Cells Flashcards
All cells come from
Pre-existing cells
What occurs in cells
What does the plasma membrane have
A phospholipid bilayer with a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic lipid tail
What alters the fluidity of the phospholipid bilayer
Cholesterol as the hydrophobic tail becomes kinked
What is the model use for the plasma membrane
Fluid Mosaic model
What is special about the plasma membrane
It is selectively permeable to allow passive and active diffusion
What does the rough endoplasmic reticulum have
What is the function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Site of fatty acid and phospholipid synthesis
Golgi apparatus function
Sorts proteins and lipids by recognising tags encoded within the protein, it is the site of post-translational modification
What are the three regions in the Golgi apparatus
Cis (same), medial (middle), trans (away)
Lysosomes contain
A battery of degrative enzymes and it has a pH of five
Peroxisome function
Has enzymes which break down fatty acids and amino acids by generating hydrogen peroxide (catalase neutralises hydrogen peroxide)
Peroxisome contains
A crystalline container of catalase
Mitochondrion function
Aerobic degradation of glucose
What are the membranes of the mitochondrion
The inner which has a large number of Christae and the outer which is permeable to Porins (facilitates transport)
Mitochondrion proton gradient
Pi + ADP -> ATP
Cytoskeleton function
Involved in mitosis, provide support, enable cellular locomotion, acts as a highway for intracellular vesicles, control shape of cell
What are the three sections of the cytoskeleton
Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules
What are the two microfilaments
Actin filament and the G actin and the F actin which stick together
The actin filament has a
+ and – Ends, The filament grows more at the + end
Acton and myosin cause
Muscle contraction
Intermediate filaments have
Keratin, lamins (nucleus) and neurofilament proteins
Microtubules function
They provide structural mobility as they microtubules can go and shorten, they are also used in transport medium
Microtubules have
Alpha and beta tubulin
Why are stem cells good
They divide indefinitely and are not differentiated
What is in a prokaryotic cell
Capsule, cytoplasm, ribosomes, nucleoid, flagellum, plasma membrane, peptidoglycan, outer membrane, cell wall
Eukaryotic cells have
Mitochondrion, cytoskeleton, nucleus, nucleolus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane, Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, centrioles, peroxisome, free ribosomes
Prokaryote vs eukaryote cell size
2 micro meters, 10-100 micro meters
Amount of dna- prokaryote vs eukaryotes
136mm, 990mm
Number of genes prokaryote VS eukaryote
4377, 30–38000
DNA organisation prokaryote VS eukaryote
One circular chromosome in nucleoid, two or more chromosomes in membrane-bound nucleus
Organelles in prokaryote VS eukaryote 
None, Extensive and specialise