EXAM (INST I) Flashcards
Pubs and regs
Where can you find how to breakdown a METAR ?
FIH - Flight information handbook
Section C
What is the transponder code for lost coms ?
Pubs and regs
Where can you find information on FLIP & NOTAM abbreviations ?
FIH - Flight information handbook
What type of approach lighting system does this indicate ?
( Medium intensity approach lighting system w. RW alignment indicator lights)
What does the (B) indicate ?
Rotating beacon is available sunset to sunrise
What type of information does the numbers in the red boxes give us ?
Where can we look it up ?
RW lighting codes
Look codes up in FIH
What information does the numbers and letters in the red box give us ?
Where to find the airport on a IFR enroute chart (ELA - enroute low altitude)
What information does the numbers in the red box give us ?
The length and width (in feet) of the runways at Cairns
What information does the text in the red box give us ?
The runway surface type
Up to what altitude can you use IFR enroute low altitude charts (ELA’s)
up to 18.000’ (class A airspace)
What does the following airport colors mean ?
Blue & Green Has a minimum of 1 instrument Approach
(Has approved INST APP procedures and/or radar minimas published)
Blue also has a minimum og 1 approach that’s published in the High altitude Chart
Brown Doesn’t have INST Approach
(Doesn’t have approved INST APP procedures or radar minimas)
What is the revision cycle for DoD flip: General Planning (GP) ?
32 weeks
Where can you find supplemental information about the nations airspace and aviation procedures ?
DoD flip: Area Planning
Also gives detailed information
Where can you find information on: Instrument approach procedures ?
Terminal Chart (TLA, TPP)
What is a low approach ?
A maneuver where the pilot intentionally does not make contact with the ground
General planning
Where can you find the index for aeronautical information ?
General planning
What a/c identification code is used for an army helicopter when submitting a DD form 1801 ?
R followed by the last 5 digits of the tail number
General planning
What’s the purpose of an IFR flight plan ?
To communicate the pilot’s desires to ATC
General planning
What are the 3 fundamental skills of instrument flying ?
- Cross checking
- Instrument interpretation
- Aircraft control
What are the 3 types of cross checking errors ?
- Fixation
- Emphasis
- Omission
An aircraft is flow in instrument flight by controlling ____ and ____ as necessary to produce desired performance
Attitude, Power
What is the definition of Control instruments ?
“Flight instruments that display immediate attitude and power information, which are calibrated to permit precise atittude and power adjustments”
What is the definition of Performance instruments ?
“Flight instruments that indicate the helicopters actual performance”
Which 4 instruments indicate the helicopters actual performance ?
- Heading
- Altimeter
- Vertical speed indicator
- Airspeed indicator
Which 4 instruments are used for bank attitude control information ?
- Attitude indicator
- Heading indicator
- Turn and slip indicator (not in UH72)
- Magnetic compass
What is the formular to calculate:
Approximate bank angle for standard rate turns
TAS / 10 + ½ the result
From climb to straight and level flight
Lead the level-off by ____ of the rate of climb
Straight and level flight:
What are the primary instruments for attitude control:
- Pitch Altimeter
- Bank HSI - Heading indicator
- Power Airspeed indicator
In a standard rate turn, how many º does the helicopter turn per second ?
What information does the Area planning provide ?
Procedure + detailed information on airspace
How often is the Area Planning reissued ?
every 24 weeks
What information does the TPP (Terminal procedure publication) provide ?
Information on how to conduct an approach
What does this indicate on an ELA and what does it provide
OROCA (Off route obstruction clearance altitude)
1000’ clear non mountains
2000’ clear mountains
*Garanties obstruction clearance but not communication
What kind of altitude is depicted on the ELA
How often are the ELA’s issued ?
Every 8 weeks
What does the following (RED BOX) indicate ?
D = Class D airspace airport
***** = Part time
What does the following symbols mean on a ELA chart ?
L = Lighting available
(L) = Pilot controlled lighting
What does the following symbols signify if depicted on the last line of airport information the the ELA
***** = Part time frequency
- = No lighting available
What does this symbol tell us about the airport ?
