FSI Set 15 Flashcards
挺身而出[挺身而出] tǐngshēn’érchū
to step forward bravely
一时[一時] yīshí
a period of time ② a while ③ for a short while ④ temporary ⑤ momentary ⑥ at the same time
总而言之[總而言之] zǒng’éryánzhī
in short ② in a word ③ in brief
对头[對頭] duìtóu
correct ② normal ③ to be on good terms with ④ on the right track ⑤ right
胡适[胡適] Hú Shì
Hu Shi (1891-1962), original proponent of writing in colloquial Chinese 白話文|白话文
开创[開創] kāichuàng
to initiate ② to start ③ to found
开创性[開創性] kāichuàngxìng
弊病[弊病] bìbìng
malady ② evil ③ malpractice ④ drawback ⑤ disadvantage
舞弊[舞弊] wǔbì
互换[互換] hùhuàn
to exchange
名言[名言] míngyán
看开[看開] kànkāi
to come to accept an unpleasant fact ② to get over sth ③ to cheer up
想通[想通] xiǎngtōng
to figure out ② to realize ③ to become convinced ④ to come round (to an idea)
榜样[榜樣] bǎngyàng
example ② model ③ CL:個|个[ge4]
含糊[含糊] hánhú
obscurity ② vague
锂[鋰] lǐ
lithium (chemistry)
钨[鎢] wū
tungsten (chemistry)
款式[款式] kuǎnshì
pattern ② style ③ design ④ CL:種|种[zhong3]
款式[款式] kuǎnshi
elegant ② elegance ③ good taste
布置[佈置] bùzhì
to put in order ② to arrange ③ to decorate ④ to fix up ⑤ to deploy
倒胃口[倒胃口] dǎowèikǒu
to spoil one’s appetite ② fig. to get fed up with sth
误会[誤會] wùhuì
to misunderstand ② to mistake ③ misunderstanding ④ CL:個|个[ge4]
误解[誤解] wùjiě
提炼[提煉] tíliàn
to extract (ore, minerals etc) ② to refine ③ to purify ④ to process
稀土金属[稀土金屬] xītǔjīnshǔ
rare earth element
落井下石[落井下石] luòjǐngxiàshí
to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
近水楼台[近水樓臺] jìnshuǐlóutái
lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one’s proximity to the powerful to obtain favor
矿产[礦產] kuàngchǎn
资源[資源] zīyuán
natural resource (such as water or minerals) ② resource (such as manpower or tourism)
蕴藏量[蘊藏量] yùncángliàng
reserves ② amount still in store
蕴藏[蘊藏] yùncáng
to hold in store ② to contain (untapped reserves, etc.)
铁矿石[鐵礦石] tiěkuàngshí
iron ore
铜[銅] tóng
copper (chemistry) ② see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2] ③ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
矿石[礦石] kuàngshí
铌[鈮] ní
niobium (chemistry)
金矿[金礦] jīnkuàng
gold mine ② gold ore
不见棺材不落泪[不見棺材不落淚] bùjiànguāncáibùluòlèi
fig. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (idiom); lit. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality
钴[鈷] gǔ
cobalt (chemistry)
钼[鉬] mù
molybdenum (chemistry)
勘探[勘探] kāntàn
喀布尔[喀布爾] Kābù’ěr
Kabul, capital of Afghanistan
塔利班[塔利班] Tǎlìbān
Taliban (Farsi: student), Afghan guerrilla faction
锂离子电池[鋰離子電池] lǐlízǐdiànchí
lithium ion battery
锂[鋰] lǐ l
ithium (chemistry)
个人崇拜[個人崇拜] gèrénchóngbài
personality cult
从头[從頭] cóngtóu
anew ② from the start
雪上加霜[雪上加霜] xuěshàngjiāshuāng
to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another ② to make things worse in a bad situation
棘手[棘手] jíshǒu
thorny (problem) ② intractable
不以为然[不以為然] bùyǐwéirán
not to accept as correct (idiom); to object ② to disapprove ③ to take exception to
