EXAM ( ACT ) Flashcards
“Aircrew coordination”
“The cooperative interaction among crewmembers necessary for safe, efficient and effective performance of flight tasks”
“Aircrew coordination”
“A set of principles, attitudes, procedures and techniques that transforms individuals into an effective crew”
What’s “ACT” an abbreviation for ?
“Aircrew coordination training”
How many errors/failures has CRC identified is associated with aircrew coordination
Name the 6 failures in aircrew coordination identified by CRC
- P (on controls) to properly direct assistance from other crewmembers
- Crewmembers to announce a decision/action that affected the ability of the other crewmembers to properly perform their duties
- Crewmember to communicate positively
- PC to assign crew responsibilities properly before and during the mission
- P or other crew members to offer assistance
- P (on controls) to execute flight actions in the proper sequence with the actions of the other crew members
Class A aviation accident rate ____ when ACT was no longer emphasized.
What were the two changes made by identification of aircrew coordination errors/failures ?
- Incorporation of aircrew coordination into every ATM task
- Development of the aircrew coordination annual sustainment course
Who set’s the tone for the crew and maintain the working enviroment ?
Alternative viewpoints are a normal and occasional part of crew interaction ?
Lack of support and SOP ignored are examples of what ?
Team management problems
Which situations has a “High probability of aircrew coordination errors”
Name 2
- Tactical terrain flight at night
- Cruise phase of terrain flight
- Crew briefing: Failure to assign duties and responsibilities for entire mission
- Night proficiency and transition missions
- Taxi phase of administrative or support mission
- Landing approach
- Hovering flight (not offering/asking for assistance)
- Pre mission planning: failure to become mutually involved in planning and rehearsal
What are the following examples of? (Sudden loss of visual ref., malfunctions, maneuvers during formation flight ect.)
Events present in aviation accidents
What are the two types of decision making as discussed in ACT ?
Analytical + Automatic
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “accidents only happen to others and the person is most likely to take chances”
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “Don’t like people telling them what to do - resentful of rules & procedures - likely after deciding to separate from the army”
Anti - authority
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “Need to do something immediately - don’t stop to consider consequences”
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “Try to prove they are better than others, take risks to impress others, need for dominance or superiority “
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “What’s the use, attribute outcome to good/bad luck, leave decision to others”
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “Desire to reach destination at any cost, block awareness of hazards”
Get there-itis
Which of the hazardous attitudes is described as “Could be the halo effect, possibly swayed by reputation”
What are the 3 classification of tasks ?
- Critical tasks (land immediately)
- Important tasks (land as soon as possible)
- Routine tasks
Name the hazardous attitudes
- Invulnerability
- Anti-authority
- Impulsivness
- Macho
- Resignation
- Get there itis
- Over confidence
Name the operationally related distractions
Inside cockpit
Caution and warning lights
Conflicting traffic
Cockpit conversation or radio traffic
Name the non operationally related distractions
outside cockpit
Financial, medical and family
Supervisor / peers
What are the 4 ways to deal with distractions ?
What are two ways to cope with unexpected events
Internal resources
External resources
Pre mission planning includes all ____
all.. Preparatory tasks associated with accomplishing the mission
What are the critical phases of team building ?
- Unit orientation and battle-rostering
- Pee-mission planning and rehearsal
- Task execution
- Crew-level after action review
- Remain overnght and TDY
Team management problems
Name the Team managment problems
- Lack of support
- SOP ignored
- Stress problems
- judgment problems
- emotional problems
- Management problems
- Communication problems
- Leadership problems
- Disciplin problems
What causes a high workload ?
Poor planning & rehearsal
unexpected events
WX + enviroment
cockpit design
mission complexity
crew endurance
How do you manage high workload ?
Awareness of high workload
Prioritize tasks
Expand time available
How is unexpected events managed ?
- Meassure the crews performance under unusual circumstances that may involve high level of stress
- Conducted the emergency respond method FADEC-F
What is “Communicating positively” ?
- Sender directs, request and annonunces information
- Receiver acknowledges information
- Sender confirms or correct action
- Permits timely actions
- Quick and clearly understood - explicit terms
Name the coomunication barriers
- Noise
- Work usage
- Physical
- Mental
- Interpersonal
- Stress
- Fatigue
- Emotion
What’s “effective speaking” ?
- Standard terminology
- Avoid local terms and slang
- Position the mic correctly
- concise brevity
- Know what to say
What’s “effective listening” ?
- Attend to sender
- Ask questions if unsure of message
- Restate message if necessary
- Acknowledge verbally or by actions
What are the aircrew communication phases ?
Pre-mission planning phase
In-flight phase
Post-mission phase
What is critical (in regard to aircrew communication) in all 3 phases ?
- Inquiry and questioning
- Advocacy and assertion
Advocacy + Assertion = advocating a course of action they consider best
Name the situational awareness “Problems”
- Boredom
- Complacency
- Uncertainty
- Frustration
During the flight, crewmmbers should feel free to raise questions about what ?
Regarding plans
Revisions to plans
Actions to be taken
Status of key mission information
What things influence situational awareness ?
Experience and training
Physical flying skills
Spatial orientation
Physical and emotional health
What does the two-challenge rule allow ?
