Cartilage and Bone Tissue (Q1,P4) Flashcards
Hyaline Cartilage (glass)
- Most abundant cartilage
- Provides support through flexibility
Elastic cartilage
- Contains many elastic fibers
- Able to tolerate repeated bending
- Resists strong compression and strong tension
- An intermediate between hyaline and elastic cartilage
Support (Bones)
provides hard framework
skeletal muscles use bones as
Protects underlying organs
Mineral storage
reservoir for important minerals
Blood-cell formation
bone contains red marrow; this is the site of blood cell formation; also called “hematopoiesis”
Long bones
longer than wide – a shaft plus
Short bones
roughly cube-shaped
Flat bones
thin and flattened, usually curved
Irregular bones
various shapes, do not fit into
other categories
Compact bone
dense outer layer of bone
Spongy (cancellous; trabecular) bone
internal network of bone
Part of a long bone;“shaft” of a bone
Part of a long bone; ends of a bone
Blood vessels
Part of a long bone; well vascularized
Medullary cavity
Part of a long bone; hollow cavity in the shaft of the bone; filled with yellow marrow
Membrane of a long bone; the fibrous membrane that covers the external surfaces of bones except at their articular surfaces
Sharpey’s fibers (perforating fibers)
Membrane of a long bone; fibers extending from the periosteum into the lamellae of the bone
membrane of a long bone; membrane lining the medullary cavity of bone and other inner bone surfaces
Osteon or Haversian System
microscopic bone unit of compact bone, consisting of Haversian canals and the surrounding lamellae;
long cylindrical structures oriented parallel to the long axis of the bone and to the main compressive forces.
What is the functionality of the Osteon?
osteons can be viewed as miniature
weight-bearing pillars
What is the structural function of the Osteon?
an osteon is a group of concentric tubes
resembling the rings of a tree trunk
Lamella (lamellae)
a layer of bone matrix in which the collagen fibers and mineral crystals align and run in a single direction; the fibers and crystals of adjacent lamellae always run in roughly opposite directions
Why is the alternating pattern of the lamella important?
This alternating pattern is optimal for withstanding
torsion, or twisting, stresses
Central Canal (Haversian Canal)
runs through the core of each osteon; is lined by endosteum; contains blood vessels which provide nutrients to the bone cells, and nerve fibers
Perforating canals (Volkmann’s canals)
- lie at right angles to the central canals
- connect the blood and nerve supply of the periosteum to that of the central canals and the marrow cavity
mature bone cells; spider-shaped;
their bodies occupy small cavities in the solid matrix called lacunae
What is Collagen’s function in bones?
contributes to the flexibility and tensile strength that allows bone to resist stretching and twisting
What is the chemical composition of bone?
- 35% organic compounds: cells, fibers, and organic substances
- 65% inorganic mineral salts: primarily calcium phosphate
- Collagen
what is Calcium phosphate’s function in bones?
-mineral salts are present in tiny crystals that lie in and around the collagen fibrils
- Resists compression; provides bone with its hardness
Space that houses osteocytes
Canals that run through the lamella; contain the spider legs of the osteocytes; connect Lacunae to the nearest blood supply