Kanji - Level 20 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: ネ spirit + 谷 valley
In spirit valley, spirits are abundant. Hence the name. Spirit valley has over two billion spirits floating in it.
Reading: ゆう
In spirit valley, it’s not just spirits that are abundant. There is an abundance of youths (ゆう) as well.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 九 nine
You have nine flags. With these nine flags you take them one by one and put them up your butt.
Reading: しり
Now that you have nine flags inside your butt, you have to get them out. But, you don’t know how to. So you ask Siri (しり), “how do I get nine flags out of my butt?”
Radicals: 犭animal + 巳 snake
In the animal kingdom, a snake is the most likely to commit a crime. Remember the Garden of Eden? The snake was the bad guy. Ever since then, snakes are the animal most known for committing crimes.
Reading: はん
This snake has evaded the law for too long. It’s time for a true hero to put an end to its crime spree. Enter Han (はん) Solo. Han Solo is the only man strong and brave enough to put an end to this snake and his crime filled ways.
Radicals: 石 stone + 冖 forehead + 隹 turkey
You take a stone to the forehead of a turkey. It is certain that you will damage it.
Reading: かく
You’re killing this turkey, and you need to make sure he’s dead for certain. The reason you need to make sure this turkey is dead is because of the cock (かく) in your life. Male chickens get really jealous when turkeys are around.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 生 life + 口 mouth
You slip off the roof, your life flashes before your eyes, and you smash your mouth on the ground causing some serious damage. Oof, this is a really bad injury, you fell all the way off the roof and onto your mouth.
Reading: がい
As you try to assess the damage, you hear someone shout, “Guy (がい), hey, you okay, guy?” They run up to you, but your mouth is too damaged, you can’t respond. “Okay guy, I’m gonna call you Guy now. Let’s get you to the hospital.”
Radicals: 木 tree + 戈 drunkard + 廾 twenty
Under a tree a drunkard sits with twenty little contraptions. There’s little electronic ones, little bopping ones, little walking ones… twenty of them.
Reading: かい
You want to know what these contraptions are for, so you ask. The drunkard says, “These are kayak (かい) contraptions urp they’re for your uh blarp kayak… things.”
Radicals: 言 say + 義 righteousness
What you say is righteousness, at least that’s what you believe. You keep talking and saying these things, and you don’t listen to anyone else’s words. This is your style of deliberation and discussion.
Reading: ぎ
What are you in deliberation about? Whether or not to send some poor soul to the guillotine (ぎ). “I think he should go,” you say. “I don’t think he should,” says another. This deliberation is going nowhere…
Radicals: 𦰩 chinese + 隹 turkey
A Chinese turkey is difficult to find because they are so rare. Chinese turkeys are the rarest variety of turkey, so naturally, finding one is exceedingly difficult.
Reading: なん
Do you know the actual reason Chinese turkeys are so difficult to find? Do you know how many Chinese turkeys there are in the world? None (なん). They don’t exist. How many Chinese turkeys are there? None.
Radicals: 巛 flood + 火 fire
A flood and a fire! At the same time? This is a disaster!
Reading: さい
This disaster was caused by your cyborg (さい)! It’s malfunctioning, running around leaking large amounts of water and breathing fire. I guess you didn’t work out all the kinks before you let it roam wild.
Radicals: 女 woman + 兼 Mona Lisa
When a woman sees the Mona Lisa, she feels a strong feeling of dislike. All women dislike the Mona Lisa because of how much attention she gets.
Readings: けん, げん
You dislike the Mona Lisa so much you hire Ken (けん) the samurai to cut her up.
Radicals: 口 mouth + 木 tree
If you put your mouth on a tree and try to eat it, you’re probably a distressed and troubled individual (unless you’re a woodchuck). You don’t need to eat this tree, you have plenty of food at home. Get your mouth off that tree you distressed child.
Reading: こん
You thought you were the most distressed and troubled person in this situation, but then you look up and see a very equally distressed and troubled condor (こん). The tree you’ve been mouthing is its home. And now you’ve slobbered all over it, ruining this condor’s day.
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 罒 net + 冖 forehead + 夕 evening
A flowers net is upon your forehead in the evening. These appear on your head at night whenever you are having a dream.
