Cardio - Periheral Vascular Disease Flashcards
Venous Disorder characterized by clot formation and acute inflammation in a superficial vein
Superficial thrombophlebitis
Venous Disorder characterized by clot formation in a deep vein
Deep Venous thrombosis
Chronic venous engorgement secondary to venous occulsion or incompetency of venous valves
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Inflammatory and thrombotic occlusions of small arteries and also of veins occuring in smokers
Thromboangitis obliterans
a.k.a Buerger’s Disease
Common vascular cuases of edema (give 3)
- Recent DVT
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency from previous DVT or incompetence of the venous valves
- Lymphedema
In DVT, edema in the entire leg is caused by occlusion of which vein/s?
iliofemoral veins
in DVT, swelling of the ankle is a manifestation of occlusion of which vein?
Popliteal vein
Edema is soft, with pitting on pressure, occassionally bilateral with brawny changes and skin thickening, especially near the ulceration, ankle. Ulceration, brownish pigmentation, and edema in the feet are common.
B. Chronic Venous Insuffieciency
C. Lymphedema
Soft edemain early stages and becomes indurated, hard and non-pitting. Skin is markedly thickened; ulceration is rare. There is no pigmentation. Edema is found in the feet and toes, often bilateral. Develops when lymph channels are obstructed by tumor, fibrosis, or inflammation.
B. Chronic Venous Insuffieciency
C. Lymphedema
Causes of pitting edema (give 5)
CHILD Cardiac Failure Hypoalbuminemia Insufficiency (venous) Idiopathic Liver disease Drugs
In the Allen test, both radial and ulnar artery at the wrist are occluded causing the palm to be _____
If you want to test the patency of the ulnar artery, how should you perform the Allen test?
Ask the patient to make a fist, occlude both radial and ulnar arteries, ask the patient to open fist, palm should be pale. Then, release ulnar artery, palm should be flushed.
Intermittnet claudication, decreased or absent pulses, esp. on elevation. Dusky red on dependency, cool temp, ulcers involving toes or points of trauma on feet.
Chronic Arterial Insufficiency
Episodic muscular ischemia induced by exercise due to atherosclerosis of large or medium-sized arteries
Intermittent claudication
Rest pain
Ischemia even at rest
Embolism, or thrombosis possibly superimposed on arteriosclerosis oliterans
Acute Arterial Occlusion
Episodic spasm of the small arteries and arterioles; no vascular occlusion
Raynaud’s disease
Syndrome secondary to other conditions such as collagen vascular disease, arterial occlusion, trauma, drugs
Raynaud’s phenomenon
Inflammatory occlusive vascular disorder involving small and medium-size arteries and veins in the distal upper and lower extremities
Buerger’s Disease
Develops most frequently in _____, less than _____ y.o.
a. Male, 50
b. Female, 40
c. Male 40
d. Female 50
Buerger’s disease is associated with
a. Smoking
b. Alcohol
c. Obesity
d. Diabetes
Inflammatory and stenotic disease of medium and large-sized arteries with a strong predilection for the aortic arch and its branches
Takayasu’s arteritis
Takayasu’s arteritis is most prevalent in male or female?
Female, adolescent girls and young women.
Most frequent arterial involvement in Takayasu arteritis is:
a. Subclavian
b. Brachial
c. Axillary
d. Coronary