Chapter 7 VOCAB Flashcards
Freedom from external control or influence; independence
The progression of the growth pattern that proceeds from head to toe
Coping skill
A behavior that helps an individual adapt to or manage a stressful situation
Defense mechanism
A reaction that is protective to the indiviual or helps conceal conflicts or anxieties
Indicates an increase in function and mastery of tasks for the specific phase in the lifespan
Expressive language
the ability to express thoughts in the words of a language
Indicates an increase in size
The period between ages 4 weeks and 1 year
Body language before the ability to speak
Receptive language
Ability to understand words
Separation anxiety
-When an infant cries or protests when the parent leaves the room or when approached by a stranger
-usually emerges after 6 months of age
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby
Referring to measurement of height of an infant while the infant is lying down
Nonverbal language
the language of the motions, postures, and gestures of the body that is learned as part of communication
Averages that can be used as guidelinies for comparison concerning, for example, the age that specific abilities or skills are achieved or disappear
Nursing caries
-Tooth decay that occurs when the infant is put to bed while sucking on a bottle of milk or juice
-The milk or juice pools in the mouth, allowing bacterial organisms to grow
Object permanence
Knowing and object is there even though it is not within sight
Ordinal position
Birth order; whether the infant is an only child, older child, youngest child, or middle child may influence the age and rapidity of mastering developmental tasks
A unique combination of characteristics that results in the individual’s recurrent pattern of behavior
Pincer action or grasp
The ability to pick up small objects with the thumb and forefinger