introduction to evolution Flashcards
geological evolution
1) the continual change in the earths appearance, from a dry, hostile, meteorite infested place, into a wet cool place.
2) the earth has changed slowly over a very long time due to natural forces such as weather and volcanos
biological (organic) evolution
1) genetic change in population across generations
2) we can see evidence of evolution that has occurred because life on earth today is not the same as in the past and many changes have occurred.
3) the fossil record is one key piece of evidence that support evolution.
why understanding evolution is vital
1) it alters genetic makeup of a population
2) for understanding antibiotic and pesticide resistance, agricultural issues, production, medicines, etc.
3) organisms adapt to their environment and change over time (ants sprayed can survive and reproduce to have populations of ants that are pests resistant)
as European naturalists explored newly discovered lands of Africa, Asia, and America, what did they discover?
1) the number of species or different types of organisms was much greater than anyone expected.
2) some species closely resembled one another yet differed in some characteristics
3) made them think that species could change after all and some species might have developed from common ancestor
what did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck do
1) 1800s: first theory that proposed that species evolve
2) his theories had unsupported evidence
Lamarck’s hypothesis on:
universal force willing organisms to change
1) organisms had an imaginary force or desire to change themselves for the better
2) organisms had the ability to produce new parts to satisfy their needs and become better adjusted to their environment.
Lamarck’s hypothesis: use and disuse of certain body parts
1) use and disuse of certain body parts could be passed on to offspring
2) organs that were regularly used to become stronger and more highly developed to perform their function and organs not used simply went away (giraffe necks example)
Lamarck’s hypothesis:
acquired characteristics
1) species modification is the result of acquired characteristic which are passed from generation to generation and eventually these changes make permanent changes to a species.
(two bodybuilders have offspring with baby with muscles)
what did Charles Lyell do
1) early 1800s geologist: principles of geology
2) geological forces had shaped the earth and were continuing to do so
3) gradual but constant change
Lyell’s ideas
1) influenced Darwin’s thinking because he believed the earth was an ancient arena in which rock formalities slowly appeared, changed, ad disappeared.
2) demonstrated that earth’s surface changed over time by wind, water, ice, volcano’s, etc.
3)recognized that competition between species lead to a struggle for existence and even discussed extinction of species caused by human activity
some ways Darwin came up with his theories
- he always had an interest in science and nature
-student of medicine and theology
-went on 5-year voyage after graduation
-collected specimens (remains, fossils, etc) of south American plants and animals
-observed adaptations to many diverse environments.
what are two important and unexpected patterns Darwin came up with
1) trait exhibit by species
2) similarity between the fossils of extinct species and the living species in that same area
Thomas Malthos
- had a major influence on darwin
-wrote about the potential for human population to increase faster than food supplies and other resources
who is alfred russell wallace and what did he come up with
1) British naturalist, explorer, geologist, anthropologist, and biologist
2) he independently proposed a theory of evolution due to natural selection that made charles darwin to publish his theory because it was almost identical.
why Darwin delayed publication of his ideas
1) some say he was a perfectionist
2) some say it was fear of a hostile reaction ( the church)
what did everyone believe before he published his ideas
- organisms were all put in earth by a creator, and does not change
- organisms are fixed: no additions/subtractions
-earth is about 6000 years old and unchanging
after publishing what did everyone believed
- organisms change overtime
- some organisms have gone extinct
-earth is more tha 6000 years old
-the geology of earth is not constant but always changing