Chapter 7 Urinary System Flashcards
nitrogenous waste products
uric acid
major nitrogenous waste excreted in the urine
chemical element that carries an electrical charge when dissolved in water.
- ex: sodium and potassium
importance of electrolytes
necessary for functioning muscles and nerves
- kidneys maintain the balance
body’s ability to maintain equilibrium within the internal environment
enzyme secreted by the kidney that raises blood pressure
- to keep blood moving through the kidney
erythropoietin (EPO)
hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow
vitamin D necessary for the absorption of calcium from the intestine
2 bean shaped organs on the sides of the lumbar spine
- removes nitrogenous waste
- balance water and electrolytes
- releases substances
outer region of the kidney
inner region of he kidney
depression on the medial border of the kidney
carries urine peristaltic waves from kidneys to bladder
urinary bladder
hallow, muscular sac that is a temporary reservoir for urine
triangular region at the base of the bladder
tube that carries urine from the urinary bladder to outside the body
process of expelling urine through the urethra
urinary meatus
external opening of the urethra
tube for injecting or removing fluids
- inserted through the urethra bladder
smallest arteries
a collection of tiny capillaries formed in the shape of a small ball
process where some substances but not all pass through a filter
nitrogenous waste excreted in urine
- a product pf muscle metabolism
uric acid
nitrogenous waste excreted in the urin
glomerular capsule
Bowman capsule
enclosing structure surrounding each glomerulus
- collects material that is filtered by blood through the walls
renal tubule
microscopic tube in the kidney where urine is formed after filtration
process whereby renal tubules return materials necessary to the body back into the bloodstream
functional unit of the kidney
renal pelvis
central collecting region in the kidney
small, cup like regions in the renal pelvis
active form of vitamin D, secreted by the kidney
outer region of the organ
creatinine clearence
a measure of the efficiency of the kidney removing creatinine from the blood
depression in the kidney where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave
opening or canal
inner region of an organ
nitrogenous waste
substance containing nitrogen and excreted by urine
electrolyte regulated by the kidney so that the proper concentration is maintained wuithin the blood
renal artery
blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney
renal vein
blood vessel that carries blood away from the kidney
electrolye regulated in the blood and urine by kidneys
- needed for porper transmission of nerve impulses , heart activity and metabolic functions
inflammation of the glomeruli within the kidney due to infection
interstitial nephritis
inflammation of the connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules
kidney stones
renal calculi
nephrotic syndrome
symptoms caused by excessive protein loss in urine
polycystic kidney disease
kidney contains masses of cysts
inflammation of the lining of the renal pelvis and renal parenchyma
renal cell carcinoma
adult cancer of kidneys
renal failure
decrease in excretion of waste results from impaired filtration function
renal hypertension
high blood pressure resulting from kidney disease
secondary hypertension
high blood pressure caused by abnormal condition
- ex: glomerulonephritis
essential hypertension
primary hypertension
high blood pressure with no underlying medical condition
Wilms tumor
malignant tumor of the kidney occurring in childhood
bladder cancer
malignant tumor of the urinary bladder
diabetes insipidus
antidiuretics hormone (ADH) is not secreted or there is a resistance of the kidney to ADH
diabetes mellitus
insulin is not secreted adequately or tissues are resistant to its effects
BUN ( blood urea nitrogen)
measurement of urea levels in blood
CT urohraphy
x-ray CT to show multiple cross-sectional and other views of the kidney
KUB (kidney, ureters, bladder)
x-ray exam of kidneys, ureters, and bladder
renal angiography
x-ray exam with contrast of the blood vessels of the kidney
retrograde pyelogram (RP)
x-ray of the renal pelvis and ureters after a contrast injection through urinary catheter into ureters from bladder
voiding cystourethrogram
x-ray with contrast of the bladder and urethra while the patient voids
imaging the urinary tract structures using high frequency sound waves
radioisotope scan
image of the kidney obtained after injecting radioactive substance into bloodstream
MRI urography
changing magnetic field produces images of the kidney and surrounding structures in 3 planes of the body
direct visualization of the urethra and urinary bladder with an endoscope
process of separating nitrogenous waste materials from the blood
urinary tract stones are crushed
renal angioplasty
dilation of the narrowed areas in renal arteries
renal biopsy
removal of kidney tissue for microscopic exam
renal transplantation
surgical transfer of a kidney from a doctor to a recipient
urinary catheterization
passage of a flexible, tubular instrument through the urethra into the urinary bladder
organs of the urinary system
urinary bladder
urinalysis test includes
- color
- appearance
3.pH (6.5 normal)
4, protein (looks for albumin) - glucose (looks for diabetes)
- specific gravity (amount of waste and materials)
7.ketone bodies (appears when body breaks down fat) - sediment- abnormal particles
- phenylketonuria (lack of enzymes esp. for infants
- bilirubin
what is a normal pH
Protein in the urinalysis
looks for albumin
- a leak in glomerular membrane
glucose in urinalysis
looks for diabetes
specific gravity in urinalysis
amount of waste and materials
ketone bodies in urinalysis
appears when body breaks down fats
sediments in urinalysis
indicates abnormal particles
phenylketonuria in urinalysis
indicates a lack of enzymes esp for infants
bilirubin in urinalysis
hemoglobin breakdown