Arterial Blood Gas and Acid Base di Flashcards
Specimen for ABG
Arterial blood (required if pO₂ will be measured)
Specimen collection method for arterial blood gas
Collected without tourniquet in 1- to 3-mL sterile glass syringes
Anticoagulant for ABG
Lyophilized heparin (preferred) or 0.05 mL liquid heparin (1000 IU/mL) per mL of blood
Handling of ABG specimen
Anaerobic collection, kept on ice to retard WBC metabolism, assayed within 15 minutes
Principle for pH, pCO₂, pO₂ measurement
pH instrument
pH electrode
pCO₂ instrument
Severinghaus electrode
pO₂ instrument
Clark method (pO₂ electrode)
Calibration for pH and pCO₂
2 phosphate buffers (anaerobic, RT)
pCO₂ calibration
2 gases of known pCO₂
SaO₂ instrument
SaO₂ principle
Spectrophotometric measurement of absorbance at isobestic and differential points
SaO₂ calibration
Calibration curve prepared from specimens with 0% and 100% O₂ saturation
Reference value pH
Reference value pCO2
35-45 mmHg