Kanji - Level 16 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 谷 valley
A tsunami hits a valley, filling it up with water. Lucky for you, you’re a giant, so you just lay down in the valley and use it to bathe.
Reading: よく
You know what would make the bathing experience even better? If you had some egg yolks (よく) to eat. Just crack those yolks into the water you bathe in, and it’ll cook to perfection. Yum!
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 木 tree + 目 eye
Having a keen eye for woodworking, you can tell that the bamboo from that tree over there will make an excellent box. Boxes made from bamboo trees are very sturdy and fashionable. You have an eye for fashion as well, you see.
Reading: はこ
Now you can use that box to store all your hardcore (はこ) punk vinyls. You’re a real connoisseur, so you know that hardcore music should only ever be kept in bamboo boxes.
Radicals: イ leader + 一 ground + 糸 thread
A psychic leader can pick a thread up off the ground and make a connection with the person that it came from. This leader is very powerful, so even a thread is enough for them to make a psychic connection with the person who was wearing the thread.
Reading: けい
As you develop this psychic connection with the owner of the thread, you can tell that he is currently eating a cake (けい).
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 台 machine
After a tsunami, use this machine to cure the people and the country from the damage. Healing machines are all over Japan just in case a tsunami does way more damage than they can handle.
Oh, and whoever cures and heals the most people will be able to rule over them once everything starts going back to normal. So keep that in mind, kay?
Readings: じ, ち
Alternative ways to cure yourself after a tsunami are either praying to Jesus (じ) or eating your weight in cheese (ち). I’m not sure if I have enough cheese for all the people that got hit though… Hmm, do you have cheese?
Before you make your decision, remember that whoever cures you will be able to reign over you and your people. So do you want to be led by Jesus or by some cheese? The choice is yours.
Radicals: 勹 prison + 厂 cliff + 巳 snake
There is a prison on a cliff surrounded by snakes. Now that’s a dangerous place. If you try to escape the prison you either fall to your death off the cliff or get bitten/squeezed to death by the snakes. Can you think of anything more dangerous than this? I can’t.
Reading: き
Lucky for you, even though you’re stuck in this dangerous place, there is hope. There is a key (き). All dangerous prisons have a key. You just have to find and steal it so you can avoid the cliffs and snakes!
Radicals: 日 sun + 目 eye
When the sun gets in your eye, I dare you to stare at it. I dare you to look right at the sun. I dare you.
Reading: ぼう
After you’ve blinded yourself from the dare of looking at the sun and losing sight in each eye, the guy dares you to go bowling (ぼう). You’re blind now, so bowling will be quite the challenge.
Radicals: ム private + 刀 sword + 田 rice paddy
A group of private sword guys are in your rice paddy. You must detain them at once! Private sword guys are people who work for private companies and use their swords on people. They’re basically paid assassins. And you’re going to detain them!
Readings: る, りゅう
You’re running out of steam and you’re afraid you might not be able to detain all of these guys when Ryu (りゅう) from Street Fighter appears. He hates swords, and will only use fists because it’s the honorable way to fight, so he starts helping you detain them!
He’s also found a loophole (る) in the system and you don’t have to be super gentle with these guys either. So detain them as forcefully as you want. It is your rice paddy they’re in, after all.
Radicals: ム private + 廾 twenty
If you listened in to the private lives of twenty people, all of them would have different dialects and ways of speech. Whether they actually use these dialects with you is another story. But when they’re alone, or with other people who are from the same place, their speech will be different.
Reading: べん
The best way to learn someone’s dialect is to buy them a bento (べん) from where they’re from. Not only do these bento have writing in their dialect on them, but their speech will immediately shift to match. Then you’ll be able to hear how they sound in their head and in private!
Radicals: 言 say + 正 correct
What I say is correct 100%! You may use it as evidence in this murder case.
Reading: しょう
The officials force you to present this evidence in front of the Shougun (しょう), himself. Your knees quake, you feel like you’re gonna be sick, but you try to stand up tall and tell him everything. After all, you know your proof is correct, so you shouldn’t be so scared.
Radicals: ナ narwhal + | stick + 子 child
If a narwhal sticks a child with its horn then you have to admit that it exists. We know some of you have been doubting narwhals and whether they’re real. Well now your kid is a kabob, so do you believe they exist now? I suppose you do.
