AI / Checkride Flashcards
What does the RFM say about flying into turbulence (IFR) ?
- Extreme turbulence should be avoided
- Airspeed reduction of 10-15 kts may reduce pilot workload
What distance should be kept to thunderstorms ?
Minimum 20 NMwhen TS is identified as severe
Fly at least 1000’ above thunderstorm per. each 10 kts windspeed at the top of the cloud
When can you fly into a restricted area ?
When permitted by using agency or controlling agency
What’s a ADIZ ?
Air defense identification zone
Intrest of national security
What are the standard FSS frequencies ?
At what 3 altitudes can class E airspace begin ?
Surface AGL
700’ AGL
1200’ AGL
When should pilots monitor and communicate on CTAF ?
From 10 NM of airport at altitudes normally used by arriving and departing aircrafts
What’s the general weather minimum for:
MVFR +1000’ ceiling +3SM vis
When does FAA require transponder ?
- Class A airspace
- w/i 30 NM of B
- within or above class C
- at or above 10.000’ MSL
ARMY requires transponder at all time
What are the 6 standard transponder codes ?
1200 = VFR
4000 = Military rest/warning area
7777 = Military interceotor operations
7500 = Hijack
7600 = Lost commo
7700 = Emergency
What’s the standards for the PPC ?
Weight ± 50 pounds
Fuel flow ± 50 pounds/hour
Airspeed ± 5 kts
Torque ± 2%
PPC card
Max temp and max PA is used for all computations except ____ on the PPC card
Go/no go torque
Predicted hover torque
What does it mean if you are below IGE go/no go torque but above OGE go/no go torque
That you aren’t over max gross weight but you are too heavy to perform OGE maneuvers
What does it mean if aircraft gross weight is above GWT OGE w/MCP
That you’ll be in the 5 minute t/o power range when performing OGE maneuvers
OEI IAS MIN/MAX - explain
Both represent 12 FLI when flying one engine inoperative
MIN: Should be touchdown airspeed - single engine landing
MAX: Max airspeed you can fly OEI - can be bigger than 110 kts which is VNE for OEI
When should we computate arrival data ?
When weather differences between T/O and landing locations is : 5º FAT / 500’ PA / 200 lbs wt
Which publication are required in the aircraft (normally and IFR)
ADD EFB restrictions
Normally: Green logbook (AWR, 365-4 W&B, 13-1 faults), ACN, RFM+EMER checklist, up to date checklist, PPC
IFR: Physical pubs should be brought if EFB restrictions can’t be followed
EFB: No outdated pubs, 10% battery per flight hour and more than 50%, Both pilots must use same software, no passwords on both ipads
crew mission brief
When are you current for flight ?
IP: Not more than 60 days since the last flight as pilot in command
Student: Current upslip
Inadverten IMC procedures for pilot not on the controls
Monitor (crosscheck) instruments, assist in recovery, adjust transponder to 7700, tune radios, make radiocalls
What’s the “warning” in regard to upper modes when encountering inadverten IMC
Do not use upper modes until aircraft is under control
What’s the weight and balance classification of the UH72 ?
And what does this mean ?
Class II
Weight and CG can readilu be exceeded (when not stated in manual an aircraft is considered CAT II)
What’s pilot responsibilities for weight and balance ?
- Pilot must ensure current and accurate weight and balance form on board A/C
- Pilot must ensure A/C stays within limits for the entire flight
Fort rucker forms current for a year, US ARMY 90 days
1% TQ is equivilant to ?
90 lbs
What does (*) indicate on the checklist ?
Must be done prior to every flight
( those not marked must be done once a day )
Name the sensors, brains and muscles of the AFCS
Sensors: OAT, FOG, magnetometer, computer
Brains: APM & AHRS
Muscles: 5 SEMAs and SAS