因人废言[因人廢言] yīnrénfèiyán
to reject an opinion on account of the speaker (idiom)
玓瓅[玓瓅] dìlì
brilliance of pearls
锦上添花[錦上添花] jǐnshàngtiānhuā
to make perfection still more perfect (idiom)
想必[想必] xiǎngbì
presumably ② probably ③ in all likelihood ④ surely
麻子[麻子] mázi
冷漠[冷漠] lěngmò
cold and detached towards sb ② lack of regard ③ indifference ④ neglect
冷漠对待[冷漠對待] lěngmòduìdài
cold and detached towards sb ② lack of regard ③ indifference ④ neglect
众多[眾多] zhòngduō
真情[真情] zhēnqíng
real situation ② the truth
温暖[溫暖] wēnnuǎn
鞠躬[鞠躬] jūgōng
to bow
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已[鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已] jūgōngjìncuìsǐ’érhòuyǐ
to bend to a task and spare no effort unto one’s dying day (idiom); striving to the utmost one’s whole life ② with every breath in one’s body, unto one’s dying day
含蓄[含蓄] hánxù
implicit ② implied ③ unspoken ④ veiled (of criticism) ⑤ reserved (of a person) ⑥ to contain ⑦ to embody
锋芒内敛[鋒芒內斂] fēngmángnèiliǎn
to refrain from showing one’s ability (idiom)
特定[特定] tèdìng
special ② specific ③ designated ④ particular
坑蒙拐骗[坑蒙拐騙] kēngmēngguǎipiàn
to swindle (idiom)
温饱[溫飽] wēnbǎo
to have enough food and warm clothes ② adequately provided
口头禅[口頭禪] kǒutóuchán
lit. Zen saying repeated as cant ② fig. popular saying ③ catchphrase ④ cliché
写照[寫照] xiězhào
台词[台詞] táicí
an actor’s lines ② script
亲朋好友[親朋好友] qīnpénghǎoyǒu
friends and family ② kith and kin
近日[近日] jìnrì
in the past few days ② recently ③ in the last few days
目前[目前] mùqián
at the present time ② currently
可喜[可喜] kěxǐ
making one happy ② gratifying ③ heartening
渗透[滲透] shèntòu
to permeate ② to infiltrate ③ to pervade ④ osmosis
文书[文書] wénshū
document ② official correspondence ③ secretary ④ secretariat
代理[代理] dàilǐ
acting (temporarily filling a position) ② to act for ③ a surrogate
代理人[代理人] dàilǐrén
代理商[代理商] dàilǐshāng
讲座[講座] jiǎngzuò
a course of lectures ② CL:個|个[ge4]
审阅[審閱] shěnyuè
安贫乐道[安貧樂道] ānpínlèdào
to be happy to lead a simple virtuous life (idiom)
大纪元[大紀元] Dà Jìyuán
Epoch Times, US newspaper
空谈[空談] kōngtán
prattle ② idle chit-chat
眼帘[眼簾] yǎnlián
eyes (in literature) ② eyesight
见怪不怪[見怪不怪] jiànguàibùguài
to face dangers calmly ② with no fears of the unknown ③ ghost and goblins hold no fears for me
笑贫不笑娼[笑貧不笑娼] xiàopínbùxiàochāng
the notion in society that it’s better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one’s scruples than to suffer poverty ② lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom)
沦丧[淪喪] lúnsàng
to be lost ② to be ruined ③ to perish ④ to wither away
盘踞[盤踞] pánjù
to occupy illegally ② to seize (territory) ③ to entrench (oneself)
沉沦[沉淪] chénlún
to sink into (bad connotation)
提及[提及] tíjí
to mention ② to raise (a subject) ③ to bring to sb’s attention
景气[景氣] jǐngqì
prosperity ② (economic) boom
衡量[衡量] héngliang
weight ② measure
呈现[呈現] chéngxiàn
to appear ② to emerge ③ present (a certain appearance) ④ demonstrate
