BI / Training Flashcards
How close do we have to be to receive ATIS from an airfield?
20-60 NM
How close to the airfield do we have to be to receive ASOS / AWOS ?
25 NM
What is ASOS / AWOS ?
ASOS Primary surface weather observating system for smaller airports in the US
Minute by minute
AWOS smaller version of ASOS - usually only sensors at touch down area
What is HIWAS and when can you recieve it ?
Hazardous in-flight Weather Advisory Service
Reeivable within VOR range
(H) in NAVAID box
FSS transmits
What are the 3 types of WX briefs you can request ?
If no previous is has been received
When you need an update to a previous
If proposed T/O time is 6 hours or more - only for planning
What is the FAF ?
(how is it depicted nonprecision and preceision approaches)
Final approach fix
During t/o what is minimum height for hands-off operation ?
200 ft AGL
What’s minimum airspeed for engaging “upper modes”
60 kts
What should be done before engaging:
“Hdg. mode”
Minimum 60 kts
Heading bug is set at desired heading
What should be done before engaging:
“ALT mode”
Wait to desired climb speed is established
NOTE: Use of ALT mode below 80 kts = monitor airspeed more closely
Name the two types of DP’s ?
“Departure procedures”
ODP ( Obstacle departure procedures )
SID ( Standard departure procedures )
What’s the standard for an ODP
Departure procedure
Obstacle departure procedures
Cross departure end of TW 35’ AGL minimum
Minimum climb gradient 200 ft/nm
Climb to 400’ AGL before making any turns
Explain SID
For what, depicted, clearance
Departure procedure
Standard instrument departures
Designed for system enchancement and to reduce pilot / ATC workload
Always graphically printed
Need ATC clearance
What is climb rate for 200 ft/nm when flying 90 & 60 KIAS ?
60 KIAS = 200 FPM
90 KIAS = 300 FPM
What is weather take-off minimums for US army aviators with less than 50 hour weather time logged ?
1/4 SM
RVR 1200
obs. Can be non std. T/O minimums
What are weather minimums for initiation of an approach ?
Non - an approach may be initiated regardless of ceiling and visibility
When can an a/c be flown below published MDA or DA ?
- Approach treshhold of the RW visible
- The a/c must be in a safe position to complete landing
What are the lateral limits of low altitude airways ?
4 NM - each side of the centerline
When both MEA and MOCA are listed on airway - when may pilot operate below MEA ?
Below MEA down to MOCA when:
Navigation signals are available
If using VOR a/c should be within 22 NM
When approaching a fix beyond which a higher MEA exists - when should the pilot initiate climb ?
Immediately after crossing the fix
When approaching a fix beyond which a higher MCA exists - when should the pilot initiate climb ?
MCA should be reached by the time the intrsection is crossed
PFD / ND rule of thumb
Green is :
Blue is :
Amber is :
Green is : The machine
Blue is : You
Amber is : Fix it
What is the abbrieviation and procedure for “Avionics set-up flow” ?
Advance planning info (ATIS + ATC info )
Garmin (load/active, select VLOC/GPS, Tune freq.)
Radios (Set comm freq.)
Displays (Configure PFD / ND)
Upper modes (set or select as appropriate)
Brief (Departure: SID/ODP until L/O)
Brief (Approach: 1) IAP name 2) MDA/DA 3) MAP loc.
Upper modes coupled
Missed approach procedures
1) Press GA when at MAP - increase collective to 8 FLI or less
2) When in stabile climb - engage and set HDG in complience with procedures
3) Set ALT and plunge altitude acquire
4) Garmin (?)
5) Verify PFD / ND - engage NAV or VOR
6) Report missed app.
Upper modes uncoupled
Missed approach procedures
- Increase collective to 8 FLI or less
- Stabile climb = turn to appropriate hdg to comply with procedures
- Press Garmin (Suspend and or tune NAVAIDS, select GPS/VLOC)
- Report missed app.
What’s minimum airspeed with IAS mode engaged ?
30 kts
Minimum height when hands and feet can be taken off controls
- T/O and APP
- NOT T/O and APP
- 200 ft AGL
- 500 ft AGL
Whats the limitation for GA mode below 60 KIAS
Prohibited to used below 60 KIAS if IAS mode is engaged
AR 95.1
What weather do you need to initiate an approach ?
You may initiate no matter weather
What is “NRP” used for, and what does it mean ?
For when you need an alternate airfield IFR flight planing.
Navaids (at planned airfield is unmt)
Radar (is required to execute approach)
Predominant ( WX ETA+1.5h is 400-1 less than planning minimums)
GPS can be used as a substitute for ____
What is helicopter SVFR ?
1/2 SM visability
*UNLESS the airport require a higher minima (published)
What is the requirement for IFR destination weather ?
Equal to or greather than the published weather planning minima for the planned approach at ETA thoughtout one hour
Can be found in landing minima TPP in the parentheses
Intermitten weather conditions - the PREDOMINANT WEATHER will apply
WX used for ____ can be reduced
Destination and alternate weather planning
(only CAT A - never copter)
Unless it is written that Weather Can’t be reduced
Which WX planning categories can be reduced, when and how much ?
- CAT A only (never copter)
- When flying a helicopter
- Visibility by 50% but never less than 1/4
What’s weather void time ?
1.5 from forecast received provided the a/c has not departed
When is an alternate airport required ?
