FSI Set 18 Flashcards
淡化[淡化] dànhuà
to water down ② to play down ③ to trivialize ④ to weaken ⑤ to become dull with time ⑥ to desalinate ⑦ desalination
色彩[色彩] sècǎi
tint ② coloring ③ coloration ④ character
扭转[扭轉] niǔzhuǎn
to reverse ② to turn around (an undesirable situation)
乾坤[乾坤] qiánkūn
Heaven and earth ② Yin and Yang ③ The Universe
刻意[刻意] kèyì
meticulous ② painstaking ③ scrupulous (effort)
情有可原[情有可原] qíngyǒukěyuán
pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)
犹[猶] yóu
also ② as if ③ still ④ to scheme ⑤ a Jew
卓著[卓著] zhuózhù
outstanding ② eminent ③ brilliant
仿效[仿傚] fǎngxiào
to copy ② to imitate
遵循[遵循] zūnxún
to follow ② to abide by ③ to comply with ④ compliance
臣服[臣服] chénfú
to acknowledge allegiance to (some regime) ② to serve
魅力[魅力] mèilì
charm ② fascination ③ glamor ④ charisma
臻[臻] zhēn
to reach ② utmost
臻于完善[臻於完善] zhēnyúwánshàn
to attain perfection (idiom)
缩影[縮影] suōyǐng
miniature ② a big picture in a nutshell ③ the epitome (of sth)
臣属[臣屬] chénshǔ
official in feudal court ② subject
翻版[翻版] fānbǎn
to reprint ② a duplicate ③ a clone
招募[招募] zhāomù
to recruit ② to enlist
侍卫官[侍衛官] shìwèiguān
拔擢[拔擢] bázhuó promotion
select the best people for
筹款[籌款] chóukuǎn
写真[寫真] xiězhēn
portrait ② to describe sth accurately
草根[草根] cǎogēn
grassroots democracy
异曲同工[異曲同工] yìqǔtónggōng
different approaches, same result (idiom)
不言而喻[不言而喻] bùyán’éryù
it goes without saying ② it is self-evident
威望[威望] wēiwàng
塑造[塑造] sùzào
to model ② to mould ③ plastic (arts) ④ flexible ⑤ to portray (in sculpture or in words)
塑造成[塑造成] sùzàochéng
to shape into ② to mould (into some form) ③ to fashion into
戒严[戒嚴] jièyán
to impose martial law ② to impose curfew ③ martial law ④ curfew ⑤ emergency measures
号称[號稱] hàochēng
to have a reputation as ② known as ③ de facto ④ to claim to be (often exaggeratedly or falsely)
自不待言[自不待言] zìbùdàiyán
It goes without saying… ② to be self-evident. (idiom)
人治[人治] rénzhì
rule of man
褪色[褪色] tuìsè
to fade (of colors)
光环[光環] guānghuán
halo ② ring of light
未尝[未嘗] wèicháng
not yet, not necessarily not
未尝不可[未嘗不可] wèichángbùkě
It is not necessarily impermissible ② impossible. (idiom)
岌岌可危[岌岌可危] jíjíkěwēi
imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis
官场[官場] guānchǎng
officialdom ② bureaucracy
把持[把持] bǎchí
control ② dominate ③ monopolize
推崇[推崇] tuīchóng
value ② accord great importance to
妥协[妥協] tuǒxié
to compromise ② to reach terms ③ a compromise
人马[人馬] rénmǎ
Sagittarius (star sign) ② men and horses (e.g. on parade) ③ centaur
人马齐备[人馬齊備] rénmǎqíbèi
All vehicles and personnel are ready. (idiom)
宗师[宗師] zōngshī
great scholar respected for learning and integrity
卸任[卸任] xièrèn
to leave office
风骚[風騷] fēngsāo
literary excellence ② flirtatious behavior
叱咤[叱咤] chìzhà
to rebuke angrily
叱咤风云[叱咤風雲] chìzhàfēngyún
lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world ② all-powerful
谦卑[謙卑] qiānbēi
殷[殷] Yīn
surname Yin ② flourishing ③ dynasty name at the end the Shang dynasty, after their move to Yinxu 殷墟 in modern Henan province
殷鉴不远[殷鑒不遠] yīnjiànbùyuǎn
no need to look far for a lesson ② the lessons of history are close at hand (idiom)
拆除[拆除] chāichú
to tear down ② to demolish ③ to dismantle ④ to remove
践踏[踐踏] jiàntà
定律[定律] dìnglǜ
established law
不知凡几[不知凡幾] bùzhīfánjǐ
