chapter 14 Flashcards
initiated by stimulus acting on sensory receptors
awareness of changes in the internal and external environment
what responds to stimuli by generating an AP- propagate along sensory nerves to spinal cord and brain
sensory receptors
conscious awareness of those stimuli
determine how to respond
what results when brain interprets the AP’s in the cerebral cortex
how the brain receives information
2 sets of senses are
general and special
somatic and visceral are in what set of sense
receptors from skin, muscles, bones and joints
internal organ info in thoracic and abdominal cavity
examples of somatic senses
touch, pressure, proprioception, temperature, and pain
smell taste, vision, hearing, and balance is what type of sense
special sense
does all sensory info detected by sensory receptors result in perception
some APs go to the brain area where they are not
sent to cerbellum=
unconscious level
some variable info is processed unconsciously in medulla (BP) vs taking up all activity is
homeostatic info
cerebral cortex screens info and not perceive many APs=
selective awareness (attention worthy)
awareness of all info at cerebral cortex
inability to function
sensory receptors 3 criteria
- types of stimulus they detect
- location in the body
- receptor structure
excessive amount of stimulus=
respond to mechanical force= compress, bend, stretch cells, touch, pressure, proprioception, hearing and balance
respond to chemicals/ smell and taste
sensitive to temp changes
respond to light energy/ retina
respond to damaging stimuli; xs mechanical, chemical and thermal
pain tolerance increases with
associated with the skin and info regarding external environment
cutaneous receptor
associated with viscera or organs/ BVs and info regarding internal environment
associated with joints, tendons, ligaments and other CT and info regarding body position, movement and extent of stretch or force of muscular contractions
how many general sensory receptors
most common sensory receptor, simplest respond to pain, temp, itch, movement
free nerve endings
cold receptors, warm receptors and pain receptors=
increase AP generation w drop or rise in temperature
tactile, in stratum basale, light touch and superficial pressure
merkel disc
light touch, very sensitive to bending of hair
hair follicle receptor
complex, layers of tissue; deep pressure and vibration
pacinian corpuscle
in dermal papillae: 2 point discrimination= able to detect 2 simultaneously stimulated areas as 2 distinct areas
meissner corpuscles
dermis of skin, in fingers
respond to pressure on skin and stretch, continuous touch/pressure
ruffini end organs
in skeletal muscle, info regarding muscle length control and tone of posture muscles
muscle spindles
proprioceptors by junction between muscle and tendon
increase in tension (contract)
golgi tendon organs
sensory receptors that conduct an AP in response to receptor producing a graded potential= receptor potential
primary receptors
if reaches threshold, then axon produces AP and propagated- CNS
general senses receptors
sensory receptors w no axons or short axon-like projection- receptor potentials
generate receptor potenial threshold or AP taste
seen with special senses of tase, hearing, and balance
decreased sensitivity to continues stimulus
w continues exposure to stimulus, the response of receptors/ sensory pathway …… from …….. ……. application
decreased from initial stimulus
despite stimulus being continually applied:
depolarization producing receptor potential adapts=returning it to resting level
awareness, overtime APs decrease and awareness decreases, so not perceive presence of stimulus
initial stimulus
adapt slowly, generate AP as long as stimulus is applied= sustained (merkel disc)
adapt rapidly= very sensitive to change in stimuli (pacinian and meissner corpiscles)