Chapter 6 VOCAB Flashcards
a pairing of genes that contain specific inheritable characteristics
Apgar score
A scoring system to evaluate the newborn at 1 & 5 minutes after birth
An affectionate bond that occurs over time as a result of interaction
The development of a strong emotional attachment between individuals, such as a mother and her infant
A thread of protein and DNA contained in the nucleus of every cell
A type of twin that occurs when two ova are released at ovulation and each ovum is fertilized by a separate sperm
Dominant gene
A gene that overpowers other genes so that its characteristics will be inherited
Ectopic pregnancy
A pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube
The first 30 days of life after birth
Sibling Rivalry
The competition between brothers and sisters, usually for parental attention and love
A group of symptoms or signs of an abnormal condition
Able to survive outside the uterus
Virus vector
A virus that has the ability to enter specific cells in the body and act as a vehicle to carry substances to that cell
En face
face to face
When fathers or significant others develop an intense focus on a newborn
Fetal alcohol syndrome
A group of symptoms present in a newborn infant resulting from maternal ingestion of alcohol during pregnancy
An unborn infant from the ninth week of coneption to birth
Gene therapy
-Involves placing a therpeutic gene on the back of a virus vector
-it will then carry the new gene into the cell that has a missing or defective gene
Genetic code
The code contained in the genes of living cells that will determine what characteristics will be inherited
Genetic counseling
The communication between a geneticist (a specialist in inherited conditions) and the parents regarding the risk of their infant inheriting genes that can result in an abnormality
A complete set of chromosomes and DNA that contain all the genetic information in the human cell
The period between conception and birth
A type of twin that develops when one single fertilized ovum separates into two separate embryos
More than one fetus – that is, twins, triplets, quadruplets, septuplets