EXAM (Fire support) Flashcards
What does fire support system involve ?
The coordinated efforts of acquisition resources, fire cells, attack & delivery systems (linked by an adequate communication and computer system)
What are the tactical fire support system components ?
Eyes (Observer, TGT acquisition)
Brains (FDC: Fire director center, fire cell)
Brawn (Shooter, firing elements)
What is a fire support “Observer” ?
- Air observers (Aircrafts, UAS)
- Ground observers (JTAC, scouts)
- Sensors
- ISR platforms
(What are the duties of the observer / acquisition ?
- Locate indirect fire TGTs within observation zone
- Call for and adjust indirect fires
- An observer provides surveillance data pertaining to fires effects
(Locate - Call - Observe effects)
Observers duties
What is the key requirement
Accurate target location
To achieving first round effects on targets
Fire support components
What are the “brains” ?
FS team
Fire direction center (FDC)
fires cell (receive call, determine attack, send unit)
Fire support components
What are the “Brawn”
Attack helicopter, mortars,
Receives data and fires weapon
What are the benefits of attack helicopters as delivery asset ?
Mobility, firepower, reaction time, no ground observer requirement
What is the maneuver commanders most responsive indirect fire ressource
What is the doctrinal definition of fire support ?
Fire support is a rapid and continous integration of surface to surface indirect fires, target acquisition, armed aircraft and other lethal and non lethal attack/delivery systems (….)
Whats the key requirement for the first round fire for effects missions
The observer primary duty is to accurately locate TGTs, call for and adjust fire support
Which type targeting device can give point of origin and impact ?
Couterfire radars
Which component determine how to attack the TGT ?
A call for fire is a ____ prepared by the ____
Concise meassage
A call for fire is a ____, not an ____
request for fire not an order
Call for fire has ____ elements and ____ transmissions
6 elements
3 transmission
What does each of the 3 transmissions hold?
1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
- Observer identification = warning order
- Target location
- Target description + Metod of engagement = method of fire and control
“I won’t let my mama down”
What are the three sub elements of a warning order ?
Clears the net for the fire mission and includes:
Type of mission
Size of element to fire for effect
Method of target location
Warning order
What are the types of missions ?
Adjust fire
(Situation requires adjust round one round fired until effects are within 50m)
Fire for effect
(All guns will fire on the TGT after the call for fire is sent)
(Quickly bring fire on a TGT that is not active - normally on preplanned TGTs)
Immediate supression
(When friendly is under fire - designed to break contact)
Immediate smoke
(Same as above)
What are the default method of TGT location ?
Which warning order mission type would you use if you do not have an accurate target locaion ?
Adjust fire
What are the three methods of target location ?
Grid (default)
Shift from known point
Target description is the last ____ element of a call for fire
What are the two types of observers
What is the FDC ?
Fire direction center
The brains
What are the duties of the FDC ?
Receive call
Determine attack
Determine firing data
Send fire order to unit
Name the 3 components of the fire support system
Observer - fires cell - firing elements
What does the following abbreviations mean ?
de this is
K “over” or “out”
i/e in effect
i/o in the open
What does the following abbreviations mean ?
+/- (spotting)
+/- Corrections
i/a in adjustment
MTO Message to oberserver
U/D up/down (altitude)
+/- (spotting) left/right
+/- (Corrections)add/drop
What does the following abbreviations mean?
FFE Fire for effect
AF Adjust fire
IS/IMSK immediate supression / immediate smoke
Call for fire
What needs to be said in the first transmission ?
Identification (de - me this is you)
Warning order (Type of mission: AF/FFE/IS - Size of element to fire for effect - method of TGT location)
“S40 de S30, AF, k”
“S40 de S30, AF, polar____, K”
“S40 de S30, AF, Laser grid, K”
(When nothing = grid - it’s default)
Call for fire
What needs to be said in the second transmission ?
TGT LocationGrid:
2 letters - 6 didgets Polar:
Directions + dist to TGT from observer locationShift to known point
an “ALT” is under this point
Call for fire
What needs to be said in the third transmission ?
Description of target
Method of engagement
Method of fire and control
“Infantry company, dug in, no cover / HED i/e / When ready “
“3 tanks on road i/o / Danger close / on my command”
What happens during “ADJUST FIRE” ?
One round is fired until effects are within 50m after which “fire for effect” is announced
What type of mission should the observer strive for ?
“Fire for effect”
Used when observer is certain that the TGT location is accurate
What is the minimum acceptable standard for grid (locating targets)
6 digit grid
(When firing on a map spotted TGT location send minimum 8 digit)
What are the methods of target location ?
