Chapter 15: Hallucinogens - Monoaminergic Flashcards
Prior human experience with LSD before it was synthesized was Ergotism( St.Anthony’s fire). Explain
- from eating ergot-infested rye….
When was Lysergic Acid Diethylamide first synthesized? (LSD)
- 1938
What are the symptoms of ergot fungus?
-St. Anthony’s fire type
- constricted blood flow to the limbs making the person feel excessively warm.
- can lead to gangrene (limb falls off)
- during Middle Ages
- derivatives of LSD in the fungus
Symptoms of other types of fungus?
- convulsions
- delirium
- hallucinations
When was the first LSD trip and by who?
- 1943
- Albert Hoffman
What did Humphrey Osmond suggest with LSD ?
- model for psychosis
What did the US army and CIA use LSD for?
- incapacitation and interrogation
Who coined the term psychedelic?
- Timothy Leary in 1960 at Harvard University
- tested on students
L> empty room: no effect
L> home: big effect - environment has a huge effect on experience
- physical description
- Blood brain barrier and placental?
- Effective dose?Duration of effect??
- Onset of action?
- Tolerance?
- Cross tolerance ?
- Physical dependance and lethality?
- odourless, colourless, tasteless
- crosses them easily
- 50 micrograms
- 30-90 mins, duration of effect= 5-12 hours
- Tolerance develops very rapidly and totally but reverses quickly (3-4 days)
- With mescaline and psilocybin
- none present
How is LSD sold?
- as hits
L> 0- 300ug ..avg= 200
Traditionally how is LSD been absorbed?
- blotting paper, which may be plain or printed with various cartoons or mosaic patterns.
What is a gel tab?
- LSD is in gelatine, that is set in moulds of various shapes, or flat squares called window panes.
What are microdots?
- candies, tiny pills containing LSD
Which is better and why: Gelatine LSD or Blotting paper?
- Gelatine!
L> it protects the LSD from deterioration caused via light and exposure to air…..
How is Mescaline acquired?
- dried heads of the peyote cactus
L> taken orally or dipped in a drink…. (200 to 400 ug)
There are few common physical effects on the body from LSD but what are some common ones?
- dilatation of pupils
- nausea
- changes in body temp
- increased heart rate
LSD has an affinity for __ receptors, especially in the ___ cortex, this may be responsible for altered interpretation of what?
- 5-HT2a
- medial prefrontal
- sensory info and cognitive distortions
LSD activates the __ neurons of the _____; enhancing the response to ____ stimuli.
- NE, locus coeruleus
- novel
LSD produces hallucinatory effects that are _ unique; they are determined by characteristics of the ___, not by the___.
L> list three examples of this
- not
- brain
- drug
1. vastly diff drugs cause similar hallucinations
2. visual effects are similar to those during non drug hallucinations
3. hallucinations are similar in different cultures
Subjective effects of LSD:
- Entactogenic effects
- Empathogenic effects
- personal insight
2. experience of great emotional or personal significance (religious exp)
Subjective effects:
1. Hallucinogenic effects
- vivid visual images
L> opened eyes= projected on whatever object looking at
L> closed eyes= blackbackground
- geometric images
Common geometric images hallucinated on LSD?
- grating
- lattice
- cobweb
- tunnel
- funnel
- cone
- spiral
Visual hallucinations occur in what three states?
- fever deliriums
- insulin hypoglycaemia
- Hyponogogic states (before drifting off to sleep )
Geometric images are in phase one of hallucinations what are present in phase two during LSD trips?
- personally meaningful images
Tripping : Phase 1. Phase 2. Phase 3. L> a. L> b.
- autonomic effects
- early hallucinations: colours, geometric patterns, synesthesia(cross over of senses)
- complex hallucinations
a. dream like states with detached observations
b. involvement in imagery, with cognitive and mood changes; true loss of reality.
Bad trips :
- more common in what users?
- cause disturbing ___ and ___.
- Cause the sense of being ____ in the state.
- Key factors involved in a bad trip?
- can they be talked down?
- novice users
- imagery and thoughts
- trapped
- negative set (mind set) and setting
- yes they can but not if on PCP
- Phantasticant Effects
- Perceptual Effects
- experiences they are having are of great emotional or worldly experience… (spiritual in nature)
- greatly enhanced pleasure derived from viewing art, and especially listening to music.
Describe a psychotic reaction!
- does it require hospitalization?
- who is it common in?
- symptoms resemble?
- this can develop after?
- hospitalization
- more common in already mentally unstable individuals
- schizophrenia like symptoms but especially paranoia
- can develop after inadvertent use (not being prepared before use)
- Can cause spontaneous what?
- More common after what?
- Can be triggered by what?
- Is the mechanism known?
- recurrence of elements of a trip after a drug free period
- multiple trips
- other drugs after LSD use
- unknown
Clinical applications of LSD?
- Model of psychosis?
- clinical uses?
- no, high doses of PCP (phencycline/ angels dust) or amph are better giving better psychomimetic effects (mimicking psychosis)
- no current uses
Self administration of LSD?
- Animals
- Humans
- does not generally occur, animals usually find LSD aversive
- LSD is taken episodically, and does not typically increase over time.
Lysergic Acid Amide:
- found in what ?
- compare to LSD effect?
- Commercially available?
- morning glory seeds (Ololiuqui )
- inferior to LSD
- yes, seeds are coated with an emetic so you puke if you try to administer them
Mescaline: 1. from? 2. hallucinations? 3. Is there amnesia or mental clouding? 4. Chemical characteristics: A. BBB? and Placenta? B. half life? C. sympathomimetic effects?
- peyote cactus
- clear visual hallucinations; geometric patterns and intense, saturated colours
- NO
- A. pass poorly…require high doses
B. 6 hours
C. some, due to noradrenergic properties
Psilocybin and Psilocin A. from? B. Aztecs called it? C. Perceptual distortions? D. Other two distortions?
A. Psilocybe (Magic Muschrooms)
B. Teonanacatl= God’s flesh
C. time and space
D. Body image distortions and out of the body effects (depersonalization)
Myristicin and Elemicin :
A. Found in?
B. resembles chemically?
C. Effects?
A. nutmeg and mace
B. mescaline
C. Euphoria, but also unpleasant toxic effects (similar to anticholinergic hallucinogens)
- no withdrawal ever documented b/c never taken continuously for any period of time…and do not lead to physical dependance