Chapter 17 Key Terms Flashcards
What is anxiety?
A state of happiness and contentment
A psychological state characterized by apprehension, uneasiness, or fear
A physical illness
A psychological state characterized by apprehension, uneasiness, or fear
What does living an authentic life involve?
Conforming to external expectations
Being true to oneself and embracing one’s genuine values
Ignoring one’s own beliefs
Being true to oneself and embracing one’s genuine values
What does becoming refer to?
Stagnation and lack of personal growth
The continuous process of personal and existential growth, development, and transformation
Achieving a fixed state of being
The continuous process of personal and existential growth, development, and transformation
What does ‘being-beyond-the-world’ refer to in Binswanger’s existential analysis?
Being disconnected from the world
The transcendent nature of human existence
Being trapped in the world
The transcendent nature of human existence
What is constructive alternativism?
The belief that there is only one correct interpretation of events
The ability to construct alternative interpretations and predictions about events
The rejection of alternative perspectives
The ability to construct alternative interpretations and predictions about events
What does the term ‘daimonic’ refer to?
A state of complete happiness
An inner force that is both creative and destructive
A state of emptiness and void
An inner force that is both creative and destructive
What is Dasein in Heidegger’s philosophy?
The state of non-existence
Human existence or being-in-the-world
The state of enlightenment
Human existence or being-in-the-world
What is Daseinsanalysis?
A form of psychoanalysis focused on understanding an individual’s unique mode of being
A form of therapy that aims to eliminate existential anxiety
A form of analysis that focuses on external factors
A form of psychoanalysis focused on understanding an individual’s unique mode of being
What does ‘Eigenwelt’ refer to in Binswanger’s terms?
The objective world
The subjective world or self-world
The world of others
The subjective world or self-world
What is existential psychology?
A psychological approach that focuses on external factors
A psychological approach that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, choice, and the search for meaning
A psychological approach that focuses on unconscious desires
A psychological approach that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, choice, and the search for meaning
What is fixed-role therapy?
A therapy that aims to maintain fixed patterns of thinking
A therapy that involves enacting alternative roles to promote cognitive and behavioral flexibility
A therapy that focuses on fixed roles in society
A therapy that involves enacting alternative roles to promote cognitive and behavioral flexibility
What does ‘ground of existence’ refer to in Binswanger’s terms?
The foundation of society
The foundational basis or essence of an individual’s being-in-the-world
The physical environment
The foundational basis or essence of an individual’s being-in-the-world
What does guilt signify in Heidegger’s philosophy?
A moral concept
An existential feeling of falling short of one’s authentic possibilities
A state of happiness and contentment
An existential feeling of falling short of one’s authentic possibilities
What is the hierarchy of needs?
A theory that suggests human needs are arranged in a random order
A theory that suggests human needs are arranged in a hierarchical order
A theory that suggests human needs are all equally important
A theory that suggests human needs are arranged in a hierarchical order
What is the human dilemma according to Rollo May?
The existential challenge of balancing the need for security and freedom
The existential challenge of finding meaning in life
The existential challenge of achieving self-actualization
The existential challenge of balancing the need for security and freedom
What is humanistic psychology?
A psychological perspective that focuses on external factors
A psychological perspective that emphasizes human potential, subjective experience, self-actualization, and personal growth
A psychological perspective that focuses on unconscious desires
A psychological perspective that emphasizes human potential, subjective experience, self-actualization, and personal growth
What does it mean to live an inauthentic life?
Being true to oneself and conforming to external expectations
Being true to oneself and suppressing one’s genuine values and beliefs
Not being true to oneself and conforming to external expectations
Not being true to oneself and suppressing one’s genuine values and beliefs
Not being true to oneself and conforming to external expectations
According to Carl Rogers, what is an incongruent person?
Someone whose self-concept aligns with their actual experiences
Someone whose self-concept does not align with their actual experiences
Someone who experiences inner conflict and psychological distress
Someone who experiences inner peace and psychological well-being
Someone whose self-concept does not align with their actual experiences
What does the concept of intentionality by Franz Brentano emphasize?
The directedness of consciousness toward objects
The importance of self-concept in shaping one’s experiences
The influence of others on one’s own existence
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
The directedness of consciousness toward objects
What does Mitwelt refer to in Binswanger’s philosophy?
