EXAM (INSTIII) Flashcards
Air traffic facility which provide pilot briefing, route COMS, VFR SAR, A/C EMER., NOTAMS, WX, process IFR flight plans, monitor NAVAIDS
Approach control facility
- Terminal facility that provides approach control in terminal area
- ATC service that provides approach control of arriving and departing VFR/IFR and sometimes enroute
Clearance delivery
A TWR facility at high density airports used to relay ATC instructions to aircraft
A facility that provide ATC service to aircrafts operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally during en route phase of flight
Transponder code
VFR flight
Transponder code:
Two way rdo failure
Transponder code:
Two way rdo failure
Transponder code:
Who are allowed to clear you for an approach at KOZR ?
Cairns Approach
While on ground - what’s two ways to get terminal information at Jacksonville ?
- Ground Control
Who has the authority to clear you to land at the airfield/airport ?
What does it mean for us on approach?
It means we need to swich to TWR prior to landing when rw visual and in a safe position
Who report weather hazards ?
Does all airfield/airports with a tower have a “clearance delivery” service ?
No - Only at the busy airports
Which type of time do you provide to ATC during radio communications ?
Zulu time
When should we report position and altitude ?
- Compulsary reporting points
- DCT leg of flight off a navigation route
- ATC request
What is initial contact ?
First call to a controller on a freq. appropriate for part of the flight
(Departure control, ARTCC, Approach control)
How would you find out if your departing points has radar capability ?
Look at the IFR enroute supp for -> (R)
What must you report in your radar initial contact radio call
(Reciever, ID, altitude)
“Cairns approach, SAVER 48, at 4000’ “
What should your radio call for initial contact with a non radar facility report ?
P osition
A ltitude
T ime estimate (and name of next compulsary reporting point)
When does radar services commence and end ?
Commence: “Radar contact”
Ends: “Radar service terminated” / “Radar contact lost”
Automatically ends when:
- A/C has landed from approach
- A/C has landed visual
- Told to change freq.
- IFR is cancelled (expect in B & C airspace)
Position report radio calls
(compulsary and non compulsary)
PTA (Without compulsary
) :
Position, Time, Altitude
PTAPTP (Compulsary
) :
Position, Time, Altitude, Point (next compulsary) & Time ETA + (if compulsary the proceeding:) Point
Time: ZULU
Need to report 3 points if from where you are at, the next two points are compulsary. If the last point isn’t compulsary you ommit the last “p”
When should you (additionally) report when IFR
- New altitudes
- Altitude changes when VFR on top
- Unable to climb and descend at 500 FPM rate
- When an approach is missed ( and what you request )
- Change in average TAS reported in flightplan
- Time + ALT when reaching holding fix/point
- Leaving assigned holding fix/point
- Safety of flight
- If in controlled airspace, loss of low freq. NAV receiver capabilities
- Hazardous non forecasted WX
Additional reports when not in radar contact
- FAF (NPA) + Outer marker (PA)
- Corrected time if estimate is more than 2 minutes off
Initial Steps when experiencing lost coms ?
Check radios, try another radio, CO pilot try, go to last freq, Attempt EMER freq., Transponder 7600, turn up NAVAIDS
ATC see 7600 - They will try to talk over NAVAIDS
Lost coms procedure if you obtain and encounter VMC
- Fly VFR rules
- Land as soon as practicable (not first field)
- Notify ATC (So they know where we are, and that we are safe)
Lost coms procedure if you can’t obtain VMC ?
( Lost coms IMC conditions )
(DCT to fix we were being vectored for in clearance, eg. Cleared IAF ILS RW06)
(Did ATC give us a route to expect beyond a fix)
(No expected - then fly route we filled for)
Minimum IFR
! Whichever is heighest
AVEF = ORDER of priority
Lost coms IMC - When should you begin descent to app ?
Clearance limit is a fix (from where an approach begins)
- As close as possible to EFC if recieved
- If not then as close as possible to ETA
(filed or amended ETA - if holding ect.)