When filing IFR to a destination under any of the following conditions:
1. Navaids are unmt
2. Radar is required for the approach
3. Predominant weather ETA+1h is less than minima + 400’ & 1SM
Alternate is not required when decending from enroute to landing can be made VFR
How is an alternate airport selected ?
An alternate airport may be used when:
- PREDOMINANT WX / The worst weather for that airport ETA+1h is 400’ and 1 SM above minimum planning weather
- RADAR is not required
- NAVAIDS are monitored
- VFR / Descend from enroute, completing approach and landing - can be made using VFR cloud clearance + visibility requirements for that airspace
- AIRSPACE / Has controlled surface based airspace in effekt
- A/NA / must not have a A/NA in the pilotbriefing
All aviators will comply with published ____ - ____ and ____ in FLIPS.
Non standard IFR T/O minimums
Departure procedures
Obstacle departure procedures
What’s T/O WX restrictions when flying IFR
Logged actual inflight IFR hours dependent
1. Aviator with +50 logged hours = non
2. Aviators with less than 50 hours
100’ ceiling and 1/4 SM visibility,
RVR 1200 (may be used when at a RW with RVR reported)
Can RVR be used when performing a circling approach ?
What WX is required for initiating and approach
An approach can be initiated regardless of ceiling and visibility
How shall the displays be set up when performing VOR approach
Non precision approach - ground based
How shall the displays be set up when performing LNAV approach
Non precision approach - lateral navigation - space based (GPS)
How shall the displays be set up when performing LP approach
Non precision approach - space based (GPS)
How shall the displays be set up when performing LPV approach
Non precision approach PERFORMED like a precision - uses DA
How shall the displays be set up when performing ILS approach
Precision approach - ground based
How shall the displays be set up when performing LOC approach
Non precision approach - ground based
What is the 1-3-6 rule in IFR flight planning ?
1. (1) To file a IFR flight plan to a destination
WX ETA+1 must be =/+ planning minimums for approach (helicopters may reduce 50%*)
2. (3) An alternate is required if
- RADAR is required for approach
- NAVAIDS are unmt
- Predominant WX ETA+1 is < Approach minima + 400’ / 1SM vis
3. (6) An airfield may not be used as alternate if
- Radar is required
- NAVAIDS unmt
- approach procedure is A/NA (
- class B through E airspace is not present or active
- VFR kicker
- forcast worst wx ETA + 1 < Approach minima + 400’ / 1SM vis
Explain the VFR exception rule
The rule regarding alternate airfield when planning IFR
We don’t need an alternate or we can use one that doesn’t adhere to the requirements if the descent, approach and landing from minima IFR altitude can be made in VFR conditions.
During IFR flight
“Land as soon as possible” &
“Land immediately” is defined as ?
- Try to reach VMC and continue VFR
- If VFR is not possible, land as nearest IFR arfield with published instrument approach
What does RNP mean ?
What is it
1. Enroute
2. Terminal
3. Approach
Required naviation performance
1. 1 NM
2. 2 NN
0.3-1 NM
What is airspeed for CAT A (landing minimums TPP)
How do we calculate bank angle ?
TAS / 15
When do you turn if a fly by waypoint is posted ?
Prior to the waypoint
During missed approach what are P & P* responsibilities
1) Call out missed approach info and procedures
2) Advice unannounced deviations
3) Monitor + callout visual contact with ground
4) Call missed approach if necessary
1) Acknowledge and follow directives as fiven
2) Announce deviations
What does full deflection on the CDI indicate when GPS, LOC, VOR (terminal?)
- 2 NM
- 2 degrees
- 10 degrees
Lost coms - IFR flight - procedure
First/initial steps - Select altitude - Select route
Good judgment - If VMC, fly VFR - Guard frequency - Transponder 7600
Mia (minimum IFR altitude)
Hold Garmin com “flip/flop” button 3 seconds to get guard frequency
When does the navigation go into “approach mode” ?
45 degreese of FAF course
Approach mode = 1.25 degreese for every dot
What does this mean ?
DME distance
We can use it to fix/assess DIST during our approach
(but we sub. GARMIN for DME)
What’s APV’s ?
Approach with vertical guidance
It’s a non precesion approach, performed as a precision approach. Legally it just doesn’t live up the the standards for a PA
What are the two types of precision approaches we can perform as Army aviators at Rucker ?
ILS approach
PAR approach
“LPV” .. technically not a precision app
When should ATC
1. Receive our flightplan
2. How delayed can we be before we should call ?
3. When do they throw it away ?
- 30 min prior
- 1 hour delay
- 2 hours = FP dropped
What must your aircraft be equipped with to fly a “LP” approach
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WAAS is designed to improve the accuracy, integrity, and availability of GPS signals
What’s the 3 “spaced based” approach we can do in the Lakota ?
What does it mean for our display setup ?
Set up displays (NMS-GLS-GLS)
What are the 3 ground based approach we can do in the lakota ?
What does it mean for our display setup ?
Set up displays (VOR-ILS-ILS)
When would our CDI be in GPS mode (garmin) ?
What would our T/O displays show then ?
When no VOR is available for the departure
When we have to use GPS as primary navaid
Which approach is the only one where we don’t set/use CDI on approach course ?
LNAV approach
What does it mean when “radar” is required for a departure/approach ?
Radar equipment on a/c is required bc. the procedure calls for ATC vectoring you
Give an exampel of a UNIFORM radiocall for approach: Inbound, RW 17, Crestview, optional dist, callsign
“Crestview trafic, SAVER 48, Single army helicopter, 10 miles, inbound RW 17, Crestview trafic”