EXAM (VFR NAV) Flashcards
Class B airspace
Airspace altitude ?
Surface to max 10.000’
(airport dependent)
What kind of airports are in class B ?
The busiest (IFR and passengers)
Class B airspace
How does the airspace apear on maps ?
As a blue solidt line
Class B airspace
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
3 sm visability
Clear of clouds
3 sm ≈ 5 km
What’s the TAC ?
Terminal Area Chart
a 1:250.000 scale chart of the area excist for more detailed information on the specific area
What’s the mode C veil ?
(Radius, altitude, at which airports)
Magenta line
A circular box with a 30 NM radius from primary airport in the airspace - extending from surface to 10.000’ MSL - around most class B airports
Class B airspace
What do you need to enter this airspace ?
ATC clearance
Two-way radio communication
Transponder mode c or s+ADS-B
Mode C = Altitude + FL automatically transponded
Class A airspace
Airspace altitude ?
18.000’ - FL600
Which type of airports are in class C airspace ?
Congestion = high amount of aircrafts
Airports where ATC provides radar vectoring and dequencing for all VFR and IFT a/c
Class C airspace
Airspace altitude
Surface to 4.000’
Class B airspace
Which services does an airport in this airspace provide ?
Intrument approaches
Control TWR
High density = The airport has an hourly limit for IFR T/O and landings. Generally no unplanned flights allowed to land and T/O.
Class C airspace
Which services does an airport in this airspace provide ?
Intrument approaches
Control TWR
Class C airspace
How does the airspace apear on maps ?
As a magenta solidt line
Class C airspace
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
3 sm visability
Cloud distance:
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
Class C airspace
What do you need to enter this airspace ?
Two-way radio communication must be established before entering airspace
Transponder mode c
How is the class C airspace structured ?
A core ring (Core surface area) with a 5 NM radius from airspace primary airport extending from surface to 4000’ AGL
A second ring (Shelf area) with a 10 NM radius from primary airport extending from 1200’-4000’ AGL
Class C
At what distance from the service area should you call ATC
20 NM
Class C airspace
Can you enter the airspace on a
- “Aircraft callsign Standby” respond from ATC ?
- ‘Just a respond without callsign’ from ATC
Specify reason for answer
Yes, *because when callsing has been used, two way radio communication is established
(Update!! Not sure - get answer) - No, because when no callsign is used, two way radio communication is not established
Class D airspace
Airspace altitude ?
Surface to 2.500’
Class D airspace
How does the airspace apear on maps ?
Blue dash line
Class D airspace
What does the number and the minus in the box indicate ?
The airport altitude from the surface x 100
The minus indicate “From surface to but not including” the altitude
Class D airspace
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
3 sm visability
Cloud distance:
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
Class D airspace
What do you need to enter this airspace?
Two way radio communication must be established prior to entering the airspace
Class D airspace
Which services does an airport in this airspace provide ?
Intrument approaches
Control TWR
Class E airspace
How does the airspace apear on maps ?
And which airspace ALT limits relate to the respective depictions?
Magenta dash line = From surface to 700’ AGL
Magenta vingette = +700’ AGL (transition area)
Class E airspace / Below 10.000’ MSL
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
3 sm visability
Cloud distance:
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
Class E airspace / Above 10.000’ MSL
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
5 sm visability
Cloud distance:
1000’ Below
1000’ Above
1 sm Horizontal
Class E airspace
What do you need to enter this airspace ?
No specific requirements
Class E airspace
Which services does an airport in this airspace provide ?
Instrument approaches
Class G airspace < 1200’ AGL
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
DAY ½ sm visability
Clear of clouds
NIGHT 1 sm visability
Clear of clouds
10.000’ > Class G airspace > 1200’ AGL
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
DAY 1 sm visability
NIGHT 3 sm visability
Cloud distance (DAY/NIGHT)
500’ Below
1000’ Above
2000’ Horizontal
Class G airspace > 10.000’
What’s the weather minima for this airspace ?
5 sm Visability
Clouds distance:
1000’ Below
1000’ Above
1 sm Horizontal
What a TFR ?
Temporary Flight Restriction
Civilian airport trafic pattern height and standard ?
1000’ AGL - left Hand patterns
Army airport trafic pattern height ?
700’ AGL
Army special VFR minima ?
½ sm visability
Clear of clouds
Unless otherwose is specified by specific airport
What’s highlighted in yellow ?
The airfield name + four letter identifier
Cairns AFF + KOZR
What does the highlighted part mean ?
CT: The airfield had a control TWR
135.2: The control TWR frequency
★: The control TWR is part time
ⓒ: Common traffic advisory frequency = air-air communication on the frequency when TWR is closed
Which meridians is longitude/latitude ?