one can’t tell how many ② numerous similar cases
过江之鲫[過江之鯽] guòjiāngzhījì
excessive number (idiom)
鲫[鯽] jì
bastard carp ② sand perch
永垂不朽[永垂不朽] yǒngchuíbùxiǔ
eternal glory ② will never be forgotten
不绝如缕[不絕如縷] bùjuérúlǚ
hanging by a thread ② very precarious ③ almost extinct ④ (of sound) linger on faintly
不朽[不朽] bùxiǔ
immortal ② immortality
传承[傳承] chuánchéng
to pass on (to future generations) ② passed on (from former times) ③ a continued tradition ④ an inheritance
丛书[叢書] cóngshū
a series of books ② a collection of books
落空[落空] luòkōng
to fail ② to fall through ③ to come to nothing
垂名竹帛[垂名竹帛] chuímíngzhúbó
to leave a name handed down in history forever (idiom)
垂名不朽[垂名不朽] chuímíngbùxiǔ
to leave a name never to be forgotten (idiom)
斤斤计较[斤斤計較] jīnjīnjìjiào
to haggle over every ounce ② fig. to worry unduly over minor matters
脱钩[脫鉤] tuōgōu
to cut ties ② to disconnect ③ out of touch
沉迷[沉迷] chénmí
to indulge ② to wallow
凯达格兰族[凱達格蘭族] Kǎidágélánzú
Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner
无处[無處] wúchù
造型[造型] zàoxíng
modeling ② to mold
造型[造型] zàoxíng
modeling ② to mold
雕像[雕像] diāoxiàng
statue ② CL:尊[zun1]
场景[場景] chǎngjǐng
scene ② scenario ③ setting
实例[實例] shílì
an actual example ② UNIX shell
相持不下[相持不下] xiāngchíbùxià
at a stalemate ② deadlocked ③ in unrelenting mutual opposition
鹬[鷸] yù
common snipe ② sandpiper
鹬蚌相争渔翁得利[鷸蚌相爭漁翁得利] yùbàngxiāngzhēngyúwēngdélì
lit. sandpiper and clam war together (and the fisherman catches both, idiom); fig. neighbors who can’t agree lose out to a third party
鹬蚌相争[鷸蚌相爭] yùbàngxiāngzhēng
lit. sandpiper and clam war together (and the fisherman catches both, idiom); fig. neighbors who can’t agree lose out to a third party
甸[甸] diàn
imperial domain ② suburb
饶[饒] ráo
rich ② abundant ③ exuberant ④ to add for free ⑤ to throw in as bonus ⑥ to spare ⑦ to forgive ⑧ despite ⑨ although ⑩ surname Rao
力不从心[力不從心] lìbùcóngxīn
less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish ② the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
憋[憋] biē
to choke ② to stifle ③ to restrain ④ to hold back ⑤ to hold in (urine) ⑥ to hold (one’s breath)
憋不住[憋不住] biēbuzhù
to be unable to repress (colloquial)
憋气[憋氣] biēqì
to feel suffocated or oppressed ② to choke with resentment ③ to feel injured or resentful
憋不住气[憋不住氣] biēbuzhùqì
to be unable to repress one’s anger any longer ② to be unable to hold one’s breath any longer
憋住气[憋住氣] biēzhùqì
to hold one’s breath ② to smolder with resentment
磨蹭[磨蹭] móceng
to gently stroke ② to brush lightly ③ to move slowly ④ to dawdle ⑤ to dillydally ⑥ to pester ⑦ to nag
时光[時光] shíguāng
time ② era ③ period of time
一去不回[一去不回] yīqùbùhuí
gone forever
让座[讓座] ràngzuò
to give up one’s seat for sb
消磨[消磨] xiāomó
to wear down ② to sap ③ to whittle away ④ to while away ⑤ to idle away
打的[打的] dǎdī
(slang) to take a taxi ② to go by taxi
各行各业[各行各業] gèhánggèyè
every trade ② all professions ③ all walks of life
和气[和氣] héqi
friendly ② polite ③ amiable
钻[鑽] zuān
to drill ② to bore ③ to get into ④ to make one’s way into ⑤ to enter (a hole) ⑥ to thread one’s way through ⑦ to study intensively ⑧ to dig into ⑨ to curry favor for personal gain
窜[竄] cuàn
flee ② escape ③ run away ④ leap
恍然[恍然] huǎngrán
suddenly (understand sth) ② in a flash
过头[過頭] guòtóu
to overdo it ② to exaggerate
