Kanji - Level 17 - Kanji Flashcards
Radicals: 日 sun + 正 correct
The sun is correct, absolutely. The mighty sun is never wrong. It is absolutely correct, always.
Reading: ぜ
Then, a zeppelin (ぜ) flies in front of the sun, blocking it out. Absolutely, the sun cannot ignore this transgression. Therefore, the sun corrects the zeppelin’s evil ways by frying it with sunshine and bringing it to the ground.
Radicals: 糸 thread + 吉 good luck
You use a thread for good luck by binding two fingers together. You tie them nice and tight.
Reading: けつ
After you bind your fingers, the good luck starts pouring in. Literally. Suddenly ketsup (けつ) starts pouring down from the heavens.
Radicals: 广 canopy + 氏 clan + 一 ground
Under a canopy your clan digs in the ground, trying to get to the bottom. They want to build a nice home your entire clan can live in, but they need to get to the bottom before they’ll start building.
Reading: そこ
Suddenly someone down in the hole shouts that they’ve reached the bottom, but it’s full of water and they’re all soaked (そこ)!
Radicals: 口 mouth + 大 big
Your big mouth is the cause of all your problems.
Reading: いん
Your big mouth causes all of your friends and family to move to an inn (いん) so they don’t have to live near you and hear you talk anymore.
Radicals: 言 say + 羊 sheep
They say sheep are detailed creatures. I mean, I never thought sheep were very detailed, but that’s what they say.
Reading: しょう
The reason these sheep are so detailed is that they are trying to impress the Shougun (しょう). If they’re fancy enough, perhaps the Shougun won’t kill them for their meat and make their wool into clothing.
Radicals: 言 say + 音 sound + 戈 drunkard
If you sound like a drunkard when you say things, people will not think of you as a discerning person. “AWh yeah, that game is greatttt,” you say in your drunken slurs. But, really, it sounds like you think all games are great, which isn’t all that discriminating of you at all.
Reading: しき
So, we’ve figured out that your drunken utterances are not very discerning. But let’s think about someone who is discerning. You’re sitting next to an extremely chic (しき) individual, and boy do they sound like they know what they are talking about. Maybe it’s because they’re not drunk like you. They are so chic and have such discerning taste!
Radicals: 虍 tiger + 豕 pig +刂 knife
A tiger kills a pig with a knife in this new drama about the animal kingdom! The tiger and pig used to be friends when they were younger, but now they’re bitter enemies and the tiger just stabbed the pig right in the chest with a knife.
Reading: げき
This drama is being put on by Gecki (げき), your childhood pet gecko. Gecki is playing all the parts, because as true drama fans know, one-gecko-shows are the highest form of art.
Radicals: 干 dry
The dry radical and the dry kanji are the same!
Reading: かん
You need to dry Genghis Khan (かん). He hates being wet, all of the Mongols do, so your job is to dry his entire body. And his clothes, and his horse. In fact, when it rains, you have to ride next to him keeping him dry by holding an umbrella above his head.
Radicals: 貝 shellfish + 夂 winter
A shellfish that can’t live through winter is a failure. Any proper shellfish would survive through the winter, so this is quite an embarrassing defeat.
Reading: はい
The best way to avoid failure is to say a little haiku (はい) to distract you from the cold. In fact, this can work in any situation where you’re afraid of defeat. Say a haiku aloud, it will calm your nerves and warm you from the inside.
Radicals: 氵tsunami + 歩 walk
A tsunami is coming, and you want to walk over it, so you have to ford it. You don’t walk across a tsunami, you wade across it.
Reading: しょう
Your ability to ford this tsunami impresses everyone who witnesses it, especially the Shougun (しょう). Now that you’ve taught him a tsunami can be forded, he’s going to start sending his troops through them instead of waiting for them to pass.
Radicals: 果 fruit
The fruit radical and the fruit kanji are exactly the same! Bodacious!
Readings: か
They sell fruit at the store, and you need to drive your car (か) to get there. A car is the fastest way to fruit.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 㠯 bear
Under this roof is a bear who works for the government. If you saw a bear out in the wild you might be afraid and try to run, but if you see a bear inside a building under a roof, don’t be scared! It’s just a government bear.
Reading: かん
The first government that allowed bears was set up by Genghis Khan (かん). He was all about conquering people and then using them as efficiently as possible. He discovered that bears are incredibly useful in government buildings as government workers.
