Exam 2 Flashcards
chapter 7 part 2
what does the pectoral girdle consist of
clavicle, scapula, and very light girdle
what does the pectoral girdle attach
upper limbs to axial skeleton and attachment for muscle movemenr for upper limbs
3 joints in pectoral girdle
sternoclavicular joint
acromiclavicular joint
scapulothoracic articulation
Medial end of Clavicle to Sternum (Clavicular Notch)
sternoclavicular joint
Distal end to Acromion Process of Scapula
acromioclavicular joint
(Not truly a joint) = Muscle to Vertebrae
scapulothoracic articulation
degree range of motion in shoulder
scapula not attached to axial skeleton means
freely moves across thorax, arm moves with it
what contribute to ROM
sternoclavicular and AC joints
glenohumeral joint is
shallow, poor reinforcement
what is not attach to axial skeleton and freely moves across thorax, and arm moves with it
when bone is a slender s shaped bone
what bone act as braces and holds scapula and arms lateral and is away from narrower upper thorax
sternal end is what direction
acromial end is what direction
what bone is not strong and susceptible to fracture
shoulder blade bone
what bone lies on dorsal rib cage and between ribs 2-7
what bone has acromion process and ac joint
what bone has a coracoid process- attachment for shoulder and arm muscles, and anchors biceps
coracoid process
the scapular spine is anterior or posterior
what bone articulates with scapula, radius and ulna
what articulates with glenoid cavity
what is a common fracture site
surgical neck
humeral head removal due to
disease or injury
rotator cuff muscle attachment
greater tubercle and lesser tubercle
biceps brachii tendon
intertubercular grooce
deltoid muscle attach
deltoid tuberosity
radial nerve
radial groove
depression for olecranon process of ulna during elbow extension
olecranon fossa
humerus articulates with radius
humerus articulates with ulna
forearm muscle attachment (ulnar nerve behind medial= funny bone)
medial and lateral epicondyle
golfer’s elbow, pitcher’s elbow, avulsion fraction
medial epicondylitis
due to overuse, repetitive motion. pain and swelling in elbow, decreased ROM, unable to throw
medial epicondylitis
how do you treat epicondylitis
rest, ice, NSAIDs (medial), and RICE (lateral)
medial elbow bone
brachialis muscle attachment
ulnar tuberosity
lateral wrist
what anchors biceps
radial tuberosity
how many wrist bones
carpal tunnel formed by
ligament and carpals
transverse carpal ligament is over carpals= tunnel
flexor retinaculum
what passes through the carpals
medial nerve and 9 tendons
crowded tunnel is
carpal tunnel syndrome
what is the cause of carpal tunnel syndrome
overuse- tendon inflammation
swell and compress median nerve
symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
parasthesia, tingling, numbness, driving, comb hair, pain worse at night
risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome
fluid retention
nerve conditions
repetitive actions
how do you treat carpal tunnel syndrom
NSAIDs, wrist splints, surgery
where do you start when numbering fingers
the thumb
what does the pelvic girdle consist of
os coxae (2) and sacrum
what does the pelvic girdle articulate with
pubic symphysis anteriorly and with sacrum via sacroiliac joint posteriorly
bones in lower limbs are
thicker, heavier, and longer
what does the pelvic girdle do
support and move the body and protects internal organs
3 fused bones consist of
ilium, ischium, and pubis
whats the socket for femoral head
the pelvis protects
what is the muscle attachment site
true pelvis consist of
bladder, uterus, rectum
false pelvis consist of
protection of lower abdomen organs
largets pelvic bone
greater sciatic notch makes a
passage of sciatic nerve, and SI joint
what pelvic bone articulates with opposite pubis via pubic symphysis
what does the pubic crest area act as attachment for
rectus abdominus muscle
sitting bone
ischium is muscle attachment site for
what is the passageway for obturator artery and obturator nerve
obturator foramen
does male or female has wider true pelvis
Lighter weight, Wider, Shorter, Sacrum
broader, Subpubic angle is 90+ degrees,
Ischial spines are farther apart.
Ischial tuberosities lateral in females.
Biomechanics = Q angle at knee
Pubic Body, Articulates with
opposite Pubis via Pubic Symphysis
male pelvis
upper leg bone
short ligament, anchors femur to acetabulum
fovea capitis
site of thigh and butt muscle attachment
greater and lesser trochanter
common site for femoral fractures in elderly
femoral neck
what are attachment sites for collateral ligaments of the knee
medal and lateral epicondyles
largest sesamoid bone in the body
the posterior surface of the patella articulates with
anterior femoral condyles in femoral groove- patellofemoral joint
what slides up and down femoral groove with knee in extension and flexion
medial and lateral are tendonsn and ligaments attachment, knee extension
tibial condyles
where patellar tendon anchors
tibial tuberosity
distal medial surface (ankle)
medial mallelous
thin long bone that articulates with tibia
minimal weight bearing, stabilizes ankle
lateral melleolus lateral ankle
most common ligament injured with lateral ankle sprains
anterior talofibular ligament
how many bones are in the tarsals
7 ankle bones
what articulates with tibia/ fibula
long bones
span from tarsals to phalanges
hallux are
due to overuse, avulsion of fibularis brevis to base of 5th metatarsal
march fractures
what is fromed by muscles, tendons, ligaments, foot fascia
arch of foot
span from heel to 1st toe, talus is keystone
medial longitudinal arch
spans from heel to 5th toe, cuboid is keystone
lateral longitudinal arch
formed by metatarsals
irritation of plantar fascia due to xs pull on calcaneus
plantar fasciitis
pain at bottom of feel, or arch or foot
plantar fasciits
causes of plantar fasciitis
improper shoes
foot structure
bad walking surface
high or low arches
treatment for plantar fasciitis
physical therapy
change shoes
brace and splint
partial cut of fascia ligament to loosen tension on band