Day 12/13 axial anatomy Flashcards
what are the three parts that make up axial skeleton?
skull and associated bones
thoracic cage
vertebra column
spinal curves:
when do primary and secondary curves develop?
primary curve: before birth
secondary curve: after birth
cervical curve is what?
a secondary curve that develops as an infant as it learns to balance the head on the vertebras of the neck
Thoracic curve:
primary curve accommodates the thoracic organs
Lumbar curve:
secondary curve balances the weight of the trunk over the lower limbs: it develops with the ability to stand
Sacral curve:
Primary curve accomadates the abdominopelvic organs
Normal spinal curvatures:
what are the three examples?
when do they develop?
provides what
what is it supported by?
thoracic, cervical and lumbar
developed as weight bearing begins
provides for appropriate force transfer
supported by musculature and soft tissue
Intervertebral joints:
What are the median joints?
intervertebral disk –> Amphiarthrosis
Intervertebral joints:
what are the two lateral joints?
superior and inferior articular facet
what is C1 called?
what is C2 called?
The atlas (C1) has two shallow concave joint surfaces on either side of the vertebral canal what are they for and what do they permit?
support the two occipital condyles
permits support of head from below without interfering with the passage of the medulla into vertebral canal
At the Atlanto-occipital joints what is the primary movement?
primarily flexion/extension (nodding) movements through the saggital plane about a transverse axis running through the two occipital condyles
very slights lateral bending movements are also permitted
what type os diarthrotic joint is the altanto-occipital joint?
atlanto-axial joints
what are the characteristics?
2 facet joints and 1 central articulation
the Dens of the axis fits into a ring formed by anterior arch of atlas
Transverse ligament curves posteriorly so that the atlas pivots around the dens
Cervical region
what is the vertical axis of motion through the dens?
approximately 50% of rotation in the cervical spine occurs at the atlanto-axial joint
Intervertebral ligaments
what are they going from anterior to posterior?
anterior longitudinal ligament
posterior longitudinal ligament
ligamentum flavum
interspinous ligament
supraspinous ligament
the supraspinus ligament
what does it connect?
what connects the very top?
connects tip of spinous processes from C7-L4
from C7 to Skull is it the Ligamentum Nuchae
Vertebral range of motion?
what are the actions it can perform?
what are some things that might influence the ROM?
flexion, extension, rotation, lateral flexion
Size of vertebra and processes
-spinous process
-transverse processes
Musculature associated with the region
Size if disk – bigger is better for ROM
If you are looking at an intervertebral disc from the superior view what will you see?
anulus fibrosus
Nucleus pulposus
Thoracic and abdominal musculature role in respiration:
what are the three main muscles here?
diaphragm muscle thoracic muscles - internal and external intercostal muscles -sternocleidomastoid m. abdominal muscle group
what direction do your external intercostal muscle pull?
pull ribs up
involved in inhalation
what direction does your internal intercostal muscles pull?
pull ribs down
involved in exhalation
mechanics of respiration:
muscles of inhalation and exhalation are responsible for what?
for reducing or increasing the pressure within the thoracic cavity
*air mores from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure
in the act of respiration what do the ribs and diaphragm do?
diaphragm contracts, ribs and sternum elevate pulled by intercostal muscles
What are the 4 abdominal muscles that are involved in changing thoracic pressure?
rectus abdominis
external oblique
internal oblique
transverse abdominis
abdominal muscles
what are two special structures?
Linea alba
tendinous inscriptions
What are two examples of Transverse abdominis and what are its characteristics?
Internal Oblique
Transverse abdominis
acts like a corset to narrow and flatten abdomen stabilizes the lumbar spine and pelvis
- important before movement of limbs
What are the four abdominal muscles that play a role in changing thoracic pressure?
rectus abdominis
external oblique
internal oblique
transverse abdominis