Carbohydrates Tests for DM Flashcards
Screening for diabetes should occur
Every 3 years for adults ≥45 years old; every year for individuals with ≥1 risk factor
RPG (Random Plasma Glucose) test is used with
Symptoms of diabetes (3P) for diagnosis
RPG criteria for diagnosing diabetes is
≥200 mg/dL with symptoms of DM
Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) requires
At least 8 hours of fasting (only water allowed)
Normal FPG is
<100 mg/dL
Prediabetes FPG is
100-125 mg/dL
Diabetes FPG is
≥126 mg/dL (confirmatory)
2-hour Post-Prandial Plasma Glucose (OGTT) requires
CHO intake ≥150 g/day for 3 days prior to test
Fasting for 2-hour Post-Prandial Plasma Glucose (OGTT) test is
8-14 hours
Standard load for OGTT is
75 grams for adults, or 1.75g/kg body weight for children
Normal 2-hour Post-Prandial Plasma Glucose (OGTT) is
<140 mg/dL
Prediabetes 2-hour Post-Prandial Plasma Glucose (OGTT) is
140-199 mg/dL
Diabetes 2-hour Post-Prandial Plasma Glucose (OGTT) is
≥200 mg/dL
HbA1c specimen type is
EDTA whole blood
HbA1c test is
Not affected by meal or fasting
Prediabetes HbA1c is
Diabetes HbA1c is
Screening period for GDM in nondiabetic pregnant women
24-28 weeks of gestation
One-Step Method for GDM uses
75 g glucose load (2-hour OGTT)
One-Step Method FPG diagnostic criterion is
> = 92 mg/dL
One-Step Method 1-hour plasma glucose (PG) diagnostic criterion is
> = 180 mg/dL
One-Step Method 2-hour plasma glucose (PG) diagnostic criterion is
> = 153 mg/dL
Two-Step Method Step 1 glucose load is
50 g (1-hour OGTT)
Two-Step Method Step 1 diagnostic threshold to proceed to Step 2 is
> = 140 mg/dL
Alternative Two-Step Method Step 1 thresholds with greater sensitivity are
> = 130 or 135 mg/dL
Two-Step Method Step 2 glucose load is
100 g (3-hour OGTT)
Two-Step Method Step 2 FPG diagnostic criterion is
> = 95 mg/dL
Two-Step Method Step 2 1-hour plasma glucose (PG) diagnostic criterion is
> = 180 mg/dL
Two-Step Method Step 2 2-hour plasma glucose (PG) diagnostic criterion is
> = 155 mg/dL
Two-Step Method Step 2 3-hour plasma glucose (PG) diagnostic criterion is
> = 140 mg/dL
Positive result for Two-Step Method is defined as
2 out of 4 values meeting or exceeding the threshold
Whole blood glucose monitoring is commonly performed using
POCT devices at home or patient bedside
Frequency of blood glucose monitoring for Type 1 DM according to ADA
3-4 times daily
Comparison of whole blood glucose to plasma glucose levels
10-15% lower than plasma glucose
ADA glycemic goal for pre-prandial glucose
70-130 mg/dL
ADA glycemic goal for post-prandial glucose
<180 mg/dL
Definition of HbA1c
HbA with glucose irreversibly attached to one or both N-terminal valines of the β-chains
Duration HbA1c reflects average blood glucose
2-3 months (120-day RBC lifespan)
ADA glycemic goal for HbA1c
HbA1c value indicating poor glycemic control
> 12%
Equation to estimate Average Glucose (eAG) from HbA1c
eAG = (28.7*A1c) - 46.7
Definition of fructosamine
Glycosylated albumin reflecting glucose control over 2-3 weeks
Clinical use of fructosamine
Used when HbA1c is unreliable
Reference range for fructosamine
205-285 umol/L
Fructosamine is unreliable in patients with serum albumin level
≤3 g/dL
Microalbuminuria is an early indicator of
Diabetic nephropathy
Microalbuminuria diagnostic criteria
20-200 ug/min, 30-300 mg/24h, or albumin-creatinine ratio of 30-300 ug/mg
Microalbuminuria confirmation requires persistence in
2 out of 3 urine collections within 3-6 months