Biology Lab Techniques Flashcards
Spins and separates liquified cell homogenates into layers based on density
Nuclei (most dense)–> mitochondria/lysosome/peroxisome—> microsomes (inner membranes from ER)/ vesicles—–> Ribosomes/viruses/large macromolecules
Density Centrifugation
Continuous layer of sediment
Differential centrifugation
Density and shape dependent
Based on speed the macromolecule travels at
Spin, take dense pellet, and spin again
Technique allowing visualization of cell’s chromosomes
Usually performed during metaphase
Enzymes from bacteria used to cut specific sequences of DNA
Leaves single stranded sticky ends
Cleave phosphodiester backbone internally to remove NT
Cuts internally
Cut out NTs from one end
Result in freed nucleosides
Gel Electrophoresis
Seperates DNA molecules based on size
DNA first cut with RE
Also used to seperate proteins and amino acids (smaller= faster)
Move from cathode (negative)—–> anode (positive)
Involved in DNA replication
Amplifies DNA
Sample mixed with Taq polymerase (heat stable form of DNA polymerase) and nucleotides and primers
Complementary DNA
Way to get DNA without introns
Can close human gene using bacteria
Fully processed mRNA is extracted from cells and placed with the enzyme reverse transcriptase
turns mRNA into DNA
Closeness of 2+ measurements to each other
Closeness of a measure value to a standard or known value
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
Uses an enzyme to quantify or detect the presence of a give substrate (i.e Ab or antigens)