BIO Ch. 3 Embryogenesis & Development Flashcards
What is the pathway of sperm penetrating an egg?
The sperm uses the acrosomal enzymes to penetrate the corona radiata and zona pellucida, causing a release of calcium ions, which prevents additional sperm from fertilizing the egg and increasing the metabolic rate of the resulting diploid zygote. Once it contacts the oocyte’s plasma membrane, the sperm establishes the acrosomal apparatus and injects its pronucleus.
Where does fertilization occur?
in the ampulla of the fallopian tube
What is the diff b/w di and monozygotic twins?
fraternal (dizygotic) twins results from the fertilization of 2 eggs by 2 different sperm, while identical (monozygotic) results from the slitting of a zygote into 2
When does a zygote become an embryo?
after the first cleavage (divisions of embryonic cells) because it is no longer unicellular
What is the diff b/w indeterminate and determinate cleavage?
indeterminate cleavage results in ells that are capable of becoming any cell in the organism, while determinate results in cells that are committed to differentiating into specific cell types
What are the 2 different cell types of the blastula?
blastocysts have 2 different cell types - trophoblast, which becomes the placental structure, and inner cell mass, which becomes the developing organism
What is the role of the aminon?
the amnion lies in the chorion and produces amniotic fluid
What is the role of the yolk sac?
supports the embryo before the placenta is estbalished
What are the 3 primary germ layers of the arhenteron?
the ecto, meso and endoderm
What does the ectoderm become?
epidermis, hair, nails and epithelia of the nose, mouth, and anal canal, as well as the lens of the eyes, and nervous system including the adrenal medulla
What does the mesoderm become?
musculoskeletal, circulatory and excretory systems, and also gives rise to the gonads and the muscular and connective tissue layers of the digestive tracts and respiratory systems as well as the adrenal cortex
What does the endoderm become?
becomes the epithelial lining of the respiratory an digestive tracts, and parts of the pancreas, thyroid, bladder, and distal urinary tracts
What is neurulation?
the development of the nervous system begins after the formation of the 3 germ layers
How does the neural tube form?
the neural folds fuse to form the neural tube, which becomes the CNS
What do the neural crest cells become?
it becomes the peripheral Nervous system (sensory ganglia, autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla, and Schwan cells) as well as specific cell types in other tissues (calcium-producing cells of the thyroid, melanocytes in the skin, and others)