Government office
Radicals: 罒 net + 者 someone
This net is for someone who works in a government office. You’ll also take someone from a political office.
Reading: しょ
Government office and political office people put on the best shows (しょ). That’s why you want to capture someone from there with your net.
Radicals: 宀 roof + 祭 festival
If you’re on the roof of the festival you’ll have to guess what’s actually going on below you. You can kind of see that there are rides and maybe food? It smells like food. But you have to guess on the specifics because you’re above it and not in it.
Reading: さつ
You were trying to guess by leaning over the edge of the roof, but you almost slip, and sat (さつ) down instead.
Radicals: 龸 viking + 口 mouth + 土 dirt
A Viking will empty his mouth of all its dirt in the great hall. They all get together in some kind of public chamber and dish all the dirt (literal and figurative) that they’ve got.
Reading: どう
While the Vikings gather to spill the dirt in their hall, they also stuff their faces with doughnuts (どう). Ah yes, Vikings love to eat doughnuts when they talk trash.
Radicals: 幺 poop + 𠃌 cape
You hide poop in a cape as part of the illusion in your magic show. Your acts are kind of gross and this one involves creating the illusion of disappearing poop by hiding it within the folds of your cape.
Reading: げん
Somehow the poop cape illusion goes over really well. The crowd is giving you a standing ovation and right in the center is Genji (げん). He marches up to you, wipes a tear from his eye, and says, “Your illusion cape is wonderful. I must have it!”
Radicals: 非 criminal
A criminal has done an injustice on the world or other people. Being a criminal is a negative thing, and even if it was just a mistake, it was still a crime.
Reading: ひ
When you commit an injustice, you’ll know because heat (ひ) fills your body. Maybe you’ve never done any kind of big thing, but when you make a mistake your face fills with heat and you turn red!
Radicals: ⺤ cleat + 冖 forehead + 心 heart + 夂 winter
Putting on cleats in the heart of winter and braving the harsh elements just to plant a kiss on your sweetheart’s forehead – that’s love. Sure, you could see them another day, but you need to plant this smooch on their forehead today, so you get some cleats for better grip on the winter snow and you keep thoughts of your dear in your heart as you travel to see your love.
Reading: あい
Walking through the winter snows with your cleats on, you’ve gotta keep your eye (あい) on the prize. It’s a really hard journey, but you keep your eye on the prize, which is your love and the time you’ll get to spend with them.
Radicals: 艹 flowers + 楽 comfort
Flowers can be used for comfort, but also for medicine. Sure, it’s a comfort to smell flowers because they smell nice, but one can also use them as medicine to heal people.
Reading: やく
The best way to transport all the medicine on land is with a yak (やく). Yaks are big, strong, and very capable of transporting flower medicine like these.
Radicals: 龸 viking + 見 see
Viking see, Viking memorize. That’s how Vikings learn things. They see something, and then they memorize it. Quite simple, really.
It can also mean awake. Just remember that Vikings can’t see if they aren’t awake. There won’t be anything to memorize if their eyes are still closed, after all!
Reading: かく
Every morning, a cock (かく) crows and rouses the Vikings. Seeing this, one of the Vikings memorizes the cock crow so that he can mimic it and play pranks on his fellow Vikings.
Radicals: 龸 viking + 口 mouth + 巾 towel
A viking with a mouth towel is a totally normal thing. It’s ordinary.
Reading: じょう
It’s normal for a viking to have a mouth towel, but your sloppy farmhand friend Jourm (じょう) has a mouth towel too. That’s a habit that’s only normal for vikings, so why does he have one?
Radicals: 自 self + 田 rice paddy + 廾 twenty
You’re all by your lonesome self and have to check your rice paddies, all twenty of them! Luckily, you have the most astute of all noses, allowing you to quickly assess the state of your twenty rice paddies all by yourself.
Reading: はな
As you’re about to finish checking your paddies, your nose picks up an additional smell: It’s Hannah, bringing you a bunch of 花 (はな)!
Radicals: 無 nothing
The nothing radical and the nothing kanji are exactly the same! Woah!
Readings: む, ぶ
Nothing can moo (む) quite like a cow can moo. Cows are the best at going moo. That’s a fact.
Radicals: 原 original
The original radical and the original kanji are the same!
