CH 7 Flashcards
Axial skeleton
Articular surfaces
- Condyle
- Facet
- Head
- Trochlea
Anything that sticks out
Can be flat, etc.
Round process that forms joint
Large, smooth, round, ovalular
Small, flat, shallow, articulating surface
Round part that joins joint
Prominent, rounded epiphysis
Smooth, grooved, pulley-like articular process
- Alveolus
- Fossa
- Sulcus
Alveolus/ alveoli
Deep pit or socket in the maxillae or mandible
Fossa/ fossae
Flattened or shallow depression
Narrow groove
Openings and spaces
- Canal
- Fissure
- Foramen
- Sinus
Canal/ meatus
Passageway through a bone (tunnel)
Narrow, slitlike opening through a bone
Foramen/ foramina
Rounded passageway through bone (hole)
What travels through foramina?
Supply of blood vessels and nerves
Cavity or hollow space in bone
Projections for tendon and ligament attachment
- Crest
- Epicondyle
- Line
- Process
- Ramus
- Spine
- Trochanter
- Tubercle
- Tuberosity
Narrow, prominent ridgelike projection
Projection adjacent to a condyle
Low ridge
Any marked bony prominence (anything that sticks out)
Can be flat, etc.
Ramus/ rami
Angular extension of a bone relative to the rest of the structure
Pointed, slender process
Massive, rough projection found only on the femur
Small, rounded projection
Large, rough projection
Number of bones in a human skeleton
2 categories of a skeleton
- Axial
- Appendicular
Head, neck, trunk
Appendages, extremities
Number of bones in the axial skeleton
Components of the axial skeleton
- Skull
- Skull associated bones
- Vertebral column
- Thoracic cage
Number of bones in the skull
8 cranial
14 facial
Number of skull related bones
Auditory ossicles: malleus (2), incus (2), stapes (2)
Hyoid (1)
Number of bones in the vertebral column
24 vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar)
1 sacrum
1 coccyx
Number of bones in the thoracic cage
24 ribs, 1 sternum
Categories of the skull bones
- Facial
- Cranial
Number of facial bones
Number of cranial bones
Cranial bones
- Frontal (1)
- Parietal (2)
- Temporal (2)
- Occipital (1)
- Sphenoid (1)
- Ethmoid (1)
Frontal bone parts
- Supraorbital margin
- Frontal sinus
- Orbital plate
- Glabella
The frontal bone forms the ___________
forehead, calvaria, roof of orbits
AKA skull cap
Uppermost portion of the skull
Eye sockets, bony cavities that hold and protect the eyes
In between the orbits, superior to the nasal bones
Supraorbital margin
Forms the protective superior border of orbit
Orbital part/plate
Forms roof of the orbit
Lighten bone, moisten inhaled air, give resonance to voice
Frontal sinuses
- Squamous portion
- Petrous portion
- Mastoid process
- Styloid process
- Stylomastoid foramen
- Zygomatic process
- External auditory meatus
- Mandibular fossa
- Internal acoustic meatus
- Carotid canal
Temporal bones
Temporal bones
Form inferior lateral wall and part of cranial floor
Squamous part/portion
Attachment site for scalp muscles
Petrous portion
Protects sensory structures in the inner ear
Mastoid process
Attachment site for some neck muscles to extend or rotate the head
Styloid process
Attachment site for hyoid bone ligaments and muscles
Stylomastoid foramen
Lies between the mastoid process and styloid process
Zygomatic processes
Articulates with the zygomatic bones to form the zygomatic arch
External auditory meatus
External auditory canal (think outer ear hole, really more of a tunnel)
Mandibular fossa
Articulates with the mandible inferior to the base of the zygomatic processes
Internal acoustic/auditory meatus/canal
Passageway for blood vessels and nerves to and from the inner ear
Carotid canal
Transmits the inner carotid artery; medial to styloid process
(think inner ear hole that has the carotid artery)
Occipital bone parts
- Occipital condyle
- Foramen magnum
- Hypoglossal canal
- External occipital protuberance
Occipital bone
Forms posterior portion of the skull
Occipital condyle
Smooth knobs that articulate with the first cervical vertebra (atlas)
Foramen magnum
Large, circular opening where the spinal cord passes through
Hypoglossal canal
Canal where the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) extends to supply the tongue muscles
External occipital protuberance
Attachment of muscles that move the head