Chapter 16.4 Flashcards
Massachusetts 54th
Free blacks who became one of the first all black regiments to fight in the civil war. They overcame racism and the unwillingness to allow blacks to fight in actual battles to play a major attack on fort Wagner. Half of all men in this regiment were killed or wounded in this attack.
If blacks were caught in the south as union soldiers, what did the risk
Becoming a slave
Confederacy lost 40% of their men by the end of 1863. Both sides would institute a draft(conscription)
Southern conscription
Drafted ages 18-45 and eventually up to 65. To get out of draft, you owned more then 20 slaves or you could hire a substitute to go in your place
Northern conscription
They had draft riots. To get out of the draft, you could hire a substitute. Union offered $300 to men who join the army. The northern filled most of its ranks with volunteers because of the bounty
Opposition to war
People from both sides who opposed the war
Northern democrats who opposed the war. Lincoln would throw them in jail and keep them there. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus(said u could see a judge)
Major result of the copperheads
Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus( said u could see a judge)
The value of money falls while the price of goods increase
Inflammation in the south
Inflammation rose 9,000%
It usually costs $6.65 a month for food in 1861. By 1863, it was $68 a month
Prison camps
Terrible place in the north and south. In one northern camp, 24% died of disease or exposure. In southern camps, for example Andersonville, Ga, 100 men died a day from disease or exposure. They had contaminated water there
Military doctors
The battlefields were usually riddled with bodies following a battle. The first people on the scene were doctors who weren’t really doctors. Most doctors never attended medical school, but they learned along the way.
Role of women
Women became main source of income for the family. They had to raise the children, provide financial support, and take care of the family business. In the south, this included planting and harvesting crops
What did Clara Barton help begin
Red Cross
Clara Barton
Hero on the battlefield cause of the comfort she gave injured soldiers. She helped coordinate the delivery of medical supplies to the front and she worked to assist doctors on the battlefield. Later helped begin the Red Cross
Minie ball
Increased casualties and made the civil war more bloody
As slaves were captured or ran away from their plantations, they were placed under the control of the Union army. The army called them contraband because they were seen as property. Eventually the army will allow these former slaves to fight for the union cause