Chapter 9 WB Flashcards
the pathologic condition that refers to dilation of the ventricular system is called
the heart rate is controlled by which nervous system
autonomic nervous system
list the three systems that make up the nervous system
central, peripheral, and autonomic
what is another name for the central nervous system
cerebrospinal system
what are the two main components of the central nervous sytem
brain and spinal cord
the cells of the nervous system are called
list the three divisions of the brain
cerebrum, brain stem, and cerebellum
what is formed in the ventricles of the brain
name the three meninges in order from innermost to outermost
pia mater, arachnoid, and dura mater
the arachnoid and the pia mater together are called the
pia-arachnoid or leptomeninges
name the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system
sympathetic and parasympathetic
what happens to the patient’s brain if pressure from hydrocephalus is not relieved
brain may herniate toward foramen magnum
what are the two types of shunts used in treatments of hydrocephalus
ventriculoatrial and ventriculoperitoneal
a common malformation in which the posterior arches and spinous processes of some vertebrae fail to close or are absent is known as
spina bifida
when the malformation of the vertebrae is limited to the neural arch, the condition is called
spina bifida
list the three conditions that may coexist with a spina bifida
meningocele, myelocele, and myelomingocele
where do most cerebral aneurysms occur
circle of Willis
sixty percent of all strokes are due to
name the four types of hematomas
subarachnoid, intracerebral or intraparenchymal, epidural or extradural, and subdural
a complication of an empyema is
benign gliomas are called
which two intracranial tumors can affect sight
pituitary adenomas and craniopharyngioma
what is the hallmark sign of neurofibromas
foraminal widening
blood and cerebrospinal fluid mix to create this sign, which is indicative of a basilar skull fracture. what is the name of the sign
halo sign
T/F: the most common brain hemorrhage is the subdural
T/F: the ventricular system of the brain consists of four ventricles
T/F: the epidural space is between the dura mater and the vertebral canal
T/F: the most common primary brain tumor is a meningioma
T/F: if the patient presents with tumors or herniated disks, an ultrasound is performed
T/F: three major causes of stroke are thrombus, embolism, and hemorrhage
T/F: spina bifida with meningeal protrusion is referred to as myelocele
T/F: CT is currently the method of choice for demonstrating spinal cord abscesses and neoplasms
which of the following is not a type of skull fracture
which of the following contains cerebrospinal fluid
trace the path of the cerebrospinal fluid
lateral ventricles to foramen of Monro to third ventricle to aqueduct of Sylvius to fourth ventricle to foramina of Luschka and Magendie to subarachnoid space
which of the following is not a membrane covering the brain
the anterior and inferior horns are part of which of the following
lateral ventricles
the third and fourth ventricles are connected by
aqueduct of Sylvius
how many ventricles are present in the brain
in the adult, the spinal cord ends
at L1-L2
cerebrospinal fluid circulates primarily in which meningeal space
which of the following are true regarding the spinal cord
1. it extends from the medulla oblongata to the level of the second lumbar vertebrae body
2. the cord gives rise to 12 pairs of spinal nerves
3. the pia mater is a protective membrane in contact with the cord
1 and 3
a hematoma occurring after a blunt head injury to the frontal or occipital area is probably a
subdural hematoma
what term denotes a rapid shift of the brain within the cranium and striking the adjacent wall resulting in
brain metastases have a primary source from which two areas
lung, breast
a viral inflammation of the meninges is called
severe malformation in which there is absence of the cranial vault
inflammation of the brain
hydrocephalus in only the ventricles
internal hydrocephaly
impairment of the cerebral circulation
cerebrovascular accident
exceedingly small head
also known as external hydrocephalus
external hydrocephaly
protrusion of the cord through the meninges
collection of pus between the skull and the underlying dura mater
epidural abscess
commonly referred to as a stroke
cerebrovascular accident
inflammation of the leptomeninges
escape of blood from the vessels into the cranial vault
most common head injury
common complication of an empyema
bruises on the surface of the brain
benign form of glioma
meninges and spinal cord herniate through a spinal defect
protrusion of the meninges through a spinal defect
most commonly caused by spread of infection from the sinuses
primary spinal neoplasm