The shared world of interpersonal relationships
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
The directedness of consciousness toward objects
The innate evaluative mechanism guiding individuals
The shared world of interpersonal relationships
What is the focus of narrative therapy?
Studying human strengths and virtues
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
According to George Kelly, how is perception influenced?
By an individual’s needs and expectations
By the shared world of interpersonal relationships
By the directedness of consciousness toward objects
By the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
By an individual’s needs and expectations
What is the need for positive regard according to Carl Rogers?
The innate human desire for acceptance, love, and approval from others
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
The sense of disconnection from one’s authentic self
The inhibition of authentic self-expression
The innate human desire for acceptance, love, and approval from others
What does neurotic anxiety involve?
Irrational fears and apprehensions that hinder well-being
Natural and proportionate response to stressors
The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
Irrational fears and apprehensions that hinder well-being
What is normal anxiety?
Irrational fears and apprehensions that hinder well-being
Natural and proportionate response to stressors
The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
Natural and proportionate response to stressors
What is ontology?
The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of being, existence, and reality
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
The sense of disconnection from one’s authentic self
The inhibition of authentic self-expression
The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of being, existence, and reality
What is the organismic valuing process in Carl Rogers’ theory?
The innate evaluative mechanism guiding individuals
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
The sense of disconnection from one’s authentic self
The inhibition of authentic self-expression
The innate evaluative mechanism guiding individuals
What is the focus of positive psychology?
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
Studying human strengths, virtues, and optimal functioning
The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
Studying human strengths, virtues, and optimal functioning
What is propositional thinking according to George Kelly?
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
The importance of self-concept in shaping one’s experiences
The influence of others on one’s own existence
The formation of hypotheses and predictions about the world
The formation of hypotheses and predictions about the world
What is pure phenomenology according to Edmund Husserl?
The importance of self-concept in shaping one’s experiences
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
The shared world of interpersonal relationships
The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
What is self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
The innate human desire for acceptance, love, and approval from others
The sense of disconnection from one’s authentic self
The inhibition of authentic self-expression
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
What is self-alienation?
The innate human desire for acceptance, love, and approval from others
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
A sense of disconnection from one’s authentic self
The inhibition of authentic self-expression
A sense of disconnection from one’s authentic self
What is self-characterization?
The development and definition of one’s identity
The realization of one’s full potential and the pursuit of personal growth
The innate human desire for acceptance, love, and approval from others
The inhibition of authentic self-expression
The development and definition of one’s identity
What is third-force psychology?
The pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment
The description of conscious experience without presuppositions
The construction and reconstruction of personal narratives
A branch of psychology focused on studying human strengths and virtues
A branch of psychology focused on studying human strengths and virtues
What does third-force psychology emphasize?
Biological and physical environment
Behaviorism and psychoanalysis
Spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
Subjective and experiential aspects of human nature
Subjective and experiential aspects of human nature
What does thrownness refer to in Heidegger’s philosophy?
The acceptance and support provided by others without judgment or conditions
The idea that individuals find themselves in a world not of their choosing
The exploration of the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
The unique way of structuring and giving meaning to one’s personal world
The idea that individuals find themselves in a world not of their choosing
What does transpersonal psychology explore?
Subjective and experiential aspects of human nature
Behaviorism and psychoanalysis
Spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
Biological and physical environment
Spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
What does umwelt refer to in Binswanger’s philosophy?
The acceptance and support provided by others without judgment or conditions
The idea that individuals find themselves in a world not of their choosing
The exploration of the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
The biological and physical environment in which an individual exists
The biological and physical environment in which an individual exists
What is unconditional positive regard according to Carl Rogers?
Subjective and experiential aspects of human nature
The acceptance and support provided by others without judgment or conditions
Spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
The unique way of structuring and giving meaning to one’s personal world
The acceptance and support provided by others without judgment or conditions
What does world design involve according to Binswanger?
Subjective and experiential aspects of human nature
The idea that individuals find themselves in a world not of their choosing
Spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience
The unique way of structuring and giving meaning to one’s personal world
The unique way of structuring and giving meaning to one’s personal world