Cardiopulmonary: Study Set 5 Flashcards
What is the numeric scale of the RPE/Borg scale
6-20 or 0-10
6 is very, very light
13 is somewhat hard
17 is very hard
20 is maximal
What number on the RPE scale represents about 70% of HR max during exercise?
What is considered to be the normal pacemaker of the heart
SA node
What structures of the heart make up the cardiac conduction system
SA node, AV node, bundle of HIS, left and right branches, Purkinje fibers
What is the bainbridge reflex
increase in venous return stretches receptors in the right atrium which increase heart rate
does preload involve venous filling pressure of the left or right ventricle
what is afterload
the forces that impede the flow of blood out of the heart
what is stroke volume
refers to the volume of blood ejected by each contraction of the left ventricle
what is normal stroke volume
sixty to eighty ml
what is cardiac output and what are the norms
the amount of blood pumped from the left or right ventricle per minute. normal is 4.5 for males at rest and slightly lower for women
During exercise, what can cardiac output increase to
25 L/min
what is venous return
the amount of blood that returns to the right atrium each minute
The veins of the upper and lower extremities are subdivided into superficial and deep. Both types of veins have valves, however are there more veins in the superficial or deep group, and are there more in the UE or in the LE.
more veins in the deep LE
What part of the body/heart makes up the pulmonary circulation
deoxygenated blood is taken from the heart to the lungs via pulmonary arterial trunk, arteries, arterioles, and capillaries
True or false
Sympathetic innervation of the bronchi and pulmonary blood vessels is via the vagus nerve
false, parasympathetic
What part of the brain aids in the control of breathing
- Basal ganglia
- Cerebellum
- Medulla
- Pons
What is rate pressure product or double product
an index of myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary blood flow.
What is the equation for finding rate pressure produce or double product
The answer is written as a multiple of 10^3. for example,
HR = 100, SBP = 120 then
100 x 120 = 12 x 10^3
What is the procedure for administering a pulmonary function test
The pt will maintain an upright posture and exhale into a spirometer mouth piece as hard and long as they can for 6 seconds.
Your pt is taking a pulmonary function test. What is the primary indicator that they have an obstructive airway impairment
FEV1/FVC less than 70%
What percent of airway obstruction is classified with the following
1. normal variant
2. mild obstruction
3. moderate obstruction
4. moder to severe obstruction
5. severe obstruction
- normal variant = 100%
- mild obstruction = 70-100%
- moderate obstruction = 60-70%
- moderate to severe obstruction = 50-60%
- severe obstruction = less than 50%
If your patient has a restrictive airway impairment, what will their pulmonary function test result be
eighty percent to normal
State whether the following are obstructive or restrictive airway impairments
asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis
State whether the following are obstructive or restrictive airway impairments
lung disease, obesity, pregnancy, tumor, respiratory disease
What are normal respiratory rates for the following age groups
- Newborn
- 1 y/o
- 10 y/o
- Adult
- Newborn = 33-45 breaths per min
- 1 y/o = 25-35 breaths per min
- 10 y/o = 15-20 breaths per min
- Adult = 12 - 20 breaths per min
What is the normal ratio between inspiration to expiration
What is the ratio for a pt with COPD
what is biot’s breathing pattern
irregular breathing that causes damage to the medulla
what is Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern
decreasing rate and depth of breathing with periods of apnea; can occur due to central nervous system damage
What is eupnea
normal rate of breathing
what is Kussmaul’s berathing pattern
deep and fast breathing associated with metabolic acidosis
What is paradoxical breathing pattern
chest wall moves in with inhalation and out with exhalation due to chest trauma or paralysis of the diaphragm