过头话[過頭話] guòtóuhuà
搀[攙] chān
to assist by the arm ② to mix ③ to support ④ to sustain
搀扶[攙扶] chānfú
to lend an arm to support sb
搀和[攙和] chānhuo
to mix ② to mingle ③ to interfere ④ to meddle ⑤ also written 摻和|掺和
树立[樹立] shùlì
to set up ② to establish
年月[年月] niányuè
months and year ② time ③ days of one’s life
沙哑[沙啞] shāyǎ
hoarse ② rough
收取[收取] shōuqǔ
to receive ② to collect
败北[敗北] bàiběi
to suffer defeat ② to lose (a battle, an election) ③ the loser
随后[隨後] suíhòu
soon after
义工[義工] yìgōng
volunteer worker
体会[體會] tǐhuì
know (through learning or by experience) ② CL:個|个[ge4]
泥水匠[泥水匠] níshuǐjiàng
偷渡[偷渡] tōudù
to stowaway (on a ship) ② to steal across the international border ③ to run a blockade
移民局[移民局] yímínjú
immigration office
入籍[入籍] rùjí
become naturalized ② become a citizen
永久居民[永久居民] yǒngjiǔjūmín
permanent resident ② person with the right to live in a country or territory
争先恐后[爭先恐後] zhēngxiānkǒnghòu
striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
审理[審理] shěnlǐ t
o hear (a case), to process (a case)
担保[擔保] dānbǎo
to guarantee ② to vouch for
驱逐出境[驅逐出境] qūzhúchūjìng
to deport ② to expel
引诱[引誘] yǐnyòu
to coerce (sb into doing sth bad) ② to lure (into a trap) ③ to seduce
梦寐以求[夢寐以求] mèngmèiyǐqiú
desire of one’s dreams
一心二用[一心二用] yīxīn’èryòng
to divide one’s attention (idiom)
路过[路過] lùguò
pass by or through
鲁国人[魯國人] Lǔguórén
person from Shandong ② often refers to Confucius
苦工[苦工] kǔgōng
hard labor (in penal code) ② coolie
劳动改造[勞動改造] láodònggǎizào
reeducation through labor ② laogai (prison camp)
童工[童工] tónggōng
child labor
毒打[毒打] dúdǎ
beat up ② CL:頓|顿[dun4]
自愿[自願] zìyuàn
资源[資源] zīyuán
natural resource (such as water or minerals) ② resource (such as manpower or tourism)
时势造英雄[時勢造英雄] shíshìzàoyīngxióng
Time makes the man (idiom). The trend of events brings forth the hero.
夏[夏] Xià
the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC ② Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432) ③ surname Xia
症结[癥结] zhēngjié
hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine) ② the crux ③ the main point in an argument ④ sticking point ⑤ deadlock in negotiations
揗[揗] shǔn
strike, hit with hand ② tap
熔炉[熔爐] rónglú
smelting furnace ② forge
融入[融入] róngrù
to blend into ② to integrate ③ to assimilate ④ to merge
投奔[投奔] tóubēn
to seek shelter ② to seek asylum
宣誓[宣誓] xuānshì
swear an oath (of office) ② make a vow
宣示[宣示] xuānshì
to vow ② to pledge
沮丧[沮喪] jǔsàng
dispirited ② dejected ③ dismayed
越剧[越劇] Yuèjù
Shaoxing opera
绍兴[紹興] Shàoxīng
Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang
天台[天台] Tiāntái
Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴 in Zhejiang, the center of Tiantai Buddhism 天台宗 ② Tiantai County in Zhejiang
张爱玲[張愛玲] Zhāng Àilíng
Eileen Chang (1920-1995), famous Chinese-American novelist. Her most famous works include “Lust,” “Caution” and “Love in a Fallen City.” She is noted for writings that deal with the tensions between men and women in love, and are considered by some scholars to be among the best Chinese literature of the period. Chang’s portrayal of life in 1940s Shanghai and occupied Hong Kong is remarkable in its focus on everyday life and the absence of the political subtext which characterised many other writers of the period.