Reading: そん, ぞん
Oh, and the child we had to narwhal stab to prove they exist - that’s your son (そん). Maybe you should have listened and kept your son out of the Narwhal Danger Zone (ぞん) after we warned you about it.
Radicals: 面 face
The face radical and the face kanji are the same! But this isn’t just a face like the one you’re looking at your computer/phone with. It’s the surface kind of face too!
Reading: めん
This face you’re looking at, that has a lot of surface area, belongs to men (めん). Not a single man, but all men put together. It’s hundreds of thousands of men’s faces in a row.
Radicals: ⻌ scooter + 袁 zombie
You see a scooter with a zombie on it, going really far away. Someone tied that zombie to the scooter and now it’s far off in the distance, groaning and growling.
Reading: えん
The zombie goes so far, that its life ends (えん). Zombies need to eat to live (it’s really all they need), but they go so far on their scooter trip, that they just give up and end it all.
Radicals: 口 mouth + 袁 zombie
You examine the mouth of a zombie and find a small garden in there. There are even benches… it looks like a park.
Reading: えん
You look closer at the garden and suddenly everything ends (えん).
Radicals: 門 gate
The radical for gate and the kanji for gates are the same!
Reading: もん
You want to pass through this gate but it’s guarded by… a monster (もん)!
Radicals: 广 canopy + 付 attach
A canopy attaching your entire country is the government. They loom over you all and try to keep you all organized and together under their control.
Reading: ふ
Try to get out from under this government canopy and you’ll be labeled a fool (ふ). Unless… you can fool them!
Radicals: 亠 lid + 辛 spicy
Put a lid on something spicy and you’ll cook up pure happiness.
Reading: こう
Out of spicy foods you made pure happiness. You give it to your sad friend こういち, who waits at the table.
Radicals: 阝building + 反 anti
If you’re anti-building, you’re probably afraid of heights and slopes. The only downside to a building is that they’re high and if you fall off of them you could die. So if someone says they’re anti-building, they’re really just anti-heights.
Reading: はん
Another person you know who’s afraid of heights is Han (はん) Solo. Now wait, you may be thinking, he flies a space ship! You’re right, because he doesn’t like to walk all the way up high buildings, it freaks him out. He flies up instead so he doesn’t have to think about falling.
Radicals: 勹 prison + ヨ wolverine + 心 heart
A wolverine’s heart is in prison, so you need to hurry to set it free. But don’t be too sudden, or its heart won’t survive. And the wolverine’s death will be on you.
Reading: きゅう
You’re trying to hurry as fast as you can to save the wolverine. But you’re losing strength, so you grab a cucumber (きゅう) from your bag and munch on it to get some of your hurrying power back.
Radicals: 竹 bamboo + 天 heaven
Bamboo heaven is a place for laughing. Bamboo is a very jolly plant, and they love to laugh. Even after death in bamboo heaven, the bamboo continue to laugh joyfully. Bamboo heaven is truly a place of laughter.
Readings: わら, え
There’s actually a war a goin’ on up in that there bamboo heaven, y’know? Ye might not have heard of it with all that there laughin’ a goin’ on, but there definitely be a war a (わら) goin’ on up in bamboo heaven, y’hear? The bamboo are scared so that’s why they be laughin’ so much. They nervous.
Radicals: 艹 flowers + イ leader + 可 lip ring
The lip ring wearing leader of the Flowers Gang does not carry his own luggage anywhere. He is so powerful, respected, and feared that people always carry his luggage for him wherever he goes. You might not think a leader of a gang called the Flowers would be intimidating, but he is.
Reading: に
Remember that giant thorny rose on the lip ring wearing leader’s back? The thorns coming out of it are real, and they’re as sharp as needles (に). You wouldn’t want to prick your finger on them. They’re super pointy and he uses them to defend his luggage.
Radicals: 正 correct + 夂 winter
It’s correct in winter to focus on politics and the government. Elections are happening, in the new year politicians are being sworn in. Winter is government time!
Reading: せい
Everyone involved in politics and government wields a special saber (せい). If two political parties are arguing, they’ll whip out their sabers and start slashing away!
Radicals: 品 products
The products radical and the product kanji are exactly the same! Productive!
