Reading: せき
Now the grains have accumulated a ton, they’re overflowing in their grain sacks, and the farmer freezes and says, “Now those are some sexy (せき) grains.”
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 天 heaven + 小 small + 丶 drop
There’s a tsunami in heaven and you take a small drop of water and append it to the tsunami. Now the tsunami is big enough to destroy all of heaven. The small drop that you appended to the tsunami was just enough to push it over the edge, reaching full destruction capability.
Reading: てん
Just after you append the small drop of water to the tsunami, it grows ten (てん) stories high. Before it was only nine, but since you appended that drop, the tsunami is now a full ten stories tall.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 日 sun + 女 woman
Under a roof, but still in the sun, a woman is laying out a fabulous banquet. The woman doesn’t want anyone to burn from the sun, but banquets are best outside, so she’s set up a roof to protect her and her guests.
Reading: えん
Unfortunately, the banquet roof comes crashing down right before the guests arrive, and it ends (えん) before it can start.
Radicals: 木 tree + 反 anti
If you’re anti-tree, you won’t mind if I turn all of them into boards! Hahaha!
Readings: ばん, はん
Turning every tree you could lay your eyes on into boards has gotten the attention of the Tree Lovers Association. “Banned (ばん), BANNED, I say!”, they shouted at you.
Radicals: 土 dirt + 十 cross + 罒 net + 衣 clothes
You set up a net on a cross to wash your clothes in the river, when a huge wave of dirt smashes into it, breaking the whole thing and sending your clothes tumbling down the river.
Reading: かい
You angrily search to see what caused your clothes washing machine to break and you see some kayaks (かい) upriver. The people in the kayaks are jumping around, kicking dirt up, which is what broke your stuff.
Radicals: 上 above + 小 small + 又 stool + 目 eye
Above you on a small stool is the eye of the one who will direct and supervise you at work. He’s really high above you, so all you can see is the glint of his supervising eye. But you can hear him shouting directions clearly, telling you exactly what to do.
Reading: とく
A man who can direct others so well must be Tokugawa (とく) Ieyasu. Sure enough, when he finally comes down off his stool you see that he’s the ghost of Tokugawa Ieyasu!!! That explains why you could only make out the ghostly gleam of his supervising eye before.
Radicals: 𠦝 morning + 𠂉 gun + 乙 nose
In the morning, you use a gun on your nose to make it dry.
Reading: かん
This technique for a nice dry nose was invented by Genghis Khan (かん)! Well, not him, but someone who worked under him. You see, he had a bit of a damp nose problem.
Radicals: 言 say + 𠆢 hat + 彡 hair
They say to wear a hat to cover your hair if your doctor diagnoses you with hair loss. It’s the best option, folks.
Reading: しん
You just had the doctor diagnose you with hair loss. How terrible! You stumble out of the room, dumbfounded. Not paying attention, you bang your shin (しん) on the table. Your shin really hurts. What an awful day.
Draw near
Radicals: 宀 roof + 奇 odd
Under this roof someone odd is trying to draw near to you. You back up, but they continue to draw near anyway.
Reading: き
They continue to draw near until you can’t take it anymore. You run out from under the roof, slam the door closed, and lock it with a key (き).
Radicals: イ leader + 尞 charcoal
A good leader will use charcoal to mark her colleagues. Sometimes if leaders aren’t around all the time, people will get rebellious and act badly toward people who can get them in trouble. So when you mark them with charcoal you know that someone close with your leader is around and you should probably stop being a butt.
Reading: りょう
You have to be good around her colleagues, because if you aren’t your row (りょう) boat permit will be taken away. Row boating is the only fun you ever get to have, besides learning kanji. So act as best you can around the leader’s colleagues so you don’t lose your row boat rights.
Radicals: 女 woman + 良 good
A woman who is good is my daughter. My daughter is a good woman, I guarantee it.
Reading: むすめ
Your daughter, on the other hand, is not a good woman. Your daughter looks like a moose who may (むすめ) not be able to find its way out of a wet paper bag. Your daughter looks like a moose who may lose its way without a map. Your daughter looks like a moose who may do lots of stupid things.