One crewmemeber to automatically assume the duties of another crewmember who fails to respnd to two consecutive challenges
How to you recognize that someone is:
“Information overloaded”
No reaction or cofused reaction to critical information
Standard terminology = reduce info. overload
How to you recognize that someone is:
“task saturated”
Confusion with respect to procedures or priorities
Forget task procedures
offer assistance or take controls after veridying lack of respond
How to you recognize that someone is:
Subtle / Gross
Subtle: Overworking, financial problems, domestic stress, latent effects of self medication
Gross: Intocication or hangover conditions, illness precluding flight
What does subtle/gross refer to ?
The two types of incapacitation
Name the links in the error/poor judgment chain
- Ambiguity (2 sources disagreeing)
- Fixation/Preoccupation
- Empty feeling/confusion
- Violation of minimums
- Nobody flying helicopter
- Undocumented procedures
- Failure to meet targets
- nobody looking out the window
- Failure to establish common understanding of mission between crewmembers
- Departure from SOP
What’s the key in breaking the error chain ?
What’s the solution to the error chain ?
Name 3 techniques to breaking the error chain ?
- Two-challenge rule
- Positive team building
- Detailed pre-mission planning and rehearsal
Althrough the p on controls is responsible for a/c control, the other crew members need to provide a/c control information regarding: ____ ?
Altitude, airspeed and heading
Hazard identification and avoidance is the responsibility of ____ ?
All crewmembers
What’s the 5 step advocacy process ?
- Get the attention of the indicidual
- State the concern
- State the problem
- Offer a solution
- Obtain agreement
Advocacy and assertion is not ____ but reduces ____ and builds ____
Advocacy and assertion is not an attack but reduces frustration and builds team cohesion
What the definition of advocacy ?
Stronger than a recommendation and the obligation to speak out in support of a COA different than the one being planned or followed
What’s the definition of assertion ?
The forceful, non-threatening statement of a belief, feeling, position or idea concerning a situation with which one is uncomfortable
What can compromise situational awareness ?
Included not limited to
Anger - boredom - Fatigue - Stress
What are the overall types of distractions ?
Non operationally related
Operationally related
How many basic qualities are there associated with ACT ?
____ Is the key element in breaking the error/poor judgment chain as early as possible. ____ is the solution to the chain.
Recognition Is the key element in breaking the error/poor judgment chain as early as possible. ACT is the solution to the chain.
Techniques to breaking the error/poor judgment chain is ____ , ____ , ____
Two challenge rule,
Positive team building,
Detailed pre-mission planning
Decision making is the act of ____ a ____ to a problem and defining a ____. It must involve ____
Decision making is the act of rendering a solution to a problem and defining a plan of action. It must involve risk assesment
What can effect the quality of the decision making ?
Information available, time, level of involvement among crewmembers
The two decision making styles are ____ and ____
Analytical and automatical
The following is a describtion of what?
“Manage and execute the mission workload in an effective and efficient manner with the redistribution of task responsibilities as the mission situation changes”
The objective: Establish and maintain workloads
The following is a describtion of what?
“Establish a positive working relationship that allows the crew to communicate openly and freely and to operate in a concerted manner”
The objective: Establish and maintain team relationships
Disagreement and differences:
Resolution must center on ____ and not ____
What is right, not who is right
Crewmembers value eachother for their ____ & ____ - the do not allow differences in ____ & ____ to influence their willingness to speak up
Crewmembers value eachother for their expertise & judgment - the do not allow differences in rank & experience to influence their willingness to speak up
What kind of a task classification is “Caution or advisory” lights ?
Routine tasks
What kind of a task classification is Loss of engine or hydraulics ?
Important task
What kind of a task classification is: Fire, fuel out of limit sensing, loss of power ?
Critical task
What’s the difference between coping and managing unexpected events ?
Coping = Internal/external resources
Managing = FADEC-F (in a/c)
What does “Internal” & “external” resourses refer to when associated with coping with unexpected events ?
Internal resources
Aircrew (self & other) + Equipment
External resources
Time, other aircrafts, ATC ect.
What are other words that has been used for ACT ?
Cockpit resourse management, crew coordination
What is critical during the three phases of aircrew communication ?
Inquiry, questioning, advocacy, assertion
What is the following a definition for ?
“To explore, in concert, all aspects of the assigned mission and analyze each segment for potential difficulties and possible reaction in terms of commanders intent”
“Plan mission and rehearse”
When a crew disagree on a course of action they must be ___
Effective in resolving the disagreement
Name 4 effects of high workload
- Difficulty with a/c control
- Lose normal scan
- Difficulty communicating
- Difficulty wiht achieving good performance
What can the hazardous attitudes effect?
The decision making process
What’s the definition of “Cross monitoring performance”
Cross monitor each others actions and decisions to reduce the likelihood of errors impacting mission performance and safety
What definition starts with: “Stronger than a recommendation..”
The definition for advocacy
To assist in reducing information overload, you must use ____ ____
Standard terminology
How do you deal with distractions pertaining to aircrew coordination ?
Handle, delegate, ignore, delay
Name 3 types of unexpected events
Sudden loss of visual ref.
Inadvertent IMC
Unusual enviromental conditions
Near mid-air collisions