EXAM ( BWS SOLO) Flashcards
What’s the weather requirements for solo ?
Current weather must be:
Ceiling: 1500’ or above
Visibility: 5 SM
Predominant must be forecasted to remain so thoughout the solo period
What must the students do if weather decreases below the limits ?
Return to Shell
What happens if the weather decreases below: 1000’ celing and 3 sm visibility
The solo aircraft must weather PL
What’s the wind limitations for solo ?
Wind gusts must be below 15 kts or observed gustspread below 10 kts
What is prohibited during solo operations ?
- EP training
- Formation flight
- SVFR/IFR training
- Electronic device use
What’s the pre solo requirements ?
- Satisfactory WS P1 evaluation
- Passed solo exam
- Recommendation from IP
- Have completed WS solo procedures guid task list
- Left seat familiarization
- Solo brief by commander
What’s minimum fuel for takeoff solo ?
1100 in the main at KSXS
Which lights should be on during solo operations ?
Landing lights
Position lights
Search light ON and extended
What’s the requirement for the student copilot ?
- Must also meet all pre-solo requirements
- Must have recieved satisfactory grade on the previous training day
When may the students land the aircraft ?
When arrival has been acknowledge by flight following
Which RT’s can be used ?
The ones that’s solo qualified in the Qita
When is student downtime ?
30 minutes prior to the aircraft downtime
15 minutes prior to official sunset
whichever is earlier
What’s enroute altitude ?
Minimum 600’ MSL
Solo students shall monitor the appropriate ____ frequencies within ____
RT frequencies within 3K of any RT
What’s the callsign when performing solo operations ?
What’s minimum fuel for the second period ?
450 lbs in the main
When may the student copilot take the flightcontrols ?
- In the event of an actual forced landing (lowering collective and calling out procedures)
- In the event of an actual EP where the P* is incapacitated
What are the duties of the student copilot during solo operations ?
- Landing/take-off checks on request
- Clear aircraft during turns
- Assist in monitoring mast moment
- Fuel consumption checks
- Other duties requested på P*
What the procedure when experiencing complete 2-way RDO failure ?
- Climb 1000’ MSL
- Squack 7600
- Proceed to stagefield or base field
(Upon return observe trafic, enter pattern with flashing landing/search lights - anticipate gun signals from tower)
Lost coms
What does the following gun signals signify ?
Steady green
Flashing green
Steady red
Flashing red
Steady green
Cleared to land
Flashing green
Return for landing
Steady red
Give way to other aircrafts
Flashing red
Airfield unsafe - do not land
What’s the seat swap procedure ?
- A/C ground level
- Twist grip IDLE
- Collective lock
- Cyclic neutral
- Right seat remains on control
- Left seat exits first and hold controls
- Right seat exits and overtake left side controls
- New person to be right seat enters, secures and takes controls
- New left seat enter
Proceed checklist from N-23
Procedure for: Lost contact with solo chase aircraft / lost coms with chase
- Maintain 600’ MSL, continue route to TOI/Shell without attempting approaches to the RT
- Upon arrival at airport, continue to parking and shutdown if no IP’s available
- Wait for further instructions
What’s the solo max flight duration ?
Meaning if this point is reached the aircraft should be on the ground
- Total fuel indication is less than 350 lbs
- Activation of 1 or both low fuel warning systems
What’s the solo lost procedure ?
If unable to reorient within 1 hour and 15 minutes after engine start or fuel less than 350 lbs in the main:
- Climb to 1000’ MSL
- Remain VMC
- Notify chase aircraft
- Enter waypoint WARHO, proceed direct, 1000’ MSL
- If all attempts fail, the aircraft must land ASAP
- After any unschedual landing, call Crash control and request the following relayed to shell AHP flight operations (Aircraft serial number, location, fuel status)
What’s the definition of fatigue ?
State of feeling tired, weary or sleep that results from prolonged mental or physical work, extended periods of anxiety, exposure to harsh enviroments or loss of sleep.
What are the types of fatigue ?
- Acute (Between two regular sleeps)
- Chronic (Longer periods)
- Motivational exhaustion (burnout - untreated chronic)
What’s the signs of acute fatigue ?