吊死鬼[吊死鬼] diàosǐguǐ
hangman (word game)
回邮信封[回郵信封] huíyóuxìnfēng
self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE)
复原[復原] fùyuán
to return to former state ② to restitute ③ to recover (from illness) ④ to heal ⑤ recovery
复员[復員] fùyuán
to demobilize ② demobilization
动员[動員] dòngyuán
mobilize ② arouse ③ CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
细腻[細膩] xìnì
exquisite ② meticulous
茉莉花[茉莉花] mòlihuā
纳指[納指] nàzhǐ
NASDAQ ② National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, a computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities traded over the counter
烟熏[煙燻] yānxūn
smoke ② to fumigate
承受[承受] chéngshòu
to bear ② to support ③ to inherit
巴掌[巴掌] bāzhǎng
palm ② hand
海阔天空[海闊天空] hǎikuòtiānkōng
wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas ② the whole wide world ③ chatting about everything under the sun
转机[轉機] zhuǎnjī
(to take) a turn for the better ② to change planes
善待[善待] shàndài
to treat well
美容[美容] měiróng
to improve one’s appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery) ② to make oneself more attractive ③ to beautify
契机[契機] qìjī
an opportunity ② a turning point
传递[傳遞] chuándì
to transmit ② to pass on to sb else
焦点[焦點] jiāodiǎn
focus ② focal point
玄机[玄機] xuánjī
profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism) ② mysterious principles
社科院[社科院] Shèkēyuàn
(Chinese) Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
雷人[雷人] léirén
(internet slang) shocking ② appalling ③ terrifying ④ terrific
来龙去脉[來龍去脈] láilóngqùmài
lit. mountain has a connecting pulse throughout like a dragon (idiom, from fengshui); sequence of events ② pedigree ③ cause and effects ④ the whys and wherefors ⑤ where sth comes from and where it goes ⑥ ins and outs
推测[推測] tuīcè
speculation ② to conjecture ③ to surmise ④ to speculate
筹码[籌碼] chóumǎ
bargaining chip
不知天高地厚[不知天高地厚] bùzhītiāngāodìhòu
not to know the immensity of heaven and earth ② an exaggerated opinion of one’s own abilities
夜郎自大[夜郎自大] yèlángzìdà
ignorant or parochial arrogance (idiom)
井底之蛙[井底之蛙] jǐngdǐzhīwā
a frog at the bottom of a well (idiom); fig. an ignorant person
坐井观天[坐井觀天] zuòjǐngguāntiān
lit. to view the sky from the bottom of a well (idiom); ignorant and narrow-minded
风云人物[風雲人物] fēngyúnrénwù
the man of the moment (idiom); a prominent personality
叱咤[叱咤] chìzhà
to rebuke angrily
风骚[風騷] fēngsāo
literary excellence ② flirtatious behavior
独领风骚[獨領風騷] dúlǐngfēngsāo
most outstanding ② par excellence
一代宗匠[一代宗匠] yīdàizōngjiàng
a greatly respected master (idiom)
作弊[作弊] zuòbì
fraud ② to cheat ③ to plagiarize
抢[搶] qiǎng
fight over ② to rush ③ to scramble ④ to grab ⑤ to rob ⑥ to snatch
装作[裝作] zhuāngzuò
to pretend ② to feign ③ to act a part
离家出走[離家出走] líjiāchūzǒu
to leave home ② to abandon one’s family
游说团体[游說團體] yóushuìtuántǐ
lobby group
以理服人[以理服人] yǐlǐfúrén
to convince people by reasoning
以力服人[以力服人] yǐlìfúrén
to force people to submit ② to dominate others by force (idiom)
河殇[河殤] héshāng
River Elegy, influential 1988 CCTV documentary series, said to have stimulated the Beijing Spring democracy movement of 1980s. It was a six-part documentary shown on China Central Television in 1988 that announced the death of traditional Chinese civilization. The film asserted that the Ming Dynasty’s ban on maritime activities alluded to the building of the Great Wall by China’s first emperor Ying Zheng. China’s land-based civilization was defeated by maritime civilizations backed by modern sciences, and was further challenged with the problem of life and death ever since the latter half of the 19th century, landmarked by the Opium War. Using the analogy of the Yellow River, China was portrayed as once at the forefront of civilization, but subsequently dried up due to isolation and conservatism. Rather, the revival of China must come from the flowing blue seas which represent the explorative, open cultures of the West and Japan.