The airport is a part of the “Minimum operating network”
This means they have to fix the NAVAIDS (VOR) if it’s down
What’s the difference between these two DME’s ?
Empty box: Non compulsory
Solidt box: Compulsory
Compulsory = mandatory reporting
What is the compass rose orientated towards ?
Magnetic north
What does the “shadow box” indicate ?
The NAVAID and FSS has the same name
What’s the difference between the Green and Black cities ?
Green Navigation purpose / information
Black Has an area chart
What kind of airway is this ?
Airways based on VOR / VORTAC (navaids)
What kind of airway is this ?
Low altitude RNAV route requiring GPS
The two main navigation systems used by Army aviators are ____ & ____
Ground & space
The signal from a VOR ground station provides a 360 usable course known as a ____
How many satellites are required for the GPS
Which NAVAID on VHF band is subject to LOS
Whats the only way you can idenitfy a VOR?
By morse code
What is the accuracy of the VOR ground transmitter ?
+/- 1º
What are the 3 SSV classes of VOR’s
(T) Terminal (25NM)
(L) Low (40NM)
(HA) High(40NM)
What name is used for airways formed with GPS routes ?
RNAV routes
When navigating along a VOR airway - when should a changeover happen
- At a changeover point (symbol ⍳ )
- At an indication of course change (dogleg)
- Midway between the NAVAIDS
What is a MEA and what does it provide ?
**“Minimum enroute IFR altitude” **
1. Guarantees obstacle clearance
2. Is the lowest published altitude between rdo fixes which assures navigational signal covarage
Which 3 major segments composes the GPS
- Space
- Control
- User
What does “++” mean when following an operating hour (IFR supp)
That the operating hour always is at the same local time during daylight saving
What type of NAVAID is this
What type of NAVAID is this
What type of NAVAID is this
What is this
What type of NAVAID is this
What type of NAVAID is this
What does A to E tell us about the NAVAID
A) RCO freq
B) NAVAID name
C) Freq, Ident, CH, morse code
D) Lat/Long coordinates
E) Controlling FSS name
What does the following numbers mean and what’s the difference between these two ?
Gives us the RCO frquencies
single or multiple frequencies for NAVAID
What’s the difference between and underlined and non underlined frequency ?
Underlined: No voice transmitted
Not underlined: Voice transmitted
What does the following symbol mean ?
VHF / UHF (black)
Automated weather broadcast services
(During a bank)
IFR: When shoud you start rolling out ?
1/2 the bank angle required for std. turn before reaching heading
What is the OROCA used for?
Emergencies when flying an unplanned / non-published route
What is OROCA an abbrieviation for ?
Off route obstruction clearance altitude
How is time zones shown on the ELA charts ?
Dotted green line
Whats the difference between primary and supporting instruments ?
Primary: Provide most pertinent and essential information for a spacific maneuver
Supporting: Back up primary instruments
What is SSV?
VOR NAVAID standard service volume
SSV is the reception limit of the NAVAID
What is ELA an abbrieviation for ?
Enroute Low Altitude Chart
Whats the scale on the ELA?
1” = 10 NM or as depicted
How often is the ELA published ?
Every 8 weeks
What does 280 and 43s tell us about the airport
280 = Airport elevation
43S = 4300’ is the length of longest rw (soft surface(
What is the MOCA ?
Lowest altitude which secures obstacle clearance and assures acceptable navigation signal coverage / but only within 22 NM of a VOR
When flying away from the tail of the double bearing pointer you are Inbound/outbound on the radial ?
Inbound on the radial
(inbound radial 180)
When flying into the tail of the double bearing pointer you are inbound/outbound on the radial ?
Outbound on the radial
(outbound radial 180)
The needle of the double bearing pointer tell you which ____ you are on
What’s the difference between homing and tracking ?
Homing does not take wind corretion into account
What does the “R” mean ?
Receive only
What is this ?
The identifier of the NAVAID
What’s the difference between the red and the green circle ?
Rockdale (red) = NAVAID NAME
Buffalo (green) = Controlling FFS name
What’s the steps when correction for drift ?