Early = hold / Late = proceed
Lost coms IMC / When should you begine descent to app
Clearance limit is NOT a fix from which app begins
- Leave limit at EFC if recieved
**If no EFC recieved ** - Proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and commence descent and approach as close to ETA (calculates from flightplan/ammended)
If you have gotten an “Expect to hold at XX-fix” without a “Cleared for + EFC” What do you do when you get to the fix LOST COM
Continue - we are not cleared for the holding
How to select approach fix ?
if more than one
The one most appropriate for the situation ( ATC protects them all )
Proceeding to the alternate
- TO MAP holding = 1 pattern
- The most direct reasonable routing to the IAF at alternate
- Use MEA appropriate for route
(not the minimum,expected,assigned - we dont have any)
Why do we default to minimum altimeter setting during lost coms ?
So we’ll never be lower than we think but maybe a little higher
How do you calculate climb rate with the E6B ?
Big arrow: GS
Inner ring: climb rate/NM
Outer ring: climb rate FPM
GS: 60 kts Climb rate per/nm to hold: 200 feet Climbrate in the cockpit: **200 FPM**
Explain the 1-3-6 rule
1. Can you file your flightplan ?
Destination wx must be equal to or greater than the planning minimums for the approach ETA+1 hour (predominant wx)
3. Do you need an alternate?
You need an alternate if:
NAVAIDS are unmt
Radar is required
Predominant wx isn’t 400’ and 1 SM higher than the planning minimums for the approach
6. Can you use an approach/airfield as an alternate?
Navaids can’t be unmt
Radar can’t be required
Planning with the worst forecasted WX
has to be 400’ & 1 SM above minimums for approach
GPS can be used on both dest. and alternate but only because of the TSP145/6 WAAS (!)
Approach can’t be A/NA
Surface controlled airspace must be active
(!) plan circling/RNAV minimums
“3” and “6” can be affected by the VFR exception rule
What must you do if using MEF for safe altitude selection ?
Add 1000/2000’ as appropriate
What is the MIA ?
Minimum IFR altitude
Provides obstacle clearance but not NAVAID reception
Altitudes are published on aeronautical charts.
If no MIA is posted: 4 NM each side of course, highest obstacle + 1000/2000 ft
What must you tell when contacting an ATC, in flight, and not in radar contact
Time and name of next compulsory reporting point
How do you report position at a fix:
1. When the next point is NOT compulsory
2. When the next point is compulsory
- P-T-A ( Position, time, altitude)
- P-T-A-P-T-P (Position, time, altitude, Point (next compulsory), time ETA, point ( only if the second proceeding point is also compulsory )
When is a reporting point compulsory ?
- When it’s fully filled out
- When ATC tells you to report
- When it’s at the start or end of a direct leg
What 3 ways can you hold at fix (which is your clearance limit) from where an approach begin
1) Arrival holding pattern
2) Holding pattern in lieu of procedure turn
3) On the final approach course on the procedure turn side (protected airspace)
How do you select an approach ?
You may select any one of them - ATC will protect airspace at all approaches
Flying a missed approach (lost COMS) - which altitude and route should you select ?
- MEA - You dont have an assigned or expected
-The most direct, reasonable routing to the IAF of the alternate
What type of frequency is 132.15 and who does it connect to ?
It’s a UHF discrete frequency (!)
Connects to NEW YORK ARTCC
ARTCC: Air route trafic control center
(!) Dicrete frequencies are seperate radio frequencies to reduce congestion
In which DOD flip can you find a conversion tables for fuel ?
Has information that isn’t subject to change
In which DOD flip can you find LOST COMS procedures ?
You are flying the circling approach, it’s a VOR approach, reported weather is 800’ cealing and 1 SM visibility.
you are shooting the approach in your UH 72 helicopter, flying at 2000’, 100 KIAS, inbound.
How much can you reduce the visibility?
You can’t.
you are CAT B when flying 100 KIAS.
What do you call when making your initial call to an ATC when in radar contact ?
Your altitude
Can a feeder route be MIA ?