Grid form map
Laser grid (imagery tools)
Polar plot (from observer location)
Laser polar
Shift from a known point
call for fire
What is covered under the point “Method of engagement” ?
Ammunition, danger close, type of adjustment
(not all mentioned)
When do we call “danger close” ?
When TGT is within 600m of any friendly troops
(750meter for 5 inch naval guns)
When is “mark” included in the third transmission ?
When observer wants to indicate TGT to ground troops or aircrafts + wants to orient himself in the zone of observation
Call for rounds for the above
What is the default trajectory
Low angle
(high angle can be requested under method of engagement - and will remain in effect until cancelled)
What does “i/e” mean when following an ammunition type ?
That you want a different (the stated) type of ammunition/round after you finish your adjusting phase
What does the following mean
“Dly i/a, VT i/e, 3 rounds)
Don’t clarify ammo - just description
Dly in adjustment
(then after adjustment is done)
3 rounds of VT in effect
adjustment phase is one round at a time
Call for fire
What are (some) methods of control
third transmission
Fire when ready
At my command
Time on target
Cease loading
Cannot observe
When is the method of fire and control : Repeat, used?
During adjustment
, repeat means fire another round with the last data
During Fire for effect
, repeat means fire the same as before (if you add adjustments they will adjust and then fire again)
Do not send a repeat call in the initial call for fire
When a correction is made the observer must ____
Read back the entire sub-element and all data
What is a MTO ?
Message to observer
FDC receives call for fire - determines actions and announces decision in the form of a MTO
An MTO consists of ____ items
What are the four items of a MTO ?
- Unit to fire / adjusting unit
- Changes to CFF
- Number of rounds per tube in FFE
- TGT number
Time of flight must be given in the MTO to moving targets
“Sierra apache, VT i/e, 3, AA7503”
What does a target number consist of ?
Two letters followed by four numbers
What is a volley ?
One round fired by every piece in that unit
a Battalion of 18 guns / 3 volleys = 54 rounds total
What does it mean when FDC announces “Ready” ?
And when observer responds “Ready out”
Battery is laid and ready to fire
“Observer is not ready to observe TGT” - must announce “fire” when ready to observe
What does it mean when FDC announces “Shot”
First rounds are leaving tubes
What does it mean when FDC announces “splash”
5 seconds to impact
What does it mean when FDC announces “rounds complete”
Last rounds has left the tube
what is the mil relation formular ?
Formular used to calculate corrections
W = R x M
What are the two types of spotting lines ?
Gun target line GT
Observer target line OT
When do we use “drop” - OT corrections ?
When the impact was beyond the TGT from the observers point of view - and we want the impact to move towards us
When must direction be sent to FDC ?
- Initial CFF when during polar or shift
- First subsequent correction during a grid mission
- Anytime direction changes more than 10 degrees or 100 mils
On mil of angular deviation equals approx. ____ on the ground at 1000m
1 meter
1 degree is ____ mils
17.78 mils
An angle of one mil will extend by 1 meter in width per every ____ meters you move away
Describe the components of the mil relation formular
W = R (OT) x mils
W: Lateral shift in meters (nearest 10)
R: Range to target (nearest 100m - expressed in thousands)
mils = angular deviation in mils (nearest 1 mil)
What is the mil relation formular used for ?
- Determine width of lateral shift in meters to nearest 10 meters from a known point to TGT
R in the formular
How do you determine OT (Observer target factor)
OT is the distance from TGT to observer
- nearest 1000 meters
If halfway (3500) round up to the nearest EVEN number = 4000 - divide by 1000
How do you determine mils ?
Hand method or meassuring
Do not send adjusting corrections of less than ____ meters and express then in nearest ____ meter
Do not send adjusting corrections of less than 30 meters and express then in nearest 10 meter
Following corrections shouldn’t be send:
What is the procedure for successive bracketing
- Get a shot on each side of the TGT
- Adjust +400 / -200 / +100 / -50 (FFE)
How do you terminate a mission ?
“End of mission - BDA”
BDA = Battle damage assesment
What target line is best for an aerial observer when adjusting rounds ?
Oberserver target line
The fire support team consists of three groups which are ?
- Observers
- Fire direction
- Launcher
What is the primary duty of the observer ?
Accurate target location
Which member of the fire support team determines firing data ?
FDC / fires cell
What is the purpose of IS / IMSK CFF ?
To break contact and relocate your mission
What are the two ways to execute a preplanned supression mission ?
TOT or ON call