Chapter 9 Key Terms Flashcards
Acoustic neuromas
a benign tumor arising from the cells of the auditory nerve symptoms include dizziness and unsteady gait
a fetus lacking all or most of the brain
impaired or absent ability to communicate due to an injury in the brain
deformity of the posterior cranial fossa structures, it is associated with spina bifida
glioma that arises from different parts of the brain depending on the age of the patient and accounts for about 3% of all intracranial neoplasms
Cauda equina
the bundle of spinal nerves arising from the lumbar sacral region
Cerebral hemorrhage
hemorrhage into the substance of the cerebrum
Cerebrovascular accidents
a term that is used for cerebral stroke, however, the term is imprecise
a rare neoplasm of the skeletal tissue in adults
an injury of the soft tissue of the brain as a result of violent shaking or blow with partial or complete loss of function
an injury as a result of a blow that causes bleeding beneath the unbroken skin
neoplasm that arises in the sella turcica area of the brain
inflammation of the brain parenchyma
Epidural abscess
abscess that occurs on or outside the dura mater
Epidural hemorrhage
a bleed located in the space above the dura mater
External hydrocephaly
hydrocephalus that occurs from faulty reabsorption of the cerebrospinal fluid
Extradural hematoma
an accumulation of blood between the skull and the dura mater
neoplasm that arises from the gonads or the pineal region of the brain
Glioblastoma multiforme
a rapidly growing, invasive malignant neoplasm of the cerebrum
benign neoplasm derived from various types of cells that form the interstitial tissue of the brain or spinal cord
localized mass of extravasated blood that is relatively or completely confined within an organ
excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid causing dilation of the ventricles and increased intracranial pressure
Internal hydrocephaly
hydrocephalus that occurs from a blockage in the foramen from the ventricles into the subarachnoid space causing the cerebrospinal fluid to stay within the ventricles
Intracerebral hemorrhage (intraparenchymal hemorrhage)
bleeding within the substance of the brain tissue
malignant neoplasm that occurs most often in children arising from the cerebellum
a benign encapsulated neoplasm of arachnoid origin
inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord
abnormal smallness of head
a benign encapsulated tumor occurring in the spinal cord and characterized by foraminal widening
functional unit of the nervous system consisting of the cell body with dendrites and axons
any clinical event that involves the circulation of the cerebral area and lasting longer than 24 hours
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
a bleed located in the space beneath the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater
Subdural empyema
area of pus located in the subdural space
Subdural hematoma
an accumulation of blood in the subdural space
Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)
a sudden focal loss of neurologic function with complete recovery usually within 24 hours