FLIGHT / Checklist, Callouts, CAUTIONS Flashcards
“BAT MSTR se - ON and ENGAGE; CPDS test starts”
“Triple tach full deflection”
“Test in progress x 3”
“CAD, no input fails, no CTs, NO CAD FAN, no VEMD fan”
“Tone reset”
“Gong reset”
“TEST/DSPLY sw - W/U and hold”
“W/U and hold”
“All warning lights come on”
“F PUMP JET caution present”
“CAT A, N1, VAR NR, NMS, Advisory lights - Illuminated”
“Gong - present”
” TEST/DSPLY sw - CPDS & hold”
“CPDS & hold”
“Color, clarity, code”
“Master cautions flashing”
“Release to norm”
“TEST FIRE 1 sw - EXT”
“SW 1 EXT”
“FIRE EXT system 1 - system 2”
“EXT warning”
“Fire PB - EXT, BOT 1, BOT 2, Master caution - illuminated”
“Fire EXT replaced by - FIRE E TEST system 1 - system 2”
“Tone present”
“We are about to test BAT HOR/EXT”
“I’ll be responsible for the green LED & the 2 EXIT signs to the left”
“You’ll be responsible for the HOT BAT caution and the ECIT sign to the right”
“1 Green LED, 2 EXIT”
“Twist grips - slowly check….”
“FLIGHT, IDLE stop, 1 to 20, 2 to 20”
“Reset twist grip caution”
Name the 4 Cautions related to starting engines (ABORT START)
- If ignition doesn’t take place in 15 sec
- If TOT raises above limits
- If there is no positive ENG or XMSN oil pressure at ground idle (70% +/- 2)
- If triple tach N2 & Nro needles are not matched when reaching ground idle (70% +/- 2)
Abort start procedure
P* Twist grip (affected engine) - OFF
P ENG START sw (affected engine) - OFF
P ENG vent - Perform
Callouts and actions - Starting ENG
“N1,TOT - increasing”
(Slowly add fuel)
“40% starter off - DC voltage increasing - triple tach increasing”
“Entering avoid range, exiting avoid range”
(At 70% +/- 2 = set twist grip to 30 degrees)
“ENG _ & transmission oil pressures positive, needles match”
“Good start engine _”
“HYD TEST sw - S-_ and hold”
“S- _ and hold”
“Caution comes on”
“Sys _ underlined”
“Cyclic boosed, MM indication”
“Collective boosted”
“Pedals _ boosed” (not on 1)
*Kør både 1 og 2
“Back to norm”
“Self-test - initiate with garmin #1”
Click enter and the NMS light to the number of the garmin you want to test
“Half left”
click NAV source to GLS 2
“Half left, half up”
Click back to NMS
Click enter on garmin 2 and select NMS source and do the same
When do we listen to ATIS ?
System checks - COMM radios
What do you do at “FCDS test” ?
ICU - click the test button and scroll DH past 52 on display (50 in the aircraft) release test and hear sound and see flag and scroll back to 0 and they should disapear
Autopilot test
“AP tone and light”
“5 cautions”
“cyclic and pedals move”
“Degreaded PFD”
“AP tone and light”
“AP test okay” (CAD)
What does the CAUTION before Interior check say ?
IP/PC will conduct a final walk around
(cowlings closed + physically touch each fastener)
What does the CAUTION in conjunction with Pre-start check say ?
After BAT MSTR sw is turned ON the low rotor RPM tone appears
This must not be reset until the end of the CPDS test because it may lead to automatic deletion of a possible INPUT FAIL CAUTION
What’s the procedure if INPUT FAIL appear on the CAD during start ?
To abort pre-start check
Maintenance is required
What does the NOTE in conjunction with “FUEL PUMPS PRIME (1 and 2) - ON” say?
That the prime pumps must be operated a minimum of 10 seconds before starting engines
What does the CAUTIONS in conjunction with starting engines say ?
To abort start if
- Ignition does not take plane within 15 seonds
- TOT starting limits are exceeded
- At ground idle conditions: No possitive engine or transmission oil pressures
- At ground idle conditions: Triple-tach needles doesn’t match
What does the CAUTION before abort start say ?
To not perform engine ventilation with fuel valve closed
In what time interval should engine starting procedure normally be completed ?
20-60 seconds
What’s the time limits for a starting cycle (onboard battery) ?
*(initiation of starter -> ignition in turbine)*
3x 30 seconds ON
(between each 60 seconds OFF)
After that 30 minutes OFF before starting another cycle
What does the NOTE in conjunction with starting second engine say
If starting the first engine was aborted and then successful - verify GEN current is below 100 A before attempting start.
(BAT start only)
When can we advance twist grips to FLIGHT ?
when min. oil temp has been reached
What’s the procedure if experiencing PIO ?
- Release collective lever momentarily
- Increase collective lever friction
What’s the 3 NOTES in conjunction with ENGINE SHUTDOWN ?
- ROTOR RPM warning light + tone must come on when rotor RPM drops below 95% - if not logbook entry is required
- ENG FAIL 1&2 + gong must come on when N1 RPM drops below 50% - if not logbook entry is required
- Stopwatch 30 sec at ground idle to allow engines to cool
When on ground with rotor turning - how much cyclic movement is allowed ?
3 cm from neutral
What’s the maximum rate of descent recommended during hover or low speed flight ?
Hover & flight up to 20 kts
MAX 600 ft/min
Avoid steep ____ turns below ____ KIAS close to the ground to maintain sufficient ____ control margin for recovery
Right turn
below 45 KIAS
maintain sufficient lateral control
When do we select 18 degrees on the collective instead of 20 ?
When TOT > 85 degrees (HOT engine)
What’s the allowed difference between field elevation and QNH ?
75 ft
What do we read out loud - “Fuel indication - check”
“1308 In main, 222 in the supply, enough for todays mission + 20 min at cruise in reserve”