Radicals: 区 district + 欠 lack
A district that lacks things will be in Europe.
Reading: おう
Europe is lacking so much because their 王 (おう) keeps taking everything.
Cup of liquid
Radicals: 木 tree + 不 not
A tree is not a cup of liquid or a counter for cups. Don’t get them mixed up. The last time you tried making a cup out of a tree to count your throat got filled with splinters when you used it. There wasn’t even any liquid in it.
Reading: はい
Another way to remember the counter for cups using a cup of liquid would be by creating and memorizing a haiku (はい) about them. Aren’t haikus useful?
Radicals: 巩 saw + 心 heart
A saw cuts into your heart and you are filled with fear. Well, you were filled with fear before the saw reached your heart too, but now that the saw is cutting into your heart, you’re feeling more fear than ever.
Reading: きょう
Even more so than your fear of dying, you are filled with the fear that you’ll never get to vacation in きょうと. You always wanted to take a trip to きょうと, but if you die from this saw wound to the heart, you’ll never get the chance to go.
Radicals: 𠦝 morning + 韋 Korea
In the morning, Korea will still be Korea.
Reading: かん
Korea is still here today on this beautiful morning because of Genghis Khan (かん). When he was conquering all that land in Asia and Europe he looked at Korea in the morning light and said, “Nah, they can keep it.”
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 工 construction
A tsunami rolls in and destroys all the construction that was being done on the inlet and the bay. Both the inlet and the bay were having a lot of construction done on them to repair the damage from the last tsunami, and then another tsunami rolled in and destroyed all that too. Bummer.
Reading: え
Imagine the Japanese people standing on the bay and the inlet as the tsunami approaches. “Eh (え)? What is that, Akiko?” “Eh? Where? Oh gawd, it’s a tsunami!!”
Radicals: 犭animal + 子 child + 皿 plate
An animal eats a child from a plate in a very fierce manner. This is a fierce animal, so it makes sense that it would eat the child in a fierce style.
Reading: もう
The reason this fierce animal is eating the child from the plate is because the child forgot to mow (もう) the animal’s lawn. The fierce animal had hired the child to mow his lawn today, and when the child forgot to do it, the fierce animal hunted the child down and ate him.
Radicals: ナ narwhal + ム private + 隹 turkey
The narwhal and the turkey are meeting in private to uh, show each other some private things. Doing this they realize they’re both male!
Reading: ゆう
These male animals are obviously experimenting with things still. Ah, they must be youths (ゆう)! To be a youth, again!
Radicals: 玄 mysterious
The mysterious radical and the mysterious kanji are the same!
Reading: げん
There is no one more mysterious than Genji (げん). He’s tall, dark, handsome, and most of all… 〜mysterious〜!
Radicals: 舟 boat + 亠 lid + 几 table
On every boat there is a table with a lid on it that’s used for navigation. When you take the lid off, there is a big map, a sextant, and some little boat miniatures. All the navigation tools.
Reading: こう
You watch the navigation equipment roll away and then you feel a slap on the back of your head. Ouch! You turn around and there stands こういち, who you took with you as the navigator of this expedition. And, you just lost all his stuff!
Radicals: 臣 servant + 𠂉 gun + 一 ground + 皿 plate
To the servant you say: “gun, ground, plate.” It is your job to oversee everything they do.
Reading: かん
Why must you oversee everything? Because you are Genghis Khan (かん), and Genghis Khan oversees everything.
Radicals: 矢 arrow + 隹 turkey + 力 power
There’s an arrow in that turkey and you do everything in your power to recommend that we don’t eat the turkey. There’s an arrow in this turkey. The arrow looks a little broken, so there’s probably splinters all up inside that turkey. I know you’re all hungry but I can’t recommend eating this bird.
Reading: かん
You recommend the Genghis Khan (かん) special instead of this arrow-tainted turkey! When it comes out, your heart sinks. Genghis Khan apparently ate a cow with an arrow broken off in it.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 示 jackhammer
Under this roof you jackhammer your religion into people.