Reading: ひん
As you try to sell these products, you finally get a buyer. It’s a Hindu (ひん) person. She walks in and buys your products on the spot!
Radicals: 宀 roof + 寸 measurement
Your roof needs measurements done every year to make sure it will protect you properly.
Readings: す, しゅ
If the measurements are off, and your roof doesn’t protect you, then you get to sue (す)! If you’re still alive, that is.
Radicals: 舌 tongue + 辛 spicy
When your tongue becomes too spicy for you to bear, it’s time to quit the jalapeño eating contest. You’ve been eating them for three hours now and the spiciness from the peppers is really burning your tongue. Throw in the towel, it’s time to quit the contest.
This kanji has another meaning too:
Eating isn’t the only thing that makes your tongue spicy, so do certain words. Say your favorite words out loud right now. Feel them on your tongue. Words are the spicy food of language!
Reading: じ
Oh, you’re probably wondering who won that spicy food contest after you quit and became obsessed with words instead. It was Jesus (じ). Who did you expect? He was great with words AND never quitting when things got spicy.
Radicals: 𥃭 pope + 一 ground + ハ fins
If the pope spends all day staring at fins on the ground, he’s going to lose touch with reality. He should be focusing on his popish duties, but instead he’s looking at the fish fins he dropped, and now can’t eat because they’re dirty. Silly pope. You can’t let this one thing get you down. You have other things to do.
Reading: しん
You’re doing your best to bring the pope back to reality when he snaps and kicks you in the shin (しん). Oww! What the heck, pope! But he’s already back staring at the fins and your shin is throbbing where he kicked.
Radicals: 門 gate + 丷 horns + 天 heaven
This gate of horns will take you to heaven. These horns are related and connected to heaven in some way.
Reading: かん
They are related and connected to heaven because these are the horns that Genghis Khan (かん) made from his enemies. God said he could come into heaven if he made a gate of horns, so that’s what he did.
Radicals: 阝building + 㑒 squid
Going into a building made by a squid is risky. First of all, squids only have tentacles, no bones, and they make all of their buildings out of risky materials like kelp and sharp coral.
Reading: けん
“It’s too risky, leave me!” the squid cries. “I’ll save you, underwater citizen! Nothing is too risky for Ken (けん) the samurai!” The building is collapsing on the squid, the risk is so great, but Ken the samurai dives in and saves him!
Radicals: 曲 music + ハ fins
If you play music with your fins, one rule is that you must be a fish. You can’t play music using fish fins that don’t belong to you. That’s the rule. And it’s also rude.
Reading: てん
There’s also a rule in place to limit the amount of fish fin musicians. No more than ten (てん) are allowed to gather and play their music together. That’s the rule. No more than ten.
Radicals: 十 cross + 田 rice paddy + 寸 measurement
Sticking a cross into a rice paddy to get its measurements is your specialty. Most people get really confused when they have to measure their rice paddies, but that’s where you come in. You plant a cross right in the middle, look down it from one end to the other, and voila! You know the measurements immediately. That’s why it’s your specialty!
Reading: せん
Hearing of your amazing specialty and cross measurement abilities, a centaur (せん) from a far off land recruits you for a job. The centaur’s father has just passed away and the centaur wants you to measure the rice paddies that have been left to him.
Radicals: 冖 forehead + 几 table
A forehead table is completely superfluous.
Reading: じょう
The only person you know with a superfluous forehead table is Jourm (じょう), the ten foot tall, simple farmhand.
Radicals: 日 sun + ヨ wolverine + 隹 turkey
As the sun rises over the hills, the ferocious wolverine stalks a turkey on a weekday morning. The wolverine hunts turkeys for a living, but on the weekends, he likes to play racquetball at the local gym. That’s why the turkey is getting hunted on a weekday.
Reading: よう
This wolverine has a strange palate, however. It likes to turn its turkey into turkey yogurt (よう). After the hunt every weekday, the wolverine spends the evening turning the turkey meat into a strange, thick and chunky, turkey yogurt.
Radicals: 聿 brush + 日 sun
Why would you try to take a brush to the sun? It’s almost too obvious, because you want to write something down.
Reading: しょ
What did you write about? You were writing about this amazing circus show (しょ) you just watched on the sun. You didn’t expect there to be any shows here, but turns out you were wrong!