Fever and Rash - Centrally Distributed Maculopapular Eruptions Flashcards
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Discrete lesions that become confluent as
rash spreads from hairline downward, usually
sparing palms and soles; lasts ≥3 days
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Eschar common at bite site; maculopapular
(rarely, vesicular and petechial) eruption on
proximal extremities, spreading to trunk
and face
Rickettsial spotted fevers
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Spreads from hairline downward, clearing
as it spreads; Forschheimer spots
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Diffuse maculopapular eruption over trunk
and neck; resolves within 2
Exanthem Subitum/ Roseola/ Sixth Disease
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Bright-red “slapped-cheeks” appearance
followed by lacy reticular rash that waxes
and wanes over 3 weeks; rarely, papularpurpuric
“gloves-and-socks” syndrome on
hands and feet
Erythema infectiosum
fifth disease
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Diffuse maculopapular eruption (5% of
cases; 90% if ampicillin is given); urticaria,
petechiae in some cases; periorbital edema
(50%); palatal petechiae (25%)
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Intensely pruritic, bright-red macules and
papules, symmetric on trunk and extremities;
may become confluent
Exanthematous drug induced
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Nonspecific diffuse macules and papules;
less commonly, urticarial or vesicular oral or
genital ulcers
Primary HIV infection
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Maculopapular eruption appearing in
axillae, spreading to trunk and later to
extremities; usually spares face, palms, soles;
evolves from blanchable macules to confluent
eruption with petechiae; rash evanescent
in recrudescent typhus (Brill-Zinsser
Epidemic typhus
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Maculopapular eruption, usually sparing
palms, soles
Endemic (murine)
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Diffuse macular rash starting on trunk;
eschar at site of mite bite
Scrub typhus
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Maculopapular eruption involving the
trunk, extremities, and head or neck; rash in
20–50% of cases
West Nile fever
Name the condition with the ff rash:
disease Transient 2- to 5-mm erythematous papules
appearing at height of fever on trunk, proximal
extremities; lesions evanescent
Still’s disease
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Blotchy or annular erythematous macular
and papular rash (trypanid), primarily on
trunk; pruritus; chancre at site of tsetse fly
bite may precede rash by several weeks
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Macular and papular erythema, often in
sun-exposed areas; discoid lupus lesions
(local atrophy, scale, pigmentary changes);
periungual telangiectasis; malar rash; vasculitis
sometimes causing urticaria, palpable
purpura; oral erosions in some cases
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Maculopapular eruption (40% of cases),
involves trunk and extremities; may be
Human monocytotropic
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Maculopapular eruption; conjunctivitis;
scleral hemorrhage in some cases
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Similar to erythema migrans of Lyme disease with several differences, including: multiple secondary lesions less likely; lesions tending to be smaller (average diameter, ~8 cm); central clearing more likely
Southern tick-associated
rash illness (STARI,
Master’s disease)
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Papule expanding to erythematous annular
lesion with central clearing (erythema
migrans; average diameter, 15 cm), sometimes
with concentric rings, sometimes
with indurated or vesicular center; multiple
secondary erythema migrans lesions in
some cases
Lyme disease
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Erythematous annular papules and plaques
occurring as polycyclic lesions in waves
over trunk, proximal extremities; evolving
and resolving within hours
Erythema marginatum
rheumatic fever
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Central rash at end of febrile episode;
petechiae in some cases
Relapsing fever
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Eschar at bite site; then blotchy violaceous
or red-brown rash involving trunk and
Rat-bite fever (sodoku)
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Rash in 50% of cases; initially diffuse flushing;
midway through illness, onset of
maculopapular rash, which begins on trunk
and spreads centrifugally to extremities and
face; pruritus, hyperesthesia in some cases;
after defervescence, petechiae on extremities
in some cases
Dengue fever
Name the condition with the ff rash:
Transient, blanchable erythematous macules
and papules, 2–4 mm, usually on trunk
rose spots
Typhoid fever