显著[顯著] xiǎnzhù
outstanding ② notable ③ remarkable
指针[指針] zhǐzhēn
pointer on a gauge ② clock hand ③ cursor
沾染[沾染] zhānrǎn
to pollute (often fig.) ② to be infected by ③ to gain a small advantage
应召[應召] yìngzhào
to respond to a call
应召女郎[應召女郎] yìngzhàonǚláng
援交[援交] yuánjiāo
abbreviation of 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]
交际[交際] jiāojì
communication ② social intercourse
如火如荼[如火如荼] rúhuǒrútú
lit. white cogon flower like fire (idiom); fig. a mighty army like wildfire ② daunting and vigorous (momentum) ③ flourishing ④ magnificent
刷爆[刷爆] shuābào
to max out (a credit card)
家常便饭[家常便飯] jiāchángbiànfàn
home-style food ② simple meal ③ common occurrence ④ routine (idiom)
侦办[偵辦] zhēnbàn
to investigate (a crime) and prosecute
化妆品[化妝品] huàzhuāngpǐn
cosmetic ② make-up product
言下之意[言下之意] yánxiàzhīyì
涉案[涉案] shè’àn
(person) involved in (the case)
学院[學院] xuéyuàn
college ② educational institute ③ school ④ faculty ⑤ CL:所[suo3]
严谨[嚴謹] yánjǐn
rigorous ② strict ③ careful ④ cautious ⑤ compact ⑥ well-knit
宣扬[宣揚] xuānyáng
to proclaim ② to make public or well known
感染[感染] gǎnrǎn
infection ② to infect ③ to influence
纯洁[純潔] chúnjié
pure ② clean and honest
撇开不谈[撇開不談] piēkāibùtán
to cast aside an issue (idiom)
正视[正視] zhèngshì
to face squarely ② to meet head on ③ to face up to
导入[導入] dǎorù
to introduce into ② to channel ③ to lead ④ to guide into
一时[一時] yīshí
a period of time ② a while ③ for a short while ④ temporary ⑤ momentary ⑥ at the same time
顾及[顧及] gùjí
take into account ② take into consideration
诸多[諸多] zhūduō
numerous (literary)
短视[短視] duǎnshì
to lack foresight
寻根究底[尋根究底] xúngēnjiūdǐ
to get to the bottom of things ② to inquire deeply into (idiom)
经纬万端[經緯萬端] jīngwěiwànduān
very complicated (idiom)
风气[風氣] fēngqì
general mood ② atmosphere ③ common practice
涵[涵] hán
括[括] kuò
enclose ② include
迷人[迷人] mírén
fascinating ② enchanting ③ charming ④ tempting
强力[強力] qiánglì
主导[主導] zhǔdǎo
to lead ② to manage
竹岛[竹島] Zhúdǎo
Takeshima (Korean Dokdo 獨島|独岛), disputed islands in Sea of Japan
主祷文[主禱文] zhǔdǎowén
Lord’s Prayer
主导性[主導性] zhǔdǎoxìng
主导权[主導權] zhǔdǎoquán
leadership (role)
风行[風行] fēngxíng
to become fashionable ② to catch on ③ to be popular
偃[偃] yǎn
surname Yan ② to lie supine ③ to stop ④ to fall down
事例[事例] shìlì
example ② exemplar ③ typical case
凯恩斯[凱恩斯] Kǎi’ēnsī
风靡[風靡] fēngmǐ
世人[世人] shìrén
(common) people
浸淫群籍[浸淫群籍] jìnyínqúnjí
to read extensively (idiom)
怪叔叔[怪叔叔] guàishūshu
queer uncle, referring to a young to middle-aged male pedophile (Internet slang)
根深蒂固[根深蒂固] gēnshēndìgù
deep-rooted (problem etc)
宰[宰] zǎi
slaughter ② butcher ③ govern ④ rule ⑤ official
消弭祸患[消弭禍患] xiāomǐhuòhuàn
to dispel misgivings and avoid a calamity (idiom)
奢求[奢求] shēqiú
to make extravagant demands ② an unreasonable request
过错[過錯] guòcuò
功过[功過] gōngguò
merits and demerits ② contributions and errors
过头[過頭] guòtóu
to overdo it ② to exaggerate