Chapter 9 : Nervous System (Cerebrum) Flashcards
Right and Left Cerebrum functions
Sensory, motor, and association activities as well as high level thinking
Corpus Callosum
Band of nerve fibers located between the cerebral hemispheres; allows for communication between the left and right sides
Structural Components of the Cerebrum
Bumps (raised areas)
Shallow grooves
Deep separating grooves
Cerebral Lobes
Sections that contain sensory, motor, and association areas for higher level thinking processes
Frontal Lobe Contains
Primary Motor cortex located on the precentral gyrus, for control of learned skeletal muscle movements
Frontal Lobe Association areas
Higher level thought processes, planning, problem solving, and personality
Parietal Lobe Contains
Primary Somatosensory located on the post central gyrus, for the interpretation of sensations form the skin (sense of touch and body awareness)
Parietal Lobe Association areas
Understanding speech and using words
Temporal Lobes Sensory lobes
For hearing and sense of smell
Temporal Lobes Association areas
Interpreting complex sensory experiences such as reading, listening to music, memory of visual and auditory patterns
Occipital Lobe Sensory Lobes
Occipital Lobe Association area
Interpreting impulses sent from the retina of the eye (sense of sight) and analyzing complex visual images
Hollow areas between various structures of the cerebrum that produce, store, and circulate cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebral Cortex
Layer of gray matter surrounding the cerebrum that contains the unmyelinated neuron cell bodies composing the brain
White matter of the Cerebrum
Inner areas of the cerebrum made of the myelinated axons and neuroglial cells composing the brain