CLE EXAM Flashcards
means an uncovering, a removal of the veil, and a disclosure of what was previously unknown. Revelation of God is God’s manifestation of Himself to humankind in such a way that men and women can know and fellowship with Him and otherdivinethings.
our response to revelation
the holy Synod professes that “God, the first principle and last end of all things, can be known with certainty from the created world, by the natural light of human reason
Dei Ver Bum
God and His word
Trusting God and His word
-Genuine faith
-Natural consequence of salvation
Jame 2:17-18 We don’t do works to be saved
We do works because we are saved
Faith and Works
The result of faith and obedience
Faith is a personal adherence of man to is entrusting one’s self wholly to God and to believe absolutely what he says.
Faith is Total and Positive
God is love. (1 John 4:8) To be Christian, this love must be inseparably love of God and love of neighbor, like Christ’s.
Faith is Loving
The Catholic faith is based on God’s word revealed through Sacred Scripture and the living tradition. Faith must be informed that it is believing in Jesus’ words, accepting his teachings and trusting that he has the “words of eternal life”
Faith is Informed
Our Catholic faith consists of our personal conviction and belief in God our Father, revealed by Jesus Christ and their presence to us through the Holy Spirit, in the Church. (PCP II 64)
Faith is Trinitarian
This is an act of belief (Paniniwala). We know and hold something to be true because we believe God has revealed it
Faith is believing
The theme of James 2:14-26 is the relationship of faith and good work.
Faith as Doing
Faith is entrusting oneself into God’s hands (pagtitiwala) this trusting faith “lives and grows through prayer and worship” and is accomplished through personal prayers and participation in the celebration of the sacraments.
Faith as Trusting
is the written, inspired, Word of God. 2 Tim 3:16-17
Fundamental source of Divine Revelation John 21:24-25
The Bib;e or Sacred Scripture
God’s self-communication, the unveiling of the mystery of God of his redeeming activity.
Divine Revelation
is the collection of books accepted as definitive by the Catholic Church. Sacred Scripture is the authentic, inspired record of the revelations made to mankind by God about Himself and about His Will for men. God is the principal author.
Holy Scripture (or the Bible)
assisted the human author to use correct language and expression to describe what was being infallibly written. One of the greatest mystery of our faith, the bible, and the word of God inspired takes on the weakness of human language becoming a book that human can understand.
Divine Inspiration
Division of the Bible
Old and New Testament
The word ______ means “Agreement” or “Contract” and is derived from the Hebrew word “Berit”.
includes stories and teachings about a new covenant between God and humanity based on the life of Jesus Christ.
New Testament
comprises stories about an ancient covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrews, as revealed to Moses
Old Testament
The Roman Catholic Canon based on the Septuagint has _____books divided this way
OT-46 Books
NT-27 Books
The Protestant Canon based on the Palestinian Canon has __ books divided this way
OT-39 Books
NT-27 Books
are the first five books of the BIBLE, and are considered the constitution of the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament.
The Torah or Pentateuch
means the beginning/origins
were, the moral conscience of Israel. Their mission was to announce and to remind the people of Israel about the love That God had for them.
The Prophets
Major Prophets are four:
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel
12 Minor Prophets
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
which are primary source of our knowledge of Jesus’s life and teachings.
-taken from the Greek word “evangelion” (‘eu’ meaning ‘good’ and ‘aggeliun’ meaning message) which in Latin combined to form the word evangelium, meaning “good tidings” or “good news”.
writers of the Gospel
(story the teach lesson)
(wonders Christ worked for people to have greater faith)
Four Evangelists
Matthew. Mark, Luke and John
means sharer of the good news. Gospel writers
The first three gospels (Mark, Matthew and Luke) are called
means “in a glance” or “seen together”.
“seeing with the same eye”
Symbol winged man/angel-focuses on humanity
symbol a winged lion
symbol winged ox
symbol winged eagle- greatest symbolic of all Gospel.
were written by apostles, who were key Christian teachers infused with the power of the Holy Spirit and inspired to tell people how they, too, can live, think, and behave as a Christian
The Epistles
contains teachings, instruction, exhortations, and admonitions that are addressed to particular persons or Christian Communities.
The Paul’s Letter
was written also by St. Luke.
- This book describes the life of the early church – from its birth in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost to its flourishing to different parts of the ‘’ known world’’ through the missionary journeys of the Apostles, particularly St. Paul, of whom St. Luke was a disciple
The Acts of the Apostles
also called the Apocalypse, is the only prophetic book in the New Testament and which describes “a new heaven and a new earth” that is to come.
Apocalypse is the only _______ in the New Testament and which describes “a new heaven and a new earth” that is to come
Prophetic Book
-wrote his Gospel so that Jewish people would know that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament – the Messiah they had waiting for!
-It is only in this gospel where we find the genealogy of Jesus.
Gospel of Matthew
-Short Gospel concentrates on the last week before Jesus died. Shows how Jesus accepted suffering and won final victory.
-______ wanted to convert the Greeks (who were pagans- people who didn’t believe in one God) to Christianity. First Gospel to be written.
-the shortest of the four gospels and the earliest to be written (between 65-70AD) for Gentile Christians in Rome
Gospel of Mark
-represent sacrifice and he emphasized Christ’s sacrifice throughout his gospel.
-He wrote the Acts of the Apostles as second book of His Gospel.
-tells us the story of the life and ministry of Jesus through an insider point of view.
Gospel of Luke
-gives a deep and profound insight into the person of Jesus as the Incarnate Son of God
Gospel of John