IDS Fungal P. jirovecci Flashcards
The following statements are true regarding P jirovecci infection
a. surfactant abnormality.
b. provokes mononuclear response
c. alveolar-capillary injury
e. all except A
Manifestations of P. jirovecci EXCE{T
a. subacute progressive dyspnea
b. fever
c. productive cough
d. chest discomfort that worsens within days to weeks
e. fulminant pneumonia is not common
C; nonproductive cough
CD 4 count susceptible to P. jirovecci
CD4 <200 cells/ul
Risk factors for P. jirovecci except
a. CD4 cell percentage <14%
b. previous episodes of PCP
c. oral thrush
d. recurrent fungal pneumonia
D; bacterial pneumonia
CD4 cell percentage <14% previous episodes of PCP oral thrush recurrent bacterial pneumonia unintentional wt loss higher plasma HIV RNA
Xray findings in P. jirovecci could be
a. normal
b. hyperinflation
c. normal to diffuse bilateral symmetrical interstitial infiltrates emanating from hila
e. A and C
T/F pnuemothorax rules out PCP
F; pneumothorax raises suspicion of PCP
How to diagnose P. jirovecci
demonstration of organism in
Drug of choice for P. jirovecci
TMP-SMX (Cotrimoxazole)
Dose of TMP SMX for P. jirovecci severe
TMP 15-20mg and SMX 75-100 mg/kg/day IV for 21 days
Indications for corticosteroid in P. jirovecci
PaO2 <70mmHg at room air
A-a-O2 gradient >35mmHg