Reading: しゅう
Your religion requires everyone to take off their shoes (しゅう). Mostly because the shoes will help them resist the jackhammering, so you tell them that to join your religion they have to leave their shoes at the door.
Radicals: 言 say + 青 blue
If what you say comes out blue, everyone knows that means you made a request. You request a favor and the words slide out of your mouth in a bright, blue blob. They hover in front of you for a few seconds, before splashing onto the person you made the request to.
Readings: せい, しん, しょう
The next time someone requests something from you, take out your saber (せい) and slice it in half!
Radicals: 忄soul + ナ narwhal + 巾 towel
The soul of a narwhal was sucked into its towel, which is scary!
Reading: ふ
As you watch this scary scene you can’t help but mutter, “Fool,” (ふ) under your breath. Then you hear “Fool, fool, fool, it’s too scary you fool!” and you realize all of the other narwhals are chanting.
Radicals: 十 cross + 冖 forehead + 糸 thread
There is a cross in your forehead with a thread attached to it, forcing you to search where it leads. You’re not sure how the cross got stuck in your forehead, but you are interested in seeing where this piece of thread leads. The search is on.
Reading: さく
Your search is over. You found the end of the thread. The thread leads you to a sack (さく). A sack filled with more crosses with more threads attached to them. What does it all mean!?!
Radicals: 臣 servant
The servant radical and the servant kanji are exactly the same! Just remember that the kanji also means retainer and you’ll be fine.
Readings: しん, じん
Your servant, also known as your retainer, bangs his shins (しん) all the time so you make him wear jeans (じん) to work now. He bangs his shins on all the furniture in the house, knocking over all your valuables. But at least when he’s wearing jeans it doesn’t leave bruises like it did when he wasn’t wearing pants.
Radicals: イ leader + 山 mountain + 隹 turkey
The leader of the mountain turkeys is our sponsor. He’s paying us to say and type everything you’re reading.
Reading: さい
This same sponsor is also how you made your cyborg (さい). You didn’t think you were able to get all those body parts yourself, did you? No no, the leader of the mountain turkeys sponsored you so you could do your experiments.
Radicals: 土 dirt + 行 go
The dirt you use to go from place to place is the street. Back in the old days, all roads were made of dirt, not like the newfangled roads of today.
Readings: がい, かい
As you’re walking down the street, staring at the dirt, a guy (がい) bumps into you, “Hey guy, watch where you’re going!” As he says this he bumps into another guy. “Watch it guy, I’m walkin’ in this street!” “Woah guy, this isn’t your business, this is my street!”
Radicals: 言 say + 吉 good luck
Say good luck to one person enough and they’ll be stuffed full of that luck.
Readings: つ, づ
You stuffed them by saying good luck two (つ) whole times!
Radicals: 臣 servant + 又 stool + 糸 thread
The servant sits on a stool, holding a piece of thread, looking very tense.
Reading: きん
You ask the servant why they’re so tense, and they say they’ve been assigned to assassinate the King (きん) of England with this piece of thread.
The cabinet
Radicals: 門 gate + 各 kiss
At the gate, you kiss the cabinet members, one by one. In order to gain access to this government building, you have to kiss all the members of the cabinet at the gate. What a strange ritual.
Reading: かく
You need to kiss each member of the cabinet to gain access to their building. And you need to get into the building to recover your cock (かく). Your prize winning cock has been captured by a member of the cabinet and you need to infiltrate their headquarters and recover your rooster!
Radicals: イ leader + 足 foot
Your leader sees your bare foot and urges you to put a sock on it.
Reading: そく
As urged, you put a sock (そく) on your foot. Ahh, that feels so much better. What a great thing, this sock.
Radicals: 歹 yakuza +刂 knife + 灬 boil
When a yakuza’s knife boils, you know something very violent and intense is about to happen.
Readings: れつ
When someone gets violent or intense, they always yell “Let’s (れつ) get violent and intense!”