is our direct line with heaven.
is a communication process that allows us to talk to God!
6 Presence Prayer
Here I am (Isaiah 6:8)
You are here (Genesis 28:16, ESV)
Yes Lord (John 11:27)
My Lord My God ((John 20:28)
You are my King (Psalm 44:4)
You are my rock (Psalm 18:2)
Sign of the Cross
Holy Trinity
AMEN meaning
I believe, So be it, Thank you, So it is
Our Father
Taught by Jesus
Praise someone is to love them telling God that we know how great and wonderful and loving God is
Sorry we are for the things that we have done wrong
giving thanks to God
Petition, request, favors, we pray for others
Kinds of prayer
Mental and Vocal
ordinary level of concentration
higher level of concentration
3 Forms of Vocal prayer
Formulated, Spontaneous, and Ejaculatory prayer
a. memorized and authorized prayer
b. church prayer
c. manifestation of basic prayer
Formulated prayer
a. We express our feelings through our own words which comes from the heart
b. Impromptu
c. Done according to the dictates of our hearts.
Spontaneous prayer
Short exclamatory prayer
Ejaculatory prayer
3 P’s of prayer
Posture, Passage from the scripture, Place