(wind correcting)
- Return to course with a 20º correction
- First trial apply 1/2 of initial correction = 10º to initial course
- Too little: Increase step 2 with half = 15º
Too much: Derease step 2 with half = 5º
Course interception - How many degrees should we turn ? (normal/expedite)
Normal: 45º
Expedite: 90º
During course interception - how do we know if we should turn left or right ?
Look from the wanted course - is left og right dist shortest to the double bearing pointer needle
In the IFR sup when looking at airport information: what does (R) & (E) mean following a frequency ?
(R) = Radar capability
(E) = Monitor UHF/VHF emergency freq
Where would you find trafic pattern information for a specific airport ?
IFR/VFR supp
What is MOCA an abbrieviation for ?
“Minimum obstruction clearance altitude”
Where would you find information on DD form 1801 ?
General planning (Flight planning)
What’s allowable deviation in accuracy for our reciever during check ?
On ground: +/- 4º
In air: +/- 6º
What are MTR’s (military training routes) calles ?
IR (5 NM or less width) & VR (5 NM or greater width)
What is the DIST of this leg ?
29 NM
What’s the total DIST between the 2 TACANs ?
62 NM
What does the shadow box mean?
That a FSS is associated with the NAVAID
This is a FSS location
What does the star signify ?
What does this indicate ?
A stand alone FSS
What are these two ?
Non compulsary reporting points
What does this signify ?
DIST behind Arrow = NAVAID
What does this mean ?
Minimum crossing altitude (MCA )
Nede to be at this altitude at the fix
What does this signify ?
MRA: Minimum reception altitude
What does this signify
MEA og MOCA changes = alitude change
What does the numbers signify ?
15000 = MEA when VHF NAVAID
13300G = MEA RNAV
* 13300 = MOCA
What are the IFR crusing altitudes
0-179: ODD thousands
180-359: EVEN thousands
What does this number tell us ?
MEA = altitude that guaranties obstacle clearance and navigational reception
What is this ?
What does this indicate
The DIST to from the reporting point to the VOR/VORTAC
(behind arrow)
DME fix
How many degreese do you turn each second in a standard rate turn ?
What does full deflection on the CDI indicate when:
1. GPS
2. Localizer
3. VOR
- 2 NM
- 2º
- 10º
What’s the name of the needle in the puple box & red box ?
Purple = Course pointer
Red = Course deviation indicator
What information does General Planning give you
There is only 1 GP
- Index for aeronautical information
- Explanation of terms
- Flight plan info
- Aircraft codes
Which pub recycles:
32 weeks
24 weeks
8 weeks
32: GP + FIH
24: AP
8: TLA/TPP + IFR supp + ELA
What information does Area Planning give you
There is multiple AP’s
- Detailed and supplemental informaton on airspace (dimensions, entry, weather requirements)
Planning procedures fopr a specific region / geografic loaction
What information does TLA & TPP give give you
There is multiple (Terminal low alt. Terminal procedure pub.)
The big four:
- Radar instrument approach minimums
- Instruments approach procedures
- Departure procedures
- Airport diagrams
What information does FIH give you
There is one FIH
Aeronautical information required for flight that is not subject to frequent change
- Emergency procedures (2 way RDO fail)
- Lighting
What information does IFR SUPP give you
It should be used with the ELA
-Airport/facility information & data
Flight instruments that display immediate attitude and power information is known as ____ instruments
Lead altitude level off by ____ % of the rate of climb
10 %
How and where (PUB) would you know if a NAVAID is monitored or not ?
IFR SUPP / if nothing is listed it is monitored - only informed when it is “unmto”
What are the 3 radio class codes of VOR’s ?
(T) Terminal, (L) Low altitude, (HA) High altitude
Each VOR class has a ____ that indicates the range of the radio signal
Which are radials and which are courses (to/from) ?
C) magnetic course to
D) magnetic course to
When asked which radial you are on always look at the ____ no matter a/c position
Tail of the bearing pointer
If a drift correction is too large, procedure is to ____
Turn parallel course and allow wind to drift aircraft back on course - Then decrease correction by half
If a drift correction is too little procedure is to ____
Repeat initial to return to course than increase the correction with half
What radial is the a/c on ? (VOR)
5 degrees right of 210 = 205