Chapter 8 Female Reproductive System Flashcards
sexual reproduction
union of the nuclei of ovum and sperm cell
ovum and sperm cells
- produced in the gonads
female gonads
male gonads
each gamete
contains 23 chromosomes
ovum leaves the ovaries and travels through the fallopian tubes
sperm cells unite with the ovum
when the fertilized egg implants then divides to form a ball of cells
menstruation day 1-5
blood cells endometrial cells, and glandular secretions discharge from the body
menstruation day 6-12
estrogen aids repair of the endometrium
- ovum grows in a follicle
menstruation day 13-14
egg leaves the ovary and passes through the fallopian tube
menstruation day 15-28
corpus luteum secretes progesterone
- the uterus lining builds up
if fertilization occurs
the eggs implants in the uterine endometrium
placenta forms
attaches to the uterine wall
holds the fetus in the amniotic cavity
fetus and mother
exchanges nutrients, oxygen, and wastes
the placenta produces
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
maintains placenta development
uterus expands
as the fetus grow
normal delivery fetal position
cephalic presentation (head first)
3 phases of labor
- dilation and thinning of the cervix
- birth of the infant
- delivery of the placenta
an organ that develops during permanency in the uterus
uterus fetal portion
derived from the chorion
uterus maternal position
derived from decidua
- modified mucosal
outermost fetal membrane that surrounds the embryo and other membranes.
- contributes to the formation of the placenta
innermost fetal membrane that forms a protective sac around the embryo
amniotic sac
protective sac around the embryo
- provides cushioning and supportive environment for the developing fetus
amniotic fluid
fluid that fills the amniotic sac and protecting the developing fetus throughout pregnancy
amniotic fluid functions
- protection
- temperature regulation
- infection prevention
- lung development
- movement
amniotic fluid initially produced by
amnion and later fetal urine & maternal bloodstream through the placenta
negative feedback
regulatory mechanism in biological systems where a change in a variable triggers a response that counteracts the initial change, maintaining homeostasis.
- it works to stabilize a system by reducing the output or activity when it deviates from a set point
oral contraceptive
prevent pregnancy primarily through hormonal regulation
- aka birth control pills
inhibition of ovulation
(oral contraceptive)
oral contraceptives maintain consistent hormone levels in the blood stream, which suppresses the release of gonadotropins (LH & FSH) from the pituitary glands through negative feedback
thickening of cervical mucus
(oral contraceptive)
progestin thickens the mucus in the cervix
- making it difficult for the sperm to travel through the cervix and reach the egg
endometrial alternation
hormones in birth control pills alter the lining of the uterus
- makes it less suitable for a fertilized egg to implant and grow
adnexae uteri
fallopian tubes, ovaries, and supporting ligament
innermost membranous sac surrounding the developing fetus
dark pigmented area surrounding the breast nipple
Bartholin glands
small, mucus secreting exocrine glands at the vaginal orifice
lower, neck like portion of the uterus
outermost layer f the two membranes surrounding the embryo
sensitive erectile tissue anterior to the opening of the female urethra
sexual intercourse
region in the lower abdomen, midway between the rectum and uterus
corpus luteum *
empty ovarian follicle
- secretes progesterone after release of egg cell (yellow body)
prenatal development from 2 to 8 weeks
inner, mucous membrane lining of the uterus
hormone produced by the ovaries that promotes female secondary sex characteristics
fallopian tube
one of a pair of ducts through which the ovum travels to the uterus
- oviduct
union of sperm cell and ovum from which the embryo develops
prenatal development from 8to 39/40 weeks
finger or fringe like projections at the end of the fallopian tubes
follicle stimulating hormone
secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulated maturation of the ovum
male or female sexual reproductive cells
- ex: sperm cell or ovum
reproductive organs
- aka genitals
period from fertilization of the ovum to birth
- aka pregnancy
female or male reproductive organs that produces sex cells and hormones
- ovary or testis
study of the female reproductive organs, including breasts
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) *
