Chapter 8 WB Flashcards
name three types of aneurysms
saccular, fusiform, and dissecting
what does AAA stand for
abdominal aortic aneurysm
list the two main types of circulation
pulmonary and systemic
portal circulation is part of which of the two main types of circulation
name the procedure that uses a balloon to dilate a narrowed artery
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
which procedure is best to demonstrate mitral valve stenosis
name the two causes of pericardial effusion
tuberculosis and viral infection
T/F: the term thrombus refers to a tumor found in the heart
T/F: mitral valve stenosis is the most common heart abnormality associated with rheumatic heart disease
T/F: a myocardial infarction is a form of congenital heart disease
T/F: the pericardium is the sac enveloping the external surface of the heart
T/F: a false aneurysm is nothing more than a pulsating hematoma
T/F: arteriosclerosis is a process of hardening of the arteries
T/F: the term myocarditis describes an inflammation of the heart muscle
T/F: systemic circulation is when unoxygenated blood goes to the body
T/F: pulmonary veins take oxygenated blood to the left atrium
T/F: the right common carotid artery is a branch of the aortic arch
T/F: the contracting phase of the heart is called systole
T/F: the right atrioventricular valve is also called the bicuspid valve
T/F: mitral insufficiency allows blood to flow back into the right atrium
T/F: contraction of the right ventricle forces oxygenated blood into the aorta
T/F: congestive heart failure refers to the inability of the heart to propel sufficient blood to the body
the smallest of all blood vessels are called
which of the following is not a major cause of pericardial effusion
1. myocardial infarct
2. tuberculosis
3. mycobacterium
4. infection
myocardial infarct
which is not a branch of the aortic arch
1. brachiocephalic
2. innominate
3. let subclavian
4. right common carotid
right common carotid
air in the mediastinum is known as
the degenerative disease in which the walls of the arteries lose elasticity from hardening is known as
blood is transported via the four pulmonary veins to the
left atrium
at about the level of L4, the abdominal aorta bifurcates into the
left and right common iliac arteries
a stationary blood clot that has formed within a blood vessels is known as a(n)
what method is used for examining the chambers of the heart
the “Coeur en sabot” appearance is associated with
right ventricle enlargement
the type of aneurysm that usually begins as a tear in the layers of the artery wall is
most common cause of congestive heart failure in older patients is
which of the following indicated the anatomy of the heart as a mirror image to the normal heart
1. situs inversus
2. dextroposition
3. cardiac heterotaxia
4. cardiomegaly
cardiac heterotaxia
blood clot found inside a vessel of the heart
inflammation of the pericardium
narrowing of the lumen of a vessel
when the heart is located on the right side of the body
hardening of the arteries
small openings in the septum of the heart that are congenital
septal defects
inflammation of the heart valves
most common cause of blue baby
Tetralogy of Fallot
fluid in the pericardial sac
pericardial effusion
hemorrhage that occurs between the layers of the wall of the artery
dissecting aneurysm
caused by plaque buildup in the coronary arteries and can cause a myocardial infarct
arteriosclerotic heart disease
chest radiograph shows a pulmonary vascular shift and increased heart size; usually occurs in elderly individuals who hearts must pump against the increased pressure owing to hypertension
rib notching
indicated by calcifications of the mitral valve as seen on a chest x-ray
rheumatic heart disease
caused by anastomotic vessels enlarging from increased volume and causing pressure erosions on the ribs
rib notching
cause of enlargement of the left ventricle and rib notching
coarctation of the aorta
known as gated heart scan
nuclear medicine
radiographic examination of the chambers of the heart with contrast media
radiographic study of the abdominal aorta
procedure that is best to evaluate septal defects
duplex scanning
radionuclide thallium perfusion scan
nuclear medicine
procedure that uses a balloon catheter on patients with arteriosclerosis
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
performed for assessment of the carotid blood flow
duplex scanning