Reading: む
You dream about cows saying “moo (む), moo, moo!”
Radicals: 雨 rain + 辰 landslide
Rain causes a landslide that causes an earthquake!!! The earth doesn’t just slide, it shakes and quakes.
Reading: しん
The earthquake shakes you so violently that you fall over, banging your shin (しん) on the coffee table. The edge of the coffee table is very sharp, so it cuts into your shin pretty badly.
Radicals: ナ narwhal + | stick + 土 dirt
A narwhal sticks a stick into the dirt to see what might exist underneath it. Narwhals live in the sea, you see. So they’re convinced nothing can exist anywhere else.
Reading: ざい
The narwhal can’t find anything but it can’t stop thinking about what could exist outside of its world. It pulls out a xylophone (ざい) and starts tapping the keys with its horn. It plays a sad song about the meaning of life and whether existence is worth it.
Radicals: 飛 fly
The fly radical and the fly kanji are exactly the same! Awesome!
Reading: ひ
When you fly, you generate a lot of heat (ひ) because you’re moving so fast through the atmosphere. Normally this heat would be a nuisance, but you’re a superhero so it doesn’t bother you. This is actually the reason you’re able to fly – you’re a superhero and super resistant to heat.
Give birth
Radicals: 立 stand + 厂 cliff + 生 + life
You stand on the Cliff of Life and give birth to a child. Oh no! You’re standing too close to the edge of the Cliff of Life! The baby falls off the cliff right after you give birth to it! In your despair, you throw all your property off the cliff too.
Reading: さん
You give birth, and now this happens. Such bad luck. But wait! What’s that sound? Sleigh bells? Could it be?! It’s Santa-san (さん)! He caught your baby! And all your property.
Radicals: 罒 net + 非 criminal
Put a net around a criminal to show their guilt. Criminals look like anyone else on the street, so you decide to tie them in nets to make sure people know who they’re dealing with.
Reading: ざい
The guilt shows on the criminal’s face. They smile, shrug, and pull a stolen xylophone (ざい) out of their back pocket.
Radicals: 穴 hole
The hole radical and the hole kanji are exactly the same! Spectacular!
Reading: あな
Ana (あな) fell into a hole. Laugh at Ana and her unfortunate misfortune of having fallen into a hole like a ninny. Haha, Ana – you’re stupid and clumsy!
Radicals: ネ spirit + 皮 skin
A spirit loses its skin as a part of the damages it incurs after death.
Reading: ひ
When you incur the wrath of an angry spirit, you’ll feel your skin heat (ひ) up.
Radicals: イ leader + 口 mouth + 古 old
The leader with the old mouth is the one who has said many things. That makes them different from everyone, an individual.
Reading: こ
As an individual, one must teach all the 子s (こ) their way. Their individual way.
Radicals: 木 tree + 幺 poop + 戈 drunkard + 人 person
A drunkard is the kind of person who would poop two times under a tree before using a machine toilet. There’s a perfectly good outhouse with a machine toilet right there, but this drunkard is so drunk that he decides to poop under the tree instead. And not only does he poop once, he poops twice.
Reading: き
Oh, I see – the door to the outhouse with the machine toilet is locked, and the drunkard doesn’t have the key (き). If he had a machine like a jackhammer, or a circular saw, or some other heavy duty machine, he might be able to get in without a key, but since he has none of those or a key, he’s reduced to pooping under the tree instead.
Radicals: イ leader + 至 mole +刂 knife
Someone stabbed the leader mole with a knife to overthrow it. Now there is a new mole leader. Because that’s what happens when you overthrow someone—someone else needs to take over. In this case, a vengeful mole.
Reading: とう
Where do leaders get overthrown the most? In とうきょう. Just think back in Japanese history, back when everyone was at war with one another. People were taking over and getting overthrown and then that guy gets overthrown and then THAT guy gets overthrown. Basically, it used to be hard to stay a leader in とうきょう.
Passage of time
Radicals: 糸 thread + 圣 tombstone
Tying a thread to a tombstone each year will help you manage the passage of time. That way you’ll know how many years you pass through, since you’ll have one thread for each year to count.