Other than hard surface runways
Seaplane base
Hard surface runways 1500’ - 8069’
Hard surface runways greater than 8069’
(white dot)
white dot = approximate VOR, VOR-DME, VORTAC location
Private (having emergency/landmark value)
Military other than hard surface
Name and Distance
Abandoned (landmark value) 3000’ or greater
Ultralight flight park
Services - fuel available and field tended during normal workoung hours
normal hours 11 am - 4 pm
Rotating airport beacon operating sunset to sunrise
Airport may adversely affect airspace use
1000’+ AGL
Above 200’ below 1000’. AGL
Obstructions with high intensity lights
may operate part time
Group obstructions
Wind turbine
Wind turbine farm
Height MSL
Height AGL
Under contruction
Aeronautical advisory station
Airport info
L = Lighting in operation sunset to sunrise
L* = Lighting limitations excist (pilot controlled)
72 = Length of longest runway 7200’
What does the blue feathers mean ?
Prohibited, restricted, danger area, alert area
(This one is an alert area)
What does this mean ?
Military operations area
What does TRSA stand for ?
Terminal radar service area
What does these represent ?
(dimensions depicted)
Are you required to use TRSA?
What does this mean ?
Prohibited, restricted and warning areas
What does this mean ?
Prohibited, restricted and warning areas
In conjunction with the blue feathers, what does:
(Need permission)
What is a TFR
Temporary flight restriction
Where can you find TFRs when flight planning
Equation for calculating headings with variation and drift correction
TC ± DC = TH ± V = MH
True course / line over the ground
Drift correction angle / amount of º the nose is changed due to wind
True heading / the direction the nose is pointing to maintain correct groundtrack (True north, geographic north pole)
Magnetic heading / direction relative to the magnetic north
At which airports are you required to obtain an PPR piror to arrival
All military airports
When is a weather briefing void ?
after 1.5 hour
What is AWOS an abbrieviation for ?
Automatic weather observation service
When must you establish 2-way-rdo communication when entering:
Class D airspace
10 NM prior
What does an Alert & warning area mean for you as a pilot ?
Alert: Warns pilots of high volume traning area or unusual activities
Warning: Warns nonparticipating pilots of the potential danger from the activity conducted in the area
When must you establish 2-way-rdo communication when entering:
Class C airspace
20 NM prior
When must you establish 2-way-rdo communication when entering:
Class B airspace
You have to get a clearence to enter (distance not specified)
What’s SVFR for army helicopters
1/2 SM visability
Clear of clouds
(Airports may have different rules that apply)
What should you be aware of in regards to SVFR in airspace E (sfc) and G
E (sfc) : You may need to obtain SVFR clearance from closest TWR
G : SVFR is not used in this airspace
What’s SVFR for Cairns AAF ?
DAY 1/2 SM visability - 300’ ceiling
NIGHT 1 SM visability - 500’ ceiling
Are you required to fly above MEF ?
(it’s merely altitudes above which you are clear by a safe margin of all obstacles in a 30 min grid square)
Above which altitude do you need oxygen ?
14.000’ PA
Between which two altitudes can you stay 30 min without oxygen ?
12.000-14.000’ PA
Between which two altitudes can you stay 1 hour without oxygen ?
10.000-12.000’ PA
What’s the fuel reserve for a VFR day flight (rotary wing)
20 min at cruise
What’s the minimum weather that must be reported to operate VFR flight inside any core surface area of controlled airspace
(This is the weather needed to obtain VFR minimums)
3 SM visibility - 1000’ ceiling
Above what altitude does the cruising altitude rule begin ?
(MSL or AGL ?)
above 3000’ AGL
When approaching a non TWRed airport - how far out should you begin to monitor CTAF ?
10 NM
What’s RTIS ?
(Radar traffic information service)
A radar service provided by ATC to alert pilots of other trafic in their area
As an army aviator - should we use the RTIS ?
Yes but it’s not mandated by regulation
Vertical dimensions of class C airspace
Core + shelf
Core: SFC to 4000’ AGL
Shelf: no lower than 1200’-4000’ AGL
Vertical dimensions of class D airspace
Generally + chart
SFC-2500’ AGL (charted MSL)
What is TRSA and how do you perticipate ?
Pilot can receive additional radar service
Contact radar approach and avail yourself to TRSA
What should be done prior to entering a MOA ?
Pilot should contact any FSS within 100 mi of the area to obtain current real time information - prior to entering contact controlling agency for traffic advisories
What’s the difference between TC and TH ?