Inattention, distractibility, error in timing, neglect of secondary tasks, loss of accuracy and control, lack of awareness, irritability
What’s the signs of acute fatigue ?
Inattention, distractibility, error in timing, neglect of secondary tasks, loss of accuracy and control, lack of awareness, irritability
What is the definition of settling with power ?
A condition of powered flight where the helicopter settles in its own downwash
What happens when you settle with power ?
A greater descent rate causes the airflow on the inner portion of the blades to be upward (in relation to the disc) causing a secondary vortex ring resulting in loss of rotor efficiency.
What conditions must be present for you to settle with power ?
- A vertical or near vertical descent of at least 300 fpm
- Slow airspeed (less than ETL)
- 20-100% power applied
What conditions are conducive with settling with power ?
-Steep approach with high descent rate
-Downwind approach
-Formation approach
-Hovering above max hover ceiling
-Not maintaining altitude control during HOGE
How do you recover from settling with power ?
Initial stages:
Collective increase
Advanced stage:
Directional flight (airspeed)
What is dynamic rollover ?
The helicopters susceptibility to a lateral rolling tendency.
Dynamic rollover
Where is the:
- Static rollover angle
- Critical angle
Static rollover angle
Aircraft CG is above pivot point
Critical angle
Varies on the rate of rolling motion.
When exceeded, pilot cannot recover
What types of factors effect dynamic rollover
Human and physical
Dynamic rollover
What’s the human factors
- Inexperience
- Inattention
- Failure to take timely corrective action
- Inappropriate control input
- Loss of visual reference
Dynamic rollover
What’s the physical factors
Main rotor thrust
Tail rotor thrust
Ground surface
Sloped landing area
How is dynamic rollover prevented ?
Smooth moderate collective reduction
What are the hazards to terrain flight ?
Visibility, Density, Winds and Ceilings
Natural: Trees, vegetation, birds, terrain
Manmade: Wires, towers, buildings
Pilots attitude towards TN flight & fatigue - Must keep head out of cockpit
Why is fatigue a difficult problem during terrain flight ?
Because it cannot be meassured and therefore often goes unrecognized
What are the most common signs of fatigue ?
- Deterioration of performance and judgment
- Slow reaction time and poor coordination
- Object fixation
What’s the best way to combat fatigue ?
Establish and adhere to a fighter managment program - maximizing aircrew coordination
What weather would cause you to weather PL as a solo aircraft
Below 1000’ ceiling - 3 SM visibility
Who should you call if you weather PL ?
Chase aircraft and holms
What’s wind limitation for solo ?
wind (including observed, gust or forecasted) max 15 kts
Or gust spead at 10 kts
If you PL’ed the aircraft on the solo trip - can you takeoff again ?
Which types of flightmodes can be utilized on the solo flight ?
Low level
NOT NOE & Contour
When can you land (put the aircaft down on the ground) ?
When you’ve called chase aircraft
When is solo downtime ?
30 min prior to normal downtime
15 min prior to sunset
Where can you go on you’re solo flight ?
Approved: RT, basefield (shell) and airport (Troy)
When can you overfly an RT
When you have 1000’ lateral clearance
Return directly to shell if ___
Total flighttime is 2+30
Fuel in main is less than 200 lbs
entering shell
When should you call the corridor
3 km prior to warehouse
When should the solo aircraft refuel ?
When below 450 lbs in the main at troy
Seat swap should be performed on ?
Level ground
Seat swap: What should you make sure of in regards to the flight controls ?
Collective lock
Cyclic neutral
Twist grip idle
The landing action for deteriorating weather conditions shall be under the ____ ?
Guidance of the chase aircraft
Are the solo student responsible for meating the requirements for the “minimal essential equipment” list ?
Is search light a part of the minimum equipment list ?
No - but it is for the solo
Outbound shell
The solo aircraft will monitor the FM 38.15 corridor frequency until ?
Past the bridge/sprinkler transition
Aircraft approaching from the west are expected to ?
Proceed north of the airport and enter the pattern on an extended base for 14
What should be done once seat swap is complete ?
Utilize checklist, starting on page N-23, and perform pre takeoff checks through takeoff checks
When is the student pilot considered lost ?
When orientation cannot be reestablished. Procedures shall be started if unable to orient within 1+1 after engine start or fuels is less than 350 lbs