anatomy and physiology Flashcards
surface area for single celled vs multi celled
- have enough sa for v
- sa increasing v- every cell needs nutrients
organization of body plans
cells- tissues- organs- organ systems
4 main tissues
epithelial: live in cavities
connective: holds tissue, bones, etc.
muscle: skeletal (smooth for esph/gut)
nervous: signal neurons
control and coordination (endocrine and nervous system)
endocrine and nervous system
-hormones and electrical/chemical signals
-hormones travel everywhere but only respond to particular receptors
-speed varies and response may be long lasting
nervous system
-fast, can be long/short distance
-travel along axons
-nerve impulses travel to a specific target
regulating and conforming
conformers= internal conditions change w/ external changes
regulators= maintain internal conditions under external changes
Maintaining relative constant eternal conditions under external changes
Sensor and response
Senses internal conditions or a stimulus and compares to set point
Return to set point (negative feedback)
Set points can change by…
Time of day, genetics, parental environment
Acclimation vs acclimatization vs adaptation
adjustments made to a single environmental factor
Adjustments made to multiple environmental factors
Adjustments made to environmental factors over generations
Temperature controls reaction speed (enzymes) and membrane fluidity
responsible for maintaining a steady internal body temperature
Maintain heat gain w/ heat loss
Thermoregulation- 2 types
Ectotherm: heat sourced from environment (have to move) (less food needed)
Endotherm: uses internal metabolic processes for heat
Variation in temp:
Poikilotherm and hemeotherm
Body temp varies w/ environment (hibernating animals)
Ex: bird
Body temperature does not vary w/ environment- remains constant
Heat exchanged by
Conduction, convection, evaporation, radiation
Heat transfers from
High to low heat
Mammals integumentary systems
Hair, nails, skin
Regulatory adaptations
Insulation- skin, feathers, fur, blubber, etc reduces heat loss
Evaporation heat loss, sweating, panting
Behavioural responses (posture, huddling, alter habitat)
Adjusting metabolic heat production (shivering)
Adjusting metabolic heat production
Thermogenesis: shivering, moving
produce thermogenin protein ouse mitochondria to produce neat
(rather than ATP)
* varies among mammals
Circulatory adaptations
Alternating the amount of blood flowing in extermities and or body core
Vasodilation: relaxing blood vessels to increase blood flow to skin
Vasoconstriction: constricting blood vessels to decrease blood flow to skin
Counter current heat exchange
Transfer for heat flowing in opp direction in vessels
Metabolic rate
Energy needed to maintain life
Energy changes with activity you do
Basel vs standard metabolic rate
Metabolic rate of endotherm at rest (normal temp)
Metabolic rate of ectotherm at rest (specific temp)
larger animals need more energy
if per gram- smaller animals need more energy
controlling solute and balancing water loss/gained
excreting nitrogenous waste and other waste products
How to water and solutes move
Passive (membrane fluidity and proteins) and active transport (energetically expensive)- proteins
Osmotic strategies: osmocomformer vs osmoregulator
Conforms to environmental osmalarity (same osmolarity as ocean), constantly loosing water
Regulates an internal osmolarity that is different from osmolarity of environment, drinks lots of water, get rid of salt by gills,kidney, etc.
Tolerance to osmotic change: stenohaline and euryhaline
Very sensitive to fluctuations in external osmolarity
Can tolerate large fluctuations in external osmolarity
Tolerance does not tell which osmotic strategy animal uses
Tolerance to osmolarity: freshwater (osmoconformer)
Too much water, eats to gain salt, most animals are osmoregulators since cant deal w/ low salt []
Drink almost no water
Very diluted urine
Salt uptake through gills
How land animals prevent dehydration
Shells (snails)
Waxy exoskeleton (insect)
Behaviour, kidney adaptations, drinking/eating, and cellular respiration