Reading: けい
Dealing with the passage of time can be tough, so after you tie the thread to the tombstone, each year you eat a piece of cake (けい). You already eat cake to mark the passage of time on your birthday, so why not here as well?
Radicals: 亠 lid + 幺 poop + x explosion + 十 cross
Sitting on the lid of a toilet, you’re praying your poop explosion will be flushed away, beseeching the cross decorating the bathroom wall. The poop needs to be one hundred percent flushed away because you’re on a date, and you don’t want even one percent of your explosion left for them to see.
Readings: りつ, そつ
It was extra important that there was zero percent poop left, because you’re not on a date just anywhere, you’re at the Ritz (りつ)!
Radicals: 厂 cliff + 土 dirt
The dirt under a cliff is going to be under a lot of pressure.
Reading: あつ
The dirt being crushed under this pressure can’t help but react by sneezing out, “Achoo (あつ)!” This sneeze-inducing pressure probably has something to do with where earthquakes come from.
Radicals: 阝building + 方 direction
If there is a building in the direction you want to go it will prevent you from going any further. Like, come on kid, you think you can just walk right through a building? Don’t make me laugh!
Reading: ぼう
The building is preventing you from going the right direction, so you pull a bowling (ぼう) ball out of your bag, aim, and bowl the building over. The building, and all the ones around it, go tumbling down. But now the rubble is preventing you from going further.
Radicals: 木 tree + 冂 head +刂 knife
You hit your head on a tree and a knife falls out and stabs you. Ow! What the heck?! What was a knife doing in that tree?
Reading: さ
There’s nothing more dangerous than a tree that likes to stab, so you get your saw (さ) and start to saw it down. Trees that stab get sawed!
Radicals: 自 self + 大 big
Wash yourself with a big bar of soap if you’re stinking everything up.
Readings: くさ, にお
You’re stinking up the room because you spent your day rolling in 草 (くさ). And based on this particular stench, I’d say an animal left something in that 草 too…
Radicals: 𠆢 hat + 示 jackhammer
Regardless of whether or not you wear a hat while you jackhammer, you’re going to have a surplus of noise. Jackhammers are loud, and your hat is doing nothing to dampen the racket. There’s a surplus of commotion coming from the jackhammer and onlookers are not amused.
Reading: よ
One of the people walking by is the owner of a push cart yo-yo (よ) stand. Having a surplus of yo-yos, he starts throwing them at you. This makes you stop using the jackhammer as you need both hands to fend off the yo-yo barrage.
Radicals: 尸 flag + 毛 fur
You see a flag stuck in the ground with a little bit of fur coming out from it and on closer inspection you realize it’s actually a tail. Someone stuck a flag into some sort of animal, pushing it under the ground. All that’s visible now is some fur and part of the tail.
Reading: び
You try to pull the flag out of the ground and hear a rumbling buzzing sound. At the end of the flagpole you see a huge beehive (び)! These bees made their home under the tail! Maybe that’s why the flag was sticking in it… to warn people. Oops.
Radicals: 言 say + 𠆢 hat + 一 ground + 冊 bookshelf
You say, throwing your hat on the ground in front of the bookshelf, “I have a theory!” All this reading and thinking has finally given you a wonderful idea, a theory you think might solve all of your problems!
Reading: ろん
“What is your theory, Ron (ろん)?” asks Hermione. You’re Ron Weasley, and you just came up with a theory that you think will help you stop Voldemort.
Radicals: 厂 cliff + 日 sun + 子 child
Hanging off the edge of a cliff is a sun worshipping child with a thick unibrow. Hanging off the cliff, the child cries at the sun for cursing him to this cruel fate. Even the thickness of his unibrow is not enough to give the child the strength to pull himself back up.
Reading: あつ
The child’s thick unibrow can’t wait any longer and gives up. It hops off the child’s face and says, “Hey dude, I’ll be at Sue’s (あつ). She’ll appreciate my thick, luxuriousness more than a weakling like you.
Radicals: 一 ground + 聿 brush + 女 woman
On the ground, holding a brush, is the woman you call your wife.
Reading: さい
Your wife is drawing your cyborg (さい) on the ground. Oh no… now your wife is making kissy faces at the cyborg drawing.