hormone produced by the placenta to sustain pregnancy by stimulating ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone
mucous membrane partially or completely covering the opening to the vagina
lips of vagain
lactiferous ducts
tubes that carry milk within the breast
luteinizing hormone (LH) *
secreted by pituitary gland to promote ovulation
mammary papilla
beginning of the first menstrual period and ability to reproduce
gradual ending of menstruation
monthly shedding of the uterine lineing
muscle layer of the uterus
branch of medicine that studies the disorders and care of the newborn
branch of the medicine concerned with pregnancy and childbirth
an opening
ovarian follicle
developing sac enclosing each ovum within the ovary
one of the pair of female organs on each side of the pelvis
- produces egg cells and hormones
release of the ovum from the ovary
mature egg cell
act of giving birth
area between the anus and vagina (women)
pituitary gland
endocrine gland at the base of the brain
- produces hormones to stimulate ovaries
- regulates other endocrine organs
vascular organ attached to the uterine wall during pregnancy
- allows exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and fetal waste products between mother and baby
condition of having a developing embryo and fetus in the female uterus for about 40 weeks
hormone produced by the corpus luteum in ovary and placenta of pregnant women
point in life cycle at which sex characteristics appear and gametes are produced
outermost layer surrounding the uterus
hallow, pear shaped muscular femal organ in which the embryo and fetus develop
muscular, mucosa lined canal extending from the uterus to the exterior of the body
external female genitalia
- labia, hymen, clitoris, and vaginal orifice
stage in prenatal development from fertilization and implantation to 2 weeks
cervical cancer (uterus)
malignant cells within cervix
cervicitis (uterus)
inflammation of the cervix
endometrial cancer (uterus)
malignant tumor of the uterine lining
endometriosis (uterus)
endometrial tissue located outside the uterus
ovarian cancer
malignant tumor of the ovary
ovarian cysts
collection of fluid within the sac in the ovary
inflammation of the fallopian tubes
inflammation of the ovaries
inflammation of the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus)
leading causes of pelvis inflammatory disease
abruptio placentae
premature separation of the normally implanted placenta
malignant tumor of the placenta
ectopic pregnancy
misplaced implantation of the egg
placenta previa
placenta partially or completely covers cervix (the opening of the uterus)
serious pregnancy complication characterized by high BP and signs of damage to another organ system
- most often the liver and kidneys
down syndrome
genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21
- characterized by intellectual disability, distinctive facial features, and various health issues
hemolytic disease of the newborn
condition where the immune system of the Rh negative mother produces antibodies that attack the RBCs of her RH positive baby
- leading to hemolysis and anemia in the newborn
hyaline membrane disease
respiratory distress syndrome
a condition in premature infants caused by insufficient surfactant in the lungs
- leads to difficulty breathing and decreased oxygen levels
condition characterized by the accumulation of CSF within the brain ventricles
- causes intracranial pressure, enlarged head size, potential brain damage
meconium aspiration syndrome
condition in newborns caused by inhalation of meconium stained amniotic fluid
- leads to respiratory distress, airway obstruction, and lung inflammation
pyloric stenosis
condition in infants where the pylorus muscles thicken, causing a blockage of food from the stomach to the small intestine
- leads to severs vomiting, dehydration, and weight loss
pap test (pap smear)
microscopic exam of stained cells removed from vagina and cervix
x-ray exam of the fallopian tubes and uterus in which a contrast medium such as dye or air is used
pregnancy test
blood or urine test to detect the presence of hCG
removal of a cone shaped section of the cervix
- ex: loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
laparoscopic oophorectomy
minimally invasive surgical procedure in which one or both ovaries are removed using a laparoscope
where a small amount of amniotic fluid is extracted from the amniotic sac surrounding a developing fetus
- done between 15th and 20th weeks
- tests for genetic conditions, chromosomal abnormalities, neural tube defects