This kanji can also mean field, probably because that’s what everything originally looked like before humans: just a bunch of fields.
Reading: げん
The original Japanese hero was Genji (げん), from “The Tale of Genji.”
Radicals: 壴 drum + 口 mouth
If there is a drum in your mouth it’s time to rejoice! And because of your mouth drum your rejoicing will be loud and booming!
Reading: き
You loudly rejoice for a while when suddenly someone runs over and shoves a key (き) in your mouth, locking it shut. You can’t rejoice anymore! You need that key to unlock your mouth!
Radicals: 赤 red + 心 heart
A red heart is the symbol of romance and love. Red hearts are very romantic and giving a red heart to your sweetheart is a great way to romance them.
Reading: れん
A red heart will render (れん) you love struck with romance. Romance will render you useless in other aspects of life because all you can concentrate on is love.
Radicals: 非 criminal + 心 heart
A criminal’s heart will always be sad. No one chooses a life of crime if they’re happy. And even if they seem like they’re doing fine on the outside, deep down they’re really sad.
Reading: ひ
The sad feelings fill the criminal’s body with heat (ひ). This heat spreads and radiates out. If you walk next to them on the street, you’ll feel the sad heat floating by you.
Radicals: 土 dirt + 𠂉 gun + 口 mouth + 皿 plate
What’s that in the dirt , a gun ? It has its mouth wide open, almost like it’s hungry. And what does one serve a hungry gun? A plate of salt, of course!
Reading: しお
While feeding salt to this hungry gun, you laugh, “She owes (しお) me for this!” Who is she, you ask? The lady who keeps putting all these guns in the dirt and then running off!
Radicals: [?] Unicode: 广 + 廿 yurt + 巾 towel
In a yurt you use a towel as a seat.
Reading: せき
Something about using a towel for a seat is very sexy (せき) to you. Probably because you associate it with sexy people using towel seats on the beach.
Radicals: イ leader + 貝 shellfish +刂 knife
The leader of the shellfish has a knife in its side. It’s fine though, don’t worry, it’s just a reminder that he won the great shellfish war back when they were trying to choose the new leader.
Readings: がわ, そば
Because of this knife in his side, he can’t pronounce certain words correctly. The most obvious one is when he says 川 (かわ), but it comes out of the side of his mouth as がわ.
Radicals: 斤 axe + 一 ground + ハ fins
If you set a fish on the ground and chop its fins off with an axe, you’re probably a soldier. Only soldiers have access to axes, and you like to eat fish, but first you have to set it on the ground to chop its fins off.
Readings: へい, ひょう
Uh-oh, it looks like this axe soldier was so excited about chopping the fins off his fish that he didn’t think about how he was going to cook them. The only thing nearby to light on fire is a bale of hay (へい). Well, it’s not the best thing, but at least it will get these fish cooked.
Radicals: 言 say + 兑 guard
What do you say to a guard? Your theory about how the thing he’s guarding isn’t even real. Yeah, you have this whole thing figured out. You have for a while. At this point, it’s only fair that you tell your theory to the guard who’s wasting his time.
Reading: せつ
The guard listens to your theory but then he says his OWN! He thinks there are two sets (せつ) of guarded items, and he’s only guarding one. According to his theory, either one could be real! His theory is more plausible, don’t you think?
Radicals: 糸 thread + 田 rice paddy
A rice paddy that’s like a thread is extremely thin, but also detailed.
Reading: さい
This thin rice paddy is for your cyborg (さい). You only gave your cyborg a really thin strip of human stomach, so it only needs a thin line of rice to eat.
Radicals: 木 tree + 𠂉 gun + 毋 window
Aiming your gun out the window, you shoot at a tree filled with ume, Japanese plums. This is, in your opinion, the best way to harvest the plums – shooting at them out your window with a gun.
Reading: うめ
You’ve probably heard of ume before, depending on your exposure to Japan, but an ume (うめ) is a Japanese plum.
Radicals: 苟 poem + 夂 winter + 言 say
You have a poem about winter that you say to warn people against going outside. It’s cold and dangerous in winter! You admonish anyone and everyone you see going out there with your scary winter poem.
Reading: けい
To make sure people listen to your warning, you threaten to take away their cake (けい). People will do anything for cake, so when you bring it up, they actually take your attempts to warn them about winter seriously.