Both measured from TN
TC: to proposed flight patch
TH: To the nose of the a/c
What’s the definition of TC ?
Measured from TN to the proposed flight path
What’s the definition of TR ?
From true north (clockwise) to the actual flight patch of the ground
What’s the difference between TR and TC ?
when would they be the same ?
Both measured from TN
TR: to actual flight path
TC: To proposed flight path
(Would be the same if wind correction is corrected properly)
What’s the definition of MH ?
From MN to the nose of the a/c
What’s the definition of DC ?
The amount of correction applied to prevent drifting off course
What’s the definition of TAS ?
Calibrated airspeed corrected for error due to air density
What’s the definition of GS ?
The speed of the a/c over the ground
What’s the definition of VAR ?
Difference between TN and MN
What’s the definition of agonic line ?
Line connecting points of 0 variation
What’s the definition of isogonic line ?
Line connecting points of equal variation
What’s the definition of CAS ?
Indicated airspeed corrected for instrument installation error
What’s the definition of TH ?
TN to the nose of the aircraft
What’s the difference between a heading and a course ?
Heading refer to the nose of the a/c
course refer to a flight path / ground track
When is groundspeed FASTER than TAS ?
TR and TC is always the same ?
Drift angle is measured between ?
TH and TR
To check if your KM / NM convertion on the E6B is about right : 1 KM is equal to ___ NM
1 KM = 0.54 NM
( So about half )
Where is warning areas located ?
Over water
What airspace heights are depicted on the maps ?
D airspace: Instrument approach extensions
When will they be D / E airspace ?
2 miles or less = D airspace
What does the TRSA do ?
Vectoring, spacing, sequencing and advisories
When PA & TEMP is put in this window - what can you read on the inner and outer ring of the E6B
Inner = Indicated ALT
Outer = TALT
When should you use the small “sec” hammer on the E6B
Then distance is 1/10 of the airspeed (kts)
When you put PA and temp in this window: What can you read on the inner and outer scale of the E6B ?
Inner: CAS
Outer: TAS
At what altitude does the “cruising altitude rule” end ?
18.000 feet
A airspace
When completing a flight plan, which callsigns can we use as army aviators ?
“SAVER48” flight callsign
“R17029” R+last 5 of tail number
Which letters can we put here and why ?
What letter do we put here and why ?
M for military
How do we enter our crusing speed?
XX = crusing speed
N is for “knots” - TAS
How do we enter our crusing altitude
XX = altitude in thousand ft.
How would we enter flying to Cairns
How would we enter that we are a “UH 72 Lakota”
What would we enter as a UH 72 lakota ?
SB1 = Transponder
S(ADS-B) B1 (w/o capabilities)
GSU = G(gps) S(Standard com) U(UHF)
SB1 = S(ADS-B) B1 (w/o capabilities)
What distance should we keep to restriced areas ?
3 NM
How often should you give points (VFR rute) when filing a flight plan ?
30 min apart or every 200 NM
When should we have a ALTN airport and what makes a good one?
When destination reports SVFR
A good one would be in class G no TWR ( = just go and land)
Can a VFR flight plan legally be filed to an airport with SVFR conditions ?
Yes - a flight plan can ALWAYS be filed
Name the controlled airspaces
A, B, C, D, E
Name the uncontrolled airspaces
As an army aviator, do you need transponder in G airspace?
Yes, always
What is the mode C veil for ?
Civil aviators need transponder within the circle/veil
What is the CTAF used for. ?
Communication with other a/c in airspace
What deos the following rotating beacons indicate ?
A) 1 green, 1 white light
B) 1 green, 2 white lights
A) civil airport
B) Military airport
If the rotating beacon is on during the day - what does this indicate ?
IFR conditions
When do you need to contact controlling agency of airspace
B) ASAP/not stated
C) 20 NM
D+E) 10 NM
What does “ASOS” mean at an airport ?
Weather is available
What abbreviations would indicate weather services ?
What does a small blue dot on the map mean ? (pilot action?)
Wildlife = fly 2000’ above AGL
At what altitude does G airspace cut off ?
14.500 ft
(legend indicates each maps restriction - could be 1200’ for some maps = at cairns)
Can anyone fly through a alert area ?
The VFR crusing altitude is
___ - ____ - ____
“Above - 3000’ - AGL”
Exam answer must contian all 3 words
What is the MEF ?
Maximum elevation figure
(highest obstruction in a 30 min grid square)
When we have a headwind TAS is ____ than GS
Which pub do we need to complete our flightplan ?
General planning
How can we activate/close a flightplan ?
In person, by phone, by a/c rdo
What form is the military flight plan ?
DD form 1801