和尚打伞[和尚打傘] héshangdǎsǎn
lit. monk holding an umbrella: no hair, no sky ② fig. no protection from law (punning on 髮|发[fa4] vs 法[fa3]) or from heaven
龟壳[龜殼] guīké
tortoise shell
龟甲[龜甲] guījiǎ
armor ② armor plating
战壕[戰壕] zhànháo
trench warfare
壕[壕] háo
air-raid shelter ② trench
壕沟[壕溝] háogōu
trench ② moat
钻空子[鑽空子] zuānkòngzi
lit. to drill a hole ② to take advantage of a loophole (e.g. legal) ③ to exploit an advantage ④ to seize the opportunity (esp. to do sth. bad)
十全十美[十全十美] shíquánshíměi
complete and beautiful (idiom) to be perfect
偷税漏税[偷稅漏稅] tōushuìlòushuì
to evade taxes (idiom)
同流合污[同流合污] tóngliúhéwū
to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others
洗耳恭听[洗耳恭聽] xǐ’ěrgōngtīng
to listen with respectful attention ② (a polite request to sb to speak) ③ we are all ears
高谈阔论[高談闊論] gāotánkuòlùn
to harangue ② loud arrogant talk ③ to spout
难以[難以] nányǐ
hard to (predict, imagine etc)
互利[互利] hùlì
mutually beneficial
互惠[互惠] hùhuì
相辅相成[相輔相成] xiāngfǔxiāngchéng
to complement one another (idiom)
昭然若揭[昭然若揭] zhāoránruòjiē
abundantly clear
典故[典故] diǎngù
allusion (to classic story or saying) ② classical quotation ③ parable
欢乐[歡樂] huānlè
gaiety ② gladness ③ glee ④ merriment ⑤ pleasure ⑥ happy ⑦ joyous ⑧ gay
引人注目[引人注目] yǐnrénzhùmù
to attract attention ② eye-catching ③ conspicuous
引人注意[引人注意] yǐnrénzhùyì
to attract attention ② eye-catching ③ conspicuous
生活方式[生活方式] shēnghuófāngshì
way of life ② lifestyle
财能通神[財能通神] cáinéngtōngshén
Money makes everything possible. (idiom)
有钱能使鬼推磨[有錢能使鬼推磨] yǒuqiánnéngshǐguǐtuīmó
lit. money will make the Devil turn millstones (idiom); with money, you can do anything you like.
私有化[私有化] sīyǒuhuà
坑[坑] kēng
pit ② to defraud
坑洼[坑窪] kēngwā
pothole ② dip in the road
息息相关[息息相關] xīxīxiāngguān
closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
坑坑洼洼[坑坑窪窪] kēngkēngwāwā
bumpy ② full of pot-holes
纤维[纖維] xiānwéi
fiber ② CL:種|种[zhong3]
纤维囊泡症[纖維囊泡症] xiānwéinángpàozhèng
cystic fibrosis
纤维素[纖維素] xiānwéisù
杏仁[杏仁] xìngrén
almond ② apricot
氰化物[氰化物] qínghuàwù
樱桃[櫻桃] yīngtáo
修身养性[修身養性] xiūshēnyǎngxìng
to behave properly to improve one’s character (idiom)
修身[修身] xiūshēn
to cultivate one’s moral character
劳逸结合[勞逸結合] láoyìjiéhé
to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)