Homeostasis And Response (part 2) Flashcards
Glucose changes
Comes from eating foods high in carbohydrates
Normal metabolism of cells removes glucose
Vigorous exercise removes much more
Glucose monitoring
Stored as glycogen in liver
Insulin is secreted by pancreas when too high, moves glucose from blood into liver and muscles to be stored as glycogen
Too low- pancreas secretes glucagon, liver releases glucose that glucagon has made from glycogen
Diabetes types
Type 1- pancreas produces little or no insulin, blood glucose can rise to a level which kills them
Type 2- people become resistant to their own insulin so it can’t store glucose
Type 1 treatment
Have insulin injected, particularly at mealtimes to store glucose. Amount based on diet and exercise. Need to think about how many simple carbohydrates and do more exercise
Type 2- carbohydrate-controlled diet, regular exercise
Filter waste products out of the blood- filtration
Then reabsorbs useful substances like glucose, some ions and the right amount of water, called selective reabsorption.
Proteins and amino acids can’t be stored, excess to fats and carbohydrates, in the liver- deamination
Ammonia is a waste prided
Toxic so converted to urea in liver- transported to kidneys, filtered out, leaves in urine
Taken in via food
If concentrations are wrong, the amount of water absorbed via osmosis is wrong
Some lost in sweat but not regulated so kidneys reabsorb the right amount
Must balance water in and out
Lose in sweat and lungs when breathing out
We can’t control these ways so the kidneys control the amount lost in urine
Water control
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) controls- released by pituitary gland
Brain monitors and makes pituitary gland release ADH accordingly
Negative feedback loop
Kidney failure
Will lead to death as you can’t control ion and water concentration
Treated by dialysis machines or transplant
Dialysis machines
Done regularly to keep blood concentrations at normal levels
Blood flows between partially permeable membranes with dialysis fluid around
Dialysis fluid has same concentrations as healthy blood
Useful won’t be lost
Waste substances diffuse across
Dialysis session 3 times a week, 3-4 hours, not fun, expensive
Kidney transplants
The only cure is a transplant
Normally from those who have died suddenly
Transplanted from one to be on the donor register, donor card
Can be done from those who are alive, small risk
Could be rejected despite drugs to prevent this
Transplants are cheaper, long waiting list
Hormones trigger off secondary sexual characteristics e.g. men facial/body hair, voice deepening, women breasts
Men- testosterone, produced by testes ( and less by ovaries) and stimulates sperm production
Women- oestrogen, ovaries, physical changes and menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle stages
Stage 1- menstruation, uterus lining breaks down for 4 days
Stage 2- builds up again, days 4-14, thick spongy layer of blood vessels, fertilised egg
Stage 3- egg develops released at day 14- ovulation
Stage 4- wall is maintained for 14 days, no fertilised egg by day 28 then is breaks down and starts again
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone
Produced in the pituitary gland
Causes an egg to mature in a follicle in the